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    OH police come to the door you come to no home shots fired cry never sleeps taser I think but neither stand still do the [Applause] cops battling on the front line Taser Taser oh notum just finest St impact highly trained Pursuit drivers specialists in entry go go go go

    And search 4 oz of cannabis rapid response Firearms officers on police show yourself now please for your D ster and the Crim stopping Force look at my arm of the dog unit get down on the floor wherever the battle takes them they’ll never back down because cometh the hour yeah pass

    We’ve still got him up on the back wheel off side of the road do him do him do him do him com interceptors where you from leads leads don’t come to KN him again will you coming up I G over the stand by a bumpy ride is the team brace for a Decap

    Stand by running an organized sting to stop a suspected drink driver uh i’ had a couple and not one can’t believe how far the M gone but two bikers caused Mayhem on the Roads It’s a cold wet Winter’s Night While most of Nottingham shire’s 1.1 million residents are tucked up in bed north of Nottingham top Str 23 we’ve got a vehicle failing to stop a runaway golf driver is about to cause a nightmare on the roads reason for St vehicle being driven slightly maybe drink

    Driver quickly escalating from slightly erratic the suspected drink driver is barreling through a residential area at 50 mph straight through red yet temporarily fire flying through Reds they seem hell bent on escaping the law on wet roads stopping distances are thought to double one 4 Z and 3 incre

    5 but with the winter rain hammering down this driver continues putting pedal to the Metal thankfully at half 3 in the morning the roads are empty as the driver tears through streets at well over 70 mph in the suburbs packed with playing fields and Alleyways it’s a de Camper’s dream we are now htic Road generally back towards Arnold thing other units are aiming to get

    Ahead with a stinger 69 we are Arnold wither forer and dog handler Mark is also trying to catch up along with his trusty K9 Morse continuing now to Birchfield Road speeded 65 however time could be running out wrong side of the road medium risk still no other Road users or question

    The lead car is still locked on target continuing on birfield road speed is now 40 but the golf dri is reaching the end of the road G over the tank TR with interceptors braced for a DeCamp the dicey driver careers over a pavement at full Pelt onto I think this is kisti road

    Again it is killis Road doing loot circling past the playing fields for a second time the suspected drink driver could still be looking for somewhere to bail outen K Road speed is 5 where is the next unit please wa just cop Ro coming towards you now you see uh

    We’re still on the same loop we’re on burfield road again now medium heading for the end of the rotate two is going to be left left left by the driver decides to take his chances on foot but the interceptors are hot on his heels to3 we’ve got a vehicle failing to

    Stop in Arnold the interceptors are in pursuit of a suspected drink driver who’s hitting high speeds and taking big risks on wet winter roads G over the tank TR stand by after leading cops on a loop of the estate he’s going to be left left left the driver hits the brakes

    By and he on his toes with an officer close behind as the driver makes a break for it so does one of the three passengers who quickly sees sense and returns leaving Rich Elliott alone and taser drawn to deal with the three passengers two of which are becoming Aggressive through all three of you being entertained right calm it down calm it Down what’s that there T about yeah I’m going to tellas you com me aggressively yeah faced with the prospect of 50,000 volts the passengers are keeping their distance but still making threats yeah I got three Lads here off from the car just need units to meet watch watch smashing head you’re going to

    Smash my head are you that’s obviously I just need to check that cars to stop right that is not our problem all right I that funeral yeah I appreciate that but saying you’re going to smash men it’s not going to help situation is it no because it’s my dad I’ve

    Lost I get that get why you might be upset finally the Cavalry arrives you don’t want to stop that’s not our problem we telling him slow down stop pull over yeah but aggress to me I didn’t know he J that sorry right I’m sorry fine sort right we’ll get to the botom then

    We one way of getting to the bottom of it will be to question the driver and a suspect has been chased deep into the estate stay there I need a unit to me I’ve got one detained stay there put your hands on the floor P I can see him to ensure the

    Suspect doesn’t get the chance to make another run for it the officer calls for backup but after the foot chase through dark anyways he’s lost I want a foot path behind some houses the Lan Interceptor uses an app to guide in back up my what three words are adding

    Pass what three words is an app often used by the emergency services to pinpoint locations every 3 m squared in the world is identified by a unique combination of three words meaning help in the form of Mark Paul and shy is on hand in no time hi what’s your name Po’s he done

    Know it is that you is it you or not not I don’t know well yeah cuz I’ll follow you from the driver’s seat mate with the suspected driver detained the passengers are free to go but back at the car once again aggression levels are rising one of the Raging passengers sees red

    And is heading for the cameraman oh Camer kicking off he’s refusing to go down without a fight B he’s arrested for for drunken disorderly Behavior do this bit nicely shall we lovely doing it’s been an eventful night shift for Rich having handled the pursuit and an angry carful two are quite hostile fortunately I had a taser so I drew it and red dotted them I’m not going to have a fight with three Lads on my own

    It’s just uh it’s not going to end well quite frankly well I’ve been told that the drive is well in drink uh the spe they were doing in residential areas it’s just dangerous through and through but fortunately there have been no injuries and uh we brought it to a successful and safe

    Resolution the lad mi in the alleyway was convicted of dangerous driving and failing to provide a specimen as well as driving without a valid license or insurance he got 9 months behind bars and was banned from driving for 24 months the passenger who kicked off was ordered to pay a fixed penalty notice

    For drunk and disorderly Behavior It’s fair to say an Interceptor can never drop their guard no two jobs are the same and not all suspects put their bad behavior on show from the GetGo It’s Not Unusual that you might meet you know Mr Nice Guy one second who becomes Mr Nasty in sort of a a split

    Second if people are fueled by alcohol or drugs and they become sort of unpredictable by definition really mood swings one moment compliant one moment not um sometimes it’s trying to sort of reason with the Unreasonable on patrol in the unmark Volvo are Rob and the sge Ian yeah in towards the city heading towards qmc by the looks of it there are reports of another suspected drink driver got somebody who’s um been seen leaving the uh the pub a little worse

    For we has got into a red Audi uh We’ve now got a police officer behind it um on the Ring Road so we’re just going to try and catch up with it while Rob puts his foot down the suspect is being tailed by a plane

    Car I’m for cover continu over D Zulu 5 just coming past TMC now rugby player Ian has nearly two decades experience as an Interceptor and knowing that the driver could be over the limit the last thing he wants is a Pursuit approaching the next Junction with the

    A453 to kick the driver’s journey into touch the plan is to wrap the Audi in a three three car box approaching the underpass where it splits off towards Clifton a second unit gets behind the red Audi Curr l two closely followed by Rob and Ian Zulu 5 we’re just coming up behind you

    Clifton Boulevard got your third teack in the stick now we’re at the back with everyone in position CL up the suspect drink driver navigates off the main road close close up and the team break cover approach theun with Dri car boxed zero contact a Flawless finish stop you because got possibly drink arm is that correct no okay how much have you CH to drink uh a i’ got a couple yeah what be it lers or yeah a couple of L the cool-headed driver admits he’s just left

    The pub so to clear the road the team move around the corner for a breathalyzer I have to warn you there is an offense to fail or refuse to provide me with a specimen under these circumstances do you understand yes y good this stops going like clockwork as

    The compliant driver is only too happy to do a breath test going keep going Lely thank you that’s it stop so as you can see it’s come up with a fail with the result of 55 the limit is 35 okay so you’re now under arrest on suspicion of driving was over the prescribed

    Limit having failed the roadside breath test the driver will be taken to the Nick to give an evidential speci in of breath it’s not causes any trouble having only just left the pub um he might still be going up uh so he might blow at a higher rate when we get him to

    The uh the C this week we’ll just have to find out so far this stop has been plain sailing but once they reach custody what you looking for are you putting drugs on me is that what you doing it’s a different story you nailing me aren’t you that’s what you doing you

    Trying to nail me stop KNE me you trying to nail me it’s all on camera you’re being Sur strong do you strong what have you put on me the search is all clear say guys I’m not going anyway with peace somewhat restored Ian is ready to take the driver for his breath test but there’s another problem well I can’t go I can’t go

    Before Ian can’t let the driver go to the toilet until after he’s completed the breath test because if the suspect doesn’t give a specimen of breath that first sample of urine could be golden evidence which can be tested for alcohol levels do you mind if I piss on the floor then

    Well I can’t stop you wetting yourself but I would prefer if you didn’t that’s what it might come to I’m a 50y old bloke yeah despite Ian’s preference oh dear the suspect urinates in the cell you seen this piss all over the floor mate look don’t don’t flick that at me pck it

    In yeah piss all over the floor pack it in Piss right P floor stupid come out the way floor yeah last chance calm down now stand up stand up and take a breath ask for assistance and you’ve just gone like that I’ve said I didn’t you just said

    Like no you’re not having no assistance at what point did I say that to you I said you have to wait a couple of minutes while we do the test and you decided to wet yourself State me we’re going to swap them TR in a minute we

    Can’t do oh yeah that’s brilliant are you going to put them on the line as well after receiving some fresh clothes courtesy of custody it’s finally time for the evidential breath test we’ve managed to get to this chapter calm down a little bit now um he’s he’s well he’s said so far he’s

    Going to go through with the INX procedure we got him in the INX room now and uh hopefully we’ll get a sample I warn you that failure to provide either of these specimens will render you liable to prosecution do you agree to provide two specimens of breath for

    Analysis uh I want a blood test once again the suspected drink driver is not playing ball listen to me I want blood listen to me because I know how good I am the offer is for a breath test we do not offer blood blood unless specific circumstances arise and you do not meet

    That criteria at this stage blood samples can be taken if there’s a reason to believe someone cannot do the breath test for medical reasons I don’t want to breathe into like other people’s breath I want blood okay so so are there are there any medical reasons why you why

    You cannot or should not provide two specimens of breath yeah I don’t I know for a fact I can’t breath that hard there are specific criteria to meet for you to have a blood sample you cannot simply request it so unless you’re going to provide two speci of breath I’ll take

    That as a refusal and we’ll go back to the custody Sergeant so wrong fantastic you stand up for me then please failing to provide a sample can carry a maximum sentence of 6 months imprisonment a driving ban or an unlimited Fine uh but side none at all in fact he kept blowing after I told him to stop oh that’s good evidence isn’t it he’s trying every trick in the book at the moment uh just stalling for time uh trying to eat it out trying to make

    Complaints I’ve had 15 well at least 12 cop cars around me yeah I don’t know why what was that what was that all about this process has been going on for many many years and everybody’s tried to find a loophole and there just isn’t one the the law is quite clear

    For failing to provide a specimen the driver was banned from the roads for 12 months and had to pay a total of £199 in fines and costs nine times out of 10 you know you’ll get a uh somebody who starts off like this this individual uh absolutely

    Calm quite Placid um you know absolutely fine uh 9 times out of 10 they’ll remain like that through your entire encounter with them but this guy is just a reminder that not everyone stays calm so yeah never drop your guard with people coming up hey you okay guys yes

    Thank Gavin macka interrupts a night ride in new I’d appreciate some cuz you’re acting really nervous and I think it’s going to go through it again the interceptors go Offroad to tackle an illegal Rider walk up Rapid Nimble vehicle still F stop currently medium risk able to mount Pavements and go where cars can’t follow few are more dangerous than a on a motorbike we’ve got a duty of K to the ride because of the the risk that comes with pursuing a motorbike to the rider

    They’ll hedge the bets that they’ll be able to fail stop where b b criminals can’t be under the illusion that if they ride a bike they’ll get away with things cuz they won’t we will we will go after them and we will stop them in a Northerly suburb of Nottingham

    Dog handler gen El is blue lighting to a job when a rider on a high powerered bikee up ahead wrongly thinks the lights and Sirens are for him and flaws it overtaking traffic failing to stop at 70 and charging the wrong way over a roundabout towards oncoming cars The Reckless Rider makes a

    Potentially lethal mistake As he tries to overtake and crashes into a car turning right the rider is sent flying down the road along with his bike a collision at such high speeds could be catastrophic but miraculously the walking wounded suspect is fleeing the Scene News of the crash travels fast left again Firearms cops Lisa and Paul are one of a number of units responding we’re just going to get there check that the status of the member of the public who’s been it I think and um try and find the SL made of it’ll be

    Just a just All the Bo’s all the way down there that’s what I Mean right that took you by surprise didn’t it you got anyone you got any kids in or anything no the driver appears to be okay but shaken by the crash if you got probably a bit of shock and you might get pain later on or something like that

    I would think that way I don’t even know that way or that way that way as long as you you’ve got somebody with you at home cuz you never know when when a bit of shock might kick in all right thankfully the innocent member of the public doesn’t seem to have been

    Seriously injured but the damage to his car clearly shows the force of the impact can’t believe how far to hand the M gone scattered down the road are the Riders helmet a shoe and the bike which has scored the pavement before coming to a stop when we get Riders of motorbikes

    That failed to stop they they ride terrible you know they ride really fast they’re weaving and out of um vehicles and they don’t really see the dangers ahead of them because they’re going too fast for the rentability and if as you can see it’s a long way down

    There after the crash the rider was seen jumping a fence into Gardens so the team have contained the area while they search for the suspect we don’t believe the um the rider of the bike’s got any major injuries to worry about but it is concerning when they go and we don’t

    Know where they are it’s always surprised oh they’ve got him oh that Fab so the update we just had over the air is that um another couple of air afos Dan and Rob have found him um he’s missing a trainer and covered in blood so but he’s conscious breathing so that’s positive and

    Positive that we found him recent figures show around 32% of motorcycle accidents result in Riders sustaining serious injuries having witnessed this accident firsthand Jen is thankful the rider hasn’t become another statistic as I’ve come up this road it’s a typical got me blue lights on he

    Thinks that I’m after him and he’s just clipped the car the bikes rolled over and I was just fearing the worst to be honest and we’ve since found out the bike stole and been stolen a year riding around on false plates and no insurance and he’s got no lics either so that’s

    Why he was running but for me he’s lucky to be alive to be honest that could have ended very differently the rider escaped without serious injuries he’s currently awaiting a charging decision for Dangerous driving driving without a valid license or insurance failing to stop for the

    Police and theft of a motor vehicle no further action was taken for the suspected false plates knowing the danger illegal Riders are prepared to put not only themselves in but everyone else on the road the interceptors are more determined than ever to catch them out and about in the northwest of

    The county are Matt and Lee from The Knife crime team although this shifts it’s not weapons on the Menu it’s rounding up an off-road biker who is refusing to stop is currently uh 65 on back Lane it’s leing rest it’s offside of left to the correct side of the road the suit authorized The Runaways rallying around corners and running red lights AC Crossroads pirate r at trying to lose the

    Interceptors one thing the rider isn’t banking on is he’s caught the attention of the whole team we’re old M Lane now where best R to go plotting up nearby are Johnny and mozza just getting a stinger out in case he uh comes down this way Stinger’s been

    Authorized so we’re going to get one out and sit with it on the lap just in case and traveling in from across town to tighten the net are Shantel and Dean going right into where The sure enough with Matt and Lee in Pursuit the ride pulls the text book move Hill he’ll come out on Bale Road I can’t follow him du to me barrier the biker may be off road but he’s far from off the raidar if he does come out at

    Pleasy though where would it come out I don’t think it’d go straight roundabout pleasley um and I do back into Mansfield or right R toward shro I’m going to go sh adrenaline junkie Chantel’s dream set of two wheels would be the supercharged kawazaki ninja h2r but today she’ll settle for intercepting this

    Off-roader Chantel and Dean comb the Country Roads he stand by stand by they picked up the rider for a second time we’re behind it it’s a common Lane back towards Manfield true to form the rider is hitting high speeds to Escape Speed 8 in a 6 going left left into State out L one wheree right right chur Lan it’s come off the main drug leading them to another dead end I think it’s going to go off road it again he’s up to old tricks with disappearing

    Axe number two the initial one I think you P’s gone down there with the dog handler on scene Dean and Shantel go into the fields to look for the rider no chance for a disappearing hattick they find the rider hiding in the bushes you victory for the knife crime team boom boom

    Confir ARR stop police The Catch of the Day doesn’t have a license or Insurance either jump in there knowing the next stop is custody he’s been left wondering where it all went wrong get caught on Mo across by understand what’s happening thanks the Interceptor determination the rider was convicted of

    Failing to stop and driving without a valid license or insurance he received a 12-month suspended prison sentence 120 hours of unpaid work and was disqualified from driving for 2 years to top it off his bike was Scrapped the roads crime team’s bread and butter is stopping Suspects on the move and there’s more than one way to get the job done from full-blown operations no damage engine off engine off to reacting to hits on the anpr network mayy obession of an Axe and you just can’t

    Beat that’s uh Scrapper a good old bit of Interceptor intuition I knew he look dodgy there’s a good on That Maka and gav are in newor Just One Look at a passing green polo and there on its bumper gab runs the car through the police computer drugs information East leak stop him yeah with another unit already on hand MAA lights up the polo get out and gav gets straight to the

    Point hey you okay guys yes thank I’m going to ask you straight up mate are you carrying anything here it shouldn’t be in now no so hang on I’d appreciate some Hest CU you’re acting really nervous okay and I’ve just done a quick check on the car just in that time

    Before I stopped you and there’s some information around you may be involved in drugs so I’m going to ask you now if you got some personal use we can sorted hat at the roadside but you are going to get search Miss drugs act so it’s a good

    Time just to tell me if you’re carrying anything you know okay before joining roads crime G spent years on the beat with the knife crime Team hunting down those carrying weapons and drugs the mean is very nervous mate both them keep your hand where I can see it

    Please mate and alarm Bells Are Ringing about this Twitchy tuome what you been to nework for I’m just with my friend coming along okay and how long have you been here for then um I’ll say about 40 minutes okay just come to newk 40 minutes yeah all right

    Step out buddy keep your hand where I can see it m yeah great to see about time the cops aren’t buying it’s a swift night trip to newor so with the help of fellow Interceptor Nick the driver passenger and Polo are searched turn around first buddy yeah Sure you want to tell me what this is in the foot well of the car no I’ve I’ve just been s sitting in the car Nick him Nick right at the minute I suspect this is a class A drug so you’re under arrest and suspicion of possessing a Class A drug

    With intent Supply you don’t have to say anything it may harm your defense if you don’t answer question something which later line in cour and anything you do say may be given evidence that was in the footwell of the car where you were sat yeah and also on suspicion of possessing

    A blade article I bought that today remember you’re under caution and this camera is filming yeah within 5 minutes of stopping the motor the interceptors have found a package of suspected cocaine and two knives but the polo is the gift that keeps on giving a baton yeah baton as

    Well right as it stands right it’s class AP with yeah it’s BL article time two yeah and off time one cuz he’s an extendable bat yeah has he got anything on him he just a scales scales we’ll finish that search I’ll come back to you there’s more mac has found a large W

    Of cash and he’s yet to search the boot whose bags is this nothing to do with me sir That’s a load of Canabis you just sold it yeah that’s what all the cash is for yeah we’ll seize that so that box has got a zip bag a ziplock bag in it like a vacuum pack bag which has obviously been full of cannabis it’s empty now but it

    Stinks um so I’m guessing they’ve just sold all the Cannabis which is why they’ve got all the cash in the wallet so yeah two knives a Batton drugs cash decent result Keen to gather as much evidence is possible once the suspects are dropped off at custody mackar and gav

    Execute a warrant at an address linked to the driver and sees a safe as well as another interesting find it’s one of the magnetic boxes here which um are common for drug dealers what they do is put the drugs inside secure it with Eclipse it’s magnetic stick it underneath the car and

    Often you’ll look underneath the car and you’ll find one of these follow drugs or cash both items are seized for the investigation the safe was cracked open but found to be empty however both the driver and passenger have been released under investigation for dealing class A drugs and possession of an offensive

    Weapon still to come oh that’s it that’s it that’s one there a disqualified driver is in denial driving yeah okay no I’m not so you driving that car when St no Halfway through a 12-hour day shift un Lisa en Rich I’ve got a feeling I’m going to drink this is going to go everywhere wait till I’m going over B real you know te experience dang off duty thrill seeker rich is a keen Adventure racer in a previous life he was an intelligence

    Analist and now with 14 years on the force yes it’s heading towards that he’s an expert at keeping TS on cloned cars uh an activation on ampr camera of a v believed to be on cloned plates so we’re just going to put themselves in the are

    See if we can Pi the black golf on suspected cloned plates has already hit two ampr cameras I’m going to go share with rise towards there typically F plates are often used to hide the identity of a stolen car or a dodgy driver not down as a third camera hit

    Comes in there’s no doubt the motor is still on the road yeah kill there hopefully be at the 610 constuction nearing the black golf’s last known location the Interceptor view is blocked by a lry ah I think it may have gone straight up M I just saw golf I think go straight

    Up Lisa tries to get a line of sight NH we might have just caught a sight of it going across a 610 continuing towards Brock State it’s not confirmed though straight on yeah go straight on I’m sure might even see reaching the busy Crossroads um yeah go there’s no sign of the Gulf

    There’s a million ways it could turn up already the Trail’s gotone cold it’s not P anything since if the suspected cloned car isn’t pinging cameras chances are it’s been parked up somewhere nearby oh what’s this no Lisa and Rich check each and every turn oh that’s it that’s

    It that’s one there until they clap eyes on it we’re with this uh golf Woodfield rad the engine is still running and a couple are lingering nearby excuse me excuse me hey mate is that your car it sorry stuff it coat you get your coat out driving yeah okay no I’m

    Not I think you were driving itz I’ve seen the image of the driver you D were you were you driving that car when just now no that car just got there AR it no I wasn’t driving the car so you’ve got your you’ve got your coat out of it why

    Are you lying just you just SE me up in the back door yeah someone is selling porkys and it’s not rich have you just seen me drive that car you haven’t seen nothing no but I’ve seen anpr which of a female driving the car you said that

    You’ve just seen me drive I’ve seen name Pi image of a female driving that car so seen a video and we got a couple of Ted here at the shop so try and get to B they’re deny driving it ra applies a little more pressure just keep your

    Hands out your pockets folks what we’re going to do is going to give you quick search minute I suspect that that car might be stolen okay stolen stolen are you mad well that’s that’s the reason why never ever not stolen car okay well how do you know that then and if you

    Know if you know a bit more about it then then tell me yeah yeah all right then I was the drive and it’s not stolen car is it on false plates is it on false plates I’ve just bought the car You’ just bought it I’ve literally bought the

    Car okay I bought it from the driver admits she recently bought the car for 500 quid and while we’re spilling the beans have you got a license no I got that’s not quite the whole truth either right so you’re disqualified until April yeah it’s on it’s on our database

    It’s on the DL database you shouldn’t be driving Pap thought it was up no no not until April next year she’s banned from driving for another four 14 months also the car is not on the right plates it is yeah the’re clone plates which I think

    If you were straight with me you you say know cuz you driving us disqualify without a license okay which is probably why it’s on false plates to avoid having to go through the official channels and get all your documentation all roads lead to the same outcome the interceptors will be taking

    The car off her hands you need no just a fact and reporting her for driving whilst disqualified and without insurance there are we found subsequently a couple of char seats in the car so leads me to suspect that at some point she’s been driving around with no license or

    Insurance with children in the car young children so females claiming to have just bought the car which is a regular story we often hear that they they’ve only just bought it um however it’s been driving around on these plates we’re quite confident for at least a week so

    At least it’s today off the road she won’t be able to drive it with no no license or insurance anymore no legal action was taken against the woman for the false plates but she was convicted of driving whilst disqualified and driving without insurance she was banned from the roads

    For another 19 months sentenced to 60 hours of unpaid work and had to pay costs of £85 Lisa lets Rich do the honors on this occasion Rich oh do I get to drive it you get to drive the uh you want to drive it no I always drive him all right on this

    Occasion you can drive off and stall it and make myself looker all right one and we’re back with the interceptors next Wednesday at 8 have knows around some of the swankiest pads imaginable in Monaco how the Super Rich Live is brand new on Friday night at 8 decades pass

    And yet the killer remains unidentified next the victim’s husband shares his account the mysterious murder of an Heron in just a moment

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