Promoting Early Collaboration, Communication and Leveraging use of BIM between Project Stakeholders for Generating Effective Knowledge in Information Protocols presented by Khin Myat, University of Salford

    Gathering’23 Day 1

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    Hello everyone I’m Kim uh who is a second year PhD research candidate from the University of sa of Manchester uh it is nice to see you Dr alen Hall who is chairing this session today and the event organizer who are assisting us today uh today I’m going to

    Talk about my paper focusing on Knowledge Management processing step for generating a smooth flow in information protocol following uh B and ISO i650 part one guidance and touching on the accelerating beam adaption with regards to the bean models that would be effectively managed through Ali collaboration communication

    And leveraging the use of beans between project stakeholders for the generating affected knowledge in project information and assess information models my research aim of this paper is to FL how Ali collaboration and communication through b abim Ali can contribute to the Knowledge Management life cycle in construction project uh firstly I have identified

    That the challenges exist in terms of capturing and sharing of knowledge of best practices and lesson learned within and across project in the construction industry this is due to the problem uh associated with the information management of the construction project and the con Communication Breakdown between the project team members and

    Information part between the client and the contractor and misunderstanding between the engineers and architect due to the lot of collaboration and poor communication between them what small uh different ATS amend key project stakeholder didn’t focus on Define organizational goals and use different tools and various managing

    System because of that uh this this type of complexity in the generating data require early collaboration between all key project EDS of appointing and appointing parties in order to form Mutual concept uh that help key decision maker to perform their project activities together uh another slid is related to

    The talking about b b atting as a Innovative and centralized database that contain intelligent import information related to buing models that are interconnected with information modeling through visualization Sim simulation and interaction in data and information management also the concept of being can facilitate Knowledge Management by enableing project parties between

    Appointing and appointed to share information and assess knowledge in a coordinated manner it can also enhance communication and collaboration among project members by capturing storing representing and sharing and transferring knowledge represented B models as well as auditing it for retrival data although being ensure knowledge represented Bing models in a

    First tracking system early collaboration and effective communication between project members is acting as a critical strategy that can improve Knowledge Management and deliver competitive advantages for information management in constrution project therefore in this article it is focused on designer knowledge designer experience designer concept and also as a result these information from designer

    Knowledge are defined and cefin as data in a way of working that can be captured stoked shared and communicated for design information requirement using bin Technologies then talking about the importance of Knowledge Management in construction project this intensive Knowledge Management process involve different stages of knowledge processing that can be seen in table

    One the Knowledge Management life cycle can assist in focusing on the generating collecting capturing storing representing and retrival of data to support problem solving Dynamic learnings strategy planning decision making and the smooth flow of communication between project stakeholders the knowledge management process consists of six main stage defining codification

    Capturing transfer or transfer or sharing of knowledge representation and reuse of knowledge which are summarized in table one B based on the kinds of Knowledge Management processes the Knowledge Management life cycle has been developed can you see in figure one another slid is focusing on the information management based on ISO

    19650 part one guidance there are different steps within the information management in being but a gap it identified due to the current distraction of information flow in the assess and Project Life Cycle information flowing from the project management to assess management is often fragmented because temporary project organization and Shop temp project team

    Struggle to establish a common data environment for data and information exchange between appointing and appointed parties other issue include in precise information poor data documentation for assess owner deficiency in Sharing project information requirement absent of information related to employer information requirement and poor software protocols and standard that

    Result in you know uh poorly organized project data to bridge this Gap it is suggest St that this knowledge generation workflow can adapt in beam based on ISO 19650 standard to achieve a smooth flow in information protocol let’s move to the research methodology the res methodology adapt in

    This paper is an integrated literature review an integrated literature review based on AAL research is a research strategy that involve reviewing synthesizing the representative literature on an integrated Topic in order to generate a new workflow of the new knowledge generation management for information protocol in a particular

    Content of work an integrated review of literature on the significance of beans early collaboration and communication between project members in ensuring effective Knowledge Management the explor phase was a three-step process identify collect and gather the literature standards and commentary website focusing the literature of BS P standard

    And the UK B framework series and the UK B guidance are comprehensively review not consider upon the guidance outside of the UK because UK is the one of the leading countries in bin adaption because of the UK bin framework and Bin standard such as ISO 19650 series and Bs

    Uh standard series acting as a pivot for information management through of the life cycle of construction project towards the B level three by 2025 so this is the process of the literature review that include four phase uh first one is defining key search wordss and phases uh for example the use of biding

    Information Management in biding information models of construction project phase two is identification of such dat dat base focusing on the potential of being for improving Knowledge Management practice and the Knowledge Management life cycle phase three is screaming articles P four is removing D duplication by using the

    Suchar Eng database of water science and scopas focusing on the joural article from 2018 to 2022 uh 37 J articles are critically reviewed for this paper when talking about the research there are different reason in the distruption of the information flow within the project and assess life cycle which include nonconsistent terminology

    In agrate specification of information requirement confusion over the information needs in the information protocol to overcome the current Knowledge Management problems in construction project the use of Bin is considered the feature of beans is to create and operate on a shared digital database for information h change and to

    Capture and preserve information for reuse and to manage changes effectively as bin is used as a knowledge carrier to support Knowledge Management to of the Project Life Cycle it enable object oriented and parameter driven modeling through 3D visualization and the collaborative platform of a building information repository therefore Knowledge Management through being

    Integrates or aange data and information associated with the project plan design construction and operation as a result the introduction of the collaborated Knowledge Management can ease data coordination processes and provide more efficient information and reduce conflict among project teams that’s why all these challenges can be improved through being an a

    Knowledge Management workflow that helps the realization of data coordination and information quality in the project delivery this is because it can facilitate the ability of project teams to generate capture and share the data that is writer to the project and integrate these as project and assess information model then this process is

    Inscribed under the Knowledge Management life cycle that can collaborate with bin moders management so that project member can explo this knowledge generation workflow effectively to add value to information protols business practice and decision making for the overall benefit of the organization here is the research outcomes the capability of Knowledge

    Management is enhanced by the Ali collaboration communication and leveraging use of being at the early project phases the proposed knowledge generation workflow which is the main contribution of the paper consists of six steps is based on the addtion of being and a Knowledge Management life cycle approach step one include

    Generating data generating defining knowledge for key decision and codification of knowledge in terms of organization information requirement step two is data collecting studing knowledge for project information requirement based on organizational information requirement step three include data sharing data storing sorry uh capturing knowledge for upset information requirement step four is

    Data achange sharing knowledge or knowledge transfer for a change information requirement step five involed data representation representation of knowledge in abset information model for accept information projects and project information models for project information standards step six is data retrival knowledge reuse for project information models and knowledge of asset information model that are

    Maintained in a long-term archive let’s talk about discussion into the research outcome the paper presented insight into the status of the uh current Knowledge Management program in construction project and Ling the use of beIN in knowledge represented Bing models management the findings were be that uh the capability of Knowledge

    Management is enhaced by Ali collaboration communication and leveraging the you of being at the early project phases because this provide an interactive uh information flow in the knowledge generation management that is the research outcome which is the transparently acceptable and workable in a collaborative environment for multidisciplinary project members moreover this workflow introduce

    Collaborated Knowledge Management that can ease data coordination process provide more efficient information and reduce conflict among project teams more importantly this been enable Knowledge Management workflow ensure the affected Knowledge Management that is data generating collecting storing a changing representing and retrival uh that helps in data coordination and information a change

    For data documentation through of the project phases of the asset life cycle the paper concluded that the new workflow can benefit all project stakeholders from the appointing leader appointed and appointed Parties by introducing collaborative Knowledge Management process through of the Project Life Cycle and a bit environment so in addition to this these

    Are the references for this presentation slides this is the end of my presentation thank you for listening

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