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    A it Is we’re over in cheshier for the regional championships today um it’s been snowing overnight um but it’s not too cold it’s about 2 degrees or so just done Recon managed actually get a good few laps in um this course is yeah quite enjoy it it’s um undulating nothing no

    Kind of really too steep kind of banks to do anything and it’s actually kind of devoid of really any features there’s a couple of switch back turns and stuff that are quite tight and quite slow but apart from that there’s nothing too difficult the most difficult bit is that

    It’s a little bit slippy on the foot cuz as you can see bit of snow bit of ice um and also there quite it’s like a farmer’s field so there’s a lot of kind of like tractor ruts and stuff in the middle of corners and if you kind of

    Take the wrong line get bumped one and yeah a bit all over the place but um I like it I like it a lot but yeah today it’s um just seniors only so no Juniors and no vet fours in 40s V 40s in our race are just the seniors yeah so it’s a

    North Championship so that includes Yorkshire the Northwest and the Northeast but we’re over in ches year and I doubt that many people from the Northeast a site a drive driven down the four or five hours it is to get down to here so probably going to be monly

    Probably going to be mainly Yorkshire Riders and Northwest Riders um so it’ be interesting to see what the Northwest Riders are I like but yeah I don’t see myself getting too much of a result today hoping to finish hopefully further forward than where I’m grided so grided

    29 um and if I can get anywhere for further forward than that I’ll be happy that’ll be a good day out uh got about 30 30 40 minutes until our race so need to try and keep warm um but yeah and uh yeah we’ll get we’ll get cracking with It Time Every time never Mind Come every time there mind Down Mind Going right right pretty Hard So unfortunately I was too cold and wet and uh yeah hurting all over to kind kind of uh do a kind of outro to the Vlog and sum up how the race went so yeah it’s a couple of days later and yeah that crash it tooken taken it tole

    A little bit all kind of down my left hand side yeah I’m in a little bit little bit of pain especially on my shin got a massive lump um yeah don’t know how where that came what that came from but yeah how did I crash um well yeah I

    Just uh well actually I’ll start from the beginning I’ll start from the end of the race um and yeah I got a really good start um probably the start this season managed to kind of move up around the outside of the bunch get myself up into

    Like up into that top 20 um yeah cuz I started pretty much on the back row I think I was like second from back row um but yeah we only like a couple of people on that back row so yeah pretty much back row got up into that kind of first

    Kind of uh kind of slow turns and stuff made up a couple of places there um and then yeah that first lap settled in feeling pretty good um managed to move up a few more places and I was up into about I think 16th

    Place um and I was trying to uh kind of bridge across from kind of group I was in um on the first lap until like a little group of like two or three I think George was in that group um in front of me so I was kind of pushing a

    Little bit harder then uh I yeah pushing quite hard um to try and break to close that Gap and um yeah unfortunately came to this car on a left hander slightly off camber nothing too much and I think um I don’t know what happen but basically my my bike just kind of

    Stopped like stopped dead like my front wheel just kind of stopped dead I just went ejected this is pretty much press the ejector button over the handlebars and kind of landed on my uh my left hand side um like right on my shoulder my hip

    My knee um yeah so and I pretty yeah I landed pretty hard like Nathan said after the race he said when you crashed is like the ground Shook and like the ground being completely Frozen like yeah it was not like a usual all kind of cycle across crash where you get back up

    Again and you’re moving on cuz you got a nice soft Landing this one hurt this one was like hitting concrete which I’ve already done this season yeah breaking my hip um so yeah that was not fun and it was on the same side as well so I was

    A bit worried about that so I took a little bit of time kind of getting back up again um yeah took me good few seconds and that group that I was trying to get away from me came back to me tried to stick with them for a bit U

    They were very nice asking if I was okay and stuff but um I was like really struggling to even hold the wheel at that point like this like you know I was really uncertain of whether I should continue or not like obviously driving all that way there to then crash pretty

    Much on the second lap quite hard I was like ah no like I might as well just like yeah I just went into kind of survival mode and just kind of struggle towards the end um and then actually by the kind of last couple of laps I

    Started to feel a little bit better again and started trying to push again and obviously I was getting a little bit after a few laps I was getting more confident um in pushing it around the corners cuz I think that was the thing like I in the pr practice I did like a

    Full out like full-on race lap like race Pace lap and I just felt so dialed I felt like I knew the course I knew all the corners I knew how everything was kind of riding and I really could push through pretty much every corner and then obviously crashing that knocked my

    Confidence completely and yeah I wasn’t I wasn’t really sure where the grip was and uh oh t to the side to to run off into this field hey Ted this way mate what was I say what was I saying yeah I just kind of lost confidence in

    There where the grip was and stuff but then yeah after a couple of laps that came back and um yeah I was pushing towards the end managed to make up one place before the end I think so yeah end up 22nd overall um which is okay I think

    17th over 23 and considering most people are under 30 racing I consider that pretty good but yeah yeah so on the one hand very disappointed uh crashing um what could have been who knows but on the other hand really really happy with my form really really happy with how

    Like with how how I’m approaching kind of the Recon working out what’s best for me and then yeah trying to get the best the best race I can possibly do um so yeah got three more races left of this season uh so the next up is Sheffield in

    A couple of weeks time so hopefully my uh my knee and uh my shin and stuff will heal up by then um I’m more I’m I’m happy it will and hopefully we can push for that top 20 and we’ll get there before the end of the season sorry one more thing I just

    Want to talk I I just want to do a shout out to the uh the course builders that course was absolutely brilliant like I just really really enjoyed it and yeah it’s also a call out because like in our local League Yorkshire League um they’ve been talking about it recently about

    People volunteering because yeah like without volunteers these kind of races won’t happen and uh yeah we won’t have Like This brilliant sport that we do if we have no races so if you are racing um try and help out as much as you can like

    Even if it’s a case of just clearing up the stakes at the end of the races it really helps people out like we finished closer to like 400 p.m. like with the last people coming across the line so that’s pretty much half an hour if that

    Until it gets dark and um without people kind of helping clearing up um then yeah like it’s just yeah people will be clearing up in the dark and that’s no fun at all so yeah I’ve tried to help out earlier this year with one of the

    Races um help set up the set up the course and stuff so yeah I had to get out there early in the morning but didn’t really didn’t really affect my racing at all later in the afternoon um and then I always tried to kind of

    Collect a few stakes and stuff at an end of a Race So yeah that’s basically if you’re racing or if you’re not come and help out our race like watching cyc cross in person is just brilliant and yeah marshalling helping out you don’t really have to do much you just to stand

    There and just make sure everyone’s safe and that’s that’s it there’s no you don’t need any qualifications or anything really really easy Reas like grassroot sports is what makes kind of I don’t know I don’t know what I’m trying to say here but yeah like we about

    Everyone helping out like the sport this sport won’t happen so um yeah do your bit all right thanks for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one

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