Mother-of-two Lindsay Birbeck’s body was found in a quiet corner of a graveyard. Her family and ex-partner speak out about this devastating murder


    You do not think that something like this will ever happen it’s they’re not knowing every night you ought to B you’re lying in B him it’s raining you’re thinking is she out there on the Hills in the rain on August the 12th 2019 47-year-old mother of two Lindsay burbeck disappeared while

    Out walking near her home she just said I’ll see you at Sixx I love you and that was the last time I saw her despite Nationwide press attention and hundreds of people involved in the surge Lindsay’s remains were found in a shallow grave Brave 12 Days Later the body was heavily

    Decomposed quite shockingly the killer had tried to dismember lind’s body the police came around and broke it to us that’s when everything just crumbled the chilling case gained National notoriety when it was revealed Rocky Marciano price randomly targeted Lindsay when he was just 16 years

    Old I went 16y old old my daughter’s 17 he’s younger than my children Rocky in my mind is a very dangerous young man some of his teachers said that he was nonverbal or or or didn’t speak he just had no emotion or no expression but what motivated this quiet

    Teenager to kill a complete stranger in broad daylight and become known as the wheelie bin killer he’s trying to to as a 16-year-old find a way of expressing himself as a man and poor Lindsay was the person who ended up dead it’s hard to think Mom would have helped him and he’s murdered

    Her Lindsay burbeck was born and bred in Arrington East Lancashire when she was in her early 20s she met her future husband Tim on a night out I saw her she were tall darkhead stunning you know just everything I liked when you were agreed to meet me again I thought

    Winner we got married 3 years after we’ve been together 18 months after their wedding the couple started a family Steven born June 2000 in October 200 too Sarah was born my mom was funny outgoing courageous yeah she enjoyed sport so she very athletic and always enjoy doing activities walking

    Running as well as being a mother Lindsay began a career teaching vulnerable children with special needs she were caring she were like a mom to everyone and she enjoyed caring for people and just helping others really but after 20 years together cracks began to appear in the couple’s

    Marriage we kind of drifted apart what I wanted in life and what lindsy then wanted in life were two different things the conclusion was would split and get divorced by early 2019 Lindsay was embarking on a new chapter in her life she had moved out of the family home and

    Into a house in nearby Burnley Road although she and Tim remained on good terms got to be civil there’s no point shouting screaming at each other making things awkward yeah my mom and dad so got on if my mom needed anything my dad would be there to help

    Her just over a mile from Lindsay’s new home in an area known as Winnie Hill lived a family from the traveling Community one of their six children was 16-year-old Rocky Marciano price who had been diagnosed with ADHD and autism Rocky was clearly somebody with challenges and with some health issues

    Around autism mild autism learning difficulties he didn’t go to mainstream school he was not academic some of his teachers said that he was nonverbal or or or didn’t speak a Lot Monday August the 12th 20 2019 was a warm summer’s day and Lindsay burbeck had arranged to go shopping with her daughter Sarah who just finished her Gcses I messaged my mom because I needed some college uniforms so I was starting college that year oh is it all right if you go and get some college uniform in stationer and she was like yeah sure I’ll put you up at around 11: so she

    Picked me up and then we decided that I going to have tea there with boyfriend at the time So about 3:00 my mom dropped me off my dad and she just said I’ll see you at sex love you and that was the last time I saw her she was a mom she was a sister she was a daughter and she was a friend to many people she was just an ordering

    Lady living her life and the sad reality for Lindsay is she went out to go for a walk and she never returned home on the evening of Monday August the 12th 2019 Sarah burbeck and her boyfriend arrived at her mother Lindsay’s home for dinner we got there

    For 6:00 obviously because I thought my mom would be there I didn’t take my house key for her house so I knocked on to see if she were going to answer and she didn’t answer I tried ringing her a lot but her phone was off thought that’s

    A bit unusual and I rang my dad I said mom’s not home yet is it all right if you pick us up and she said the phone’s not on car’s outside the house I haven’t got me key cuz I respect him on being in

    And I don’t know where she is was it all right so my dad came and picked us up and it were getting late on through the night and I get I’ll be getting worried myself cuz I thought it’s very un like Mom because if me and Sarah were going

    Up She’ll always be in maybe she bumped into some friends and gone for a drink then Sarah said mom wouldn’t stand me up mom wouldn’t turn her phone off to me so we got home I TR I messaged her I said where are you because we were there but

    You weren’t there so I just wanted to know she were all right but she didn’t she didn’t reply and the message didn’t go through to her pH something’s just not adding up so it were getting R later so I messaged best friend Sharon and Cas Sharon had heard from her and she was

    Like no I’ve not heard from her but it’s very unusual of your mom to be to do this and she said it might be best if you go to a house so it got to about half 11 at night s St had a key for her house we went over went into her

    House and she wasn’t there that’s when it began to feel real we need to get the police involved even though it had just been a a few hours we we knew something was up you please can I help hello me uh X wife seem to have gone missing the call

    From the family raised immediate concerns because there was actually no reason for her um to to go missing she’d been in contact with her daughter earlier that day she’ made arrangements with Sarah to see her and then she wasn’t there uh when the family had been

    In the house it was undisturbed the form was off a car there nobody would have been over somewhere else now has you done anything like this before no there was no notes there was no messages there was no signs of a disturbance so Lindsay had left the address and she hadn’t come

    Back but there were a number of different scenarios that that could have happened as to Lindsay’s disappearance we knew that Lindsay was a keen Runner and very fit um so Lindsay could have had an accident and could have been um lying somewhere uh injured or Lindsay

    Could have gone out there to take her own life or to harm herself we knew my mom would not have committed suicide and then it got to about early hours of the morning a police officer came and asked for the As for a photo of my mom the beginning of a nightmare

    Really less than 24 hours after she was last seen Lancashire police issued a press release that Lindsay was now a missing person obviously we liaz with the police every single day as reporters and we just treat it like any other missing person appeal we put the appeal out stuck it on our website

    Popped it in the paper we thought oh yeah she’ll be found next week there was nothing to suggest at that time that this was anything more than just a a regular missing person we just had to find Lindsay and that that was the reality of it it wasn’t a criminal inves

    Investigation it wasn’t a murder investigation from the outset and we have an awful lot of people who do get reported missing who after a number of hours and days turn up safe and well on the morning of Tuesday August the 13th the day after Lindsay had disappeared police began a search of the

    Local area employing a number of specialist resources including dogs Mounted Police and Mountain rescue teams that morning Tim was at work when the true gravity of the situation began to Dawn on him 10:00 I rang Sarah you know have you heard from your mom she went I’m up the Copus with Auntie Sam

    Miss sister and she said there’s full of police there’s Mountain Rescue the fire brigade up here and we’re all looking for M that’s the point when I thought oh my God my daughter’s actually up on the hill looking for a mom and I’m sat here

    So I got me stuff together I said sorry guys I said I can’t leave me daughter looking for a mom when I told him manting rescued that really like made him begin to worry about my mom and what Sarah told me brought it on I thought this is serious

    There’s all these people out looking for Lindsay soon drones and helicopters were also employed to search the local area and an online appeal group to find Lindsay quickly grew to 10,000 members when everybody realized that a local woman was missing the people of aington came together there was hundreds

    And hundreds of people putting PES up putting appeals out on social media and they had several searches and where hundreds of people turned up it’s surprising the number of people who do go missing in our culture but usually those people go missing but still use their bank card

    They still might use their mobile phone with Lindsay going missing it was a complete completely different set of circumstances she literally disappears and therefore that’s quite a hard thing for the police to investigate it takes a lot of patience and it takes time but despite the involvement of

    Hundreds of people the search for Lindsay so far produced no clues she just at that point appear to have disappeared off the face of the Earth we couldn’t track Lindsay VI a phone we um a phone had gone off and at different times we had different sightings across Arrington across

    Lancashire um and again all these needed looking into then after 4 days the police made their first breakthrough officers reviewing CCTV spotted Lindsay at around 4 p.m. on the day she disappeared we’ve got CCTV that showed Lindsay walking down Burley Road and we know she turned off onto peel Park

    Avenue and that leads to the entrance to to the Copus the Copus is a large hilly area it’s uh got lots of Pathways it’s got lots of trees it’s got lots of foliage we knew from the family that Lindsay would quite often go running there and

    Would run for miles and she’d have to go walking there so everything from Lindsay’s background and the CCTV was indicating that could be where she’d gone a few days before she was complaining about a pain in the side of her head like a migraine so I thought

    What if she’s had a migraine at the Copus and she stumbled and fell over one of our big concerns in the first few days was actually that Lindsay could have been lying somewhere with an injury that incapacitated her and she was lying there which is one of the reasons why we

    Got to Mountain Rescue lots of police resources the fire brigade uh to go out and look for Lindsay by August the 19th Lindsay had been missing for 7 days and police brought in even more resources to help in the search it’s when you start seeing things like the underwater team from the

    Police you become really anxious then you thinking yeah the you know then that the police are thinking something’s happened to you we thought what if we find something we don’t want to find or what if we don’t find anything it were one of those so we were both very scared really

    And seeing stepen Sara going through it made it worse the kids you can see it in their eyes they’re broken everybody were have a minute no kid should have to go look for the mother like that you shouldn’t be doing it police were now increasingly concerned for Lindsay’s safety and considering all

    Possibilities from my perspective as the days went past my feelings were that it was unlikely we were going to find Lindsay alive that was a sad reality of it what we needed to do was paint a picture of what was Lindsay doing that day and where were other people

    Connected to Lindsay that day who who may be able to help us with it a sad reality of our culture is that if woman um is murdered nine times out of 10 that woman was in a relationship with the person that killed her husbands kill wives boyfriends kill girlfriends often

    You can determine who the perpetrator was simply by looking at the woman’s social media and who lus sent her a text message so it’s perfectly normal when something like this happens for the police to First suspect that it must have been somebody close to Lindsay who had committed the

    Crime hence you look at her nearest and dearest her male nearest and dearest to um eliminate them from your inquiries and Tim was one of the people that that fell within there I remember them taking like fingerprints off us all and DNA samples off off us all so

    Obviously the police were asking me the questions because I’m the ex-husband so I say you’d have to be a fool not to think that you’re being looked at which they were police spoke to Tim’s employers to help build a picture of his movements the day Lindsay disappeared they went into blose sight

    They’ve got be working on the shop floor all day they’ve got me sat in the canteen at dinner time and Brew times and security Lodge confirmed that I never left the site all day there was nothing whatsoever to show that Tim Berber could have been involved in Lindsay’s disappearance and actually we

    Can show he was elsewhere throughout the time when Lindsay went missing after discounting Tim from their inquiries the search continued for Lindsay but after 12 days hopes were beginning to fade I think it blows into one but you do like the first night you think oh what if she’s just out and she’s

    Fallen but then it got a bit later like the days were going by and you began to think something’s not right here but at that time despite the dozens and dozens of officers we had looking for Lindsay uh and doing all the inquiries there was nothing to tell us what had

    Happened then on Saturday the 24th of August 2019 a m member of the public made a grim Discovery there was a a male out walking his dog in Arrington Cemetery um and he came across well his dog was paying attention to an area he had a look

    Within it he then noticed a smell he noticed something different within the area and as he looked he actually saw some plastic sheeting and then part of what he thought was a body and the body was heavily decomposed and unusually there was greater decomposition at the

    Top on the head and then that decreased As you move down the body also quite shockingly the body had a significant injury to the right leg which had occurred postmortem so after death it would appeared that um a leg had tried to be cut off with bed by a sore so the

    Killer had tried to dismember lind’s body we got a knock on the door late Satur night you could tell something was wrong straight away you can see from the Expressions on the faces and the moods they were in that something was seriously wrong when you came around and told us that’s

    Where everything just crumbled so they came in they sat down and I think lean started to say they found what they think is a body that’s when you realize that somebody has done this that’s when you realize there’s a third party and its murder the police said

    That on the day they said we are now going from a missing person to murder Lindsay’s remains were found naked wrapped in plastic and carefully hidden in a shallow grave in Arrington Cemetery and there was a natural Hollow within the Earth that had been chosen to put Lindsay’s body in there was then

    About 18 stones of soil from around the cemetery placed over the body to conceal it so it was very well constructed it was done by somebody with significant capability to actually think and plan it and if you think of the numbers of the public who’ve been searching in the area

    The police the fire brigade Mountain Rescue Lindsay’s body had gone on detected for 12 days once the police said the found remains Steven Sarah became angry and obviously nobody should have to go through anything like this I think we were all angry because my mom was such a like big

    Character like everyone loved her and she loved everyone so I think we’re all angry that someone could do something so sick towards somebody towards somebody who everybody loved I as the place was it sexual but because of the the body and the condition they couldn’t say yes or

    No sadly because of the length of time and the circumstances there was Heavy decomposition to Lindsay’s body the pathologist who ultimately examined Lindsay’s body wasn’t able to rule out there being sexual activity and I wonder if it was sexual activity the killer was initially seeking as opposed to murder

    To me the Murder itself seems to be a byproduct of the killer wanting to engage sexually with a woman the brutality and apparent randomness of the attack sent shock waves through the local community it’s a really challenging and difficult investigation is what would class say who done it we really need to

    Act fast because now we know that somebody out there has killed Lindsay they’re still out there there’s still significant risk to the public there was an air of panic in in the community people wanted answers who had done this did people in the community need to be worried did this

    Seem like it it was going to happen again should loan Females Be be worried should should people be keeping the doors locked it was a very sort of unnerving time I would say but despite the condition of Lindsay’s body police were able to identify the injuries that led to her

    Death what the pathologist was able to give was a cause of death which was compression of the neck which was as a result of some significant force and blunt trauma been applied to Lindsay’s neck that could have been by a kick a stamp or by use of another object

    And she couldn’t rule out that Lindsay had possibly been strangled as well the search of the area surrounding the grave also uncovered vital Clues so Windy’s body was naked and the only item of her property or clothing we ever recovered was her trainers which we recovered from a skip at the

    Cemetery the soles had been cut away from the fabric but we could find Lindsay’s DNA on them we also found a saw and a pair of gloves within the foliage not far from where Lindsay had been buried and again on those gloves um there was DNA from Lindsay and DNA from

    A mystery male other experts were brought in to help piece together how Lindsay’s body came to be buried in the cemetery we were aware actually that it was more likely to be what wouldd call um body deposition site so not where the murder had taken place but somewhere

    Where the body had been hidden I think interestingly in this case one of the things that assisted us was was a botanist so Lindsay’s body was naked but it had been wrapped within some plastic sheeting and in between Lindsay’s body and the plastic sheeting was um foliage

    So there was grass um and there was a a leaf so the botanist came and had a look at the area where Lindsay’s body was and what he saw was was actually there was grass present uh within the sheating that wasn’t actually within the area of the

    Cemetery so that showed us the body had been transported from elsewhere but it was a seemingly innocuous object that was about to become the center of the investigation a number of people had noticed a wheelie bin uh within the cemetery that was unusual and it was a

    Blue wheelie bin it had been seen within the area of where Lindsay’s body was recovered but because Lindsay was a missing person it wasn’t seen as being connected to it the bin was empty and the bin had been removed officers reviewing CCTV soon made a shocking Discovery one of the officers reviewing

    CCTV from the area of Burnley Road finds that we’ve got CCTV image of a young male pulling a wheelie bin and that really pequs our interest suddenly we we’ve got a suspect now we’ve got a male pulling the wheelie bin we’ve got really good CCTV images of him um that anybody

    Who knew him will be a to identify him from as the CCTV is reviewed we find that that male pulls a Wheelin and takes it onto the cemetery and we also get that same male taking a wheelie bin uh in the early evening of lind’s disappearance onto the Copus

    Area at that point we believed it it was highly likely it been used to transport Lindsay’s body uh to the cemetery so that that was a breakthrough we we’ve been looking for and waiting for the race was now on to find the prime suspect but police were initially

    Concerned about releasing the footage to the Press we had a real fine Balancing Act to do because obviously we want to find him and arrest him as soon as we can because we need to recover the evidence from him and stop him destroying it you know at that stage he’s pulling a

    Wheelie bin he’s a suspect but certainly not the evidence there to charge him so we need to understand that and there is an element as well of protection for him because if we release that footage to the public and somebody recognizes him and thinks he’s involved in Lindsay’s

    Murder he could have been attacked himself prior to his arresting him so the decision I took and what we did was we we thought well we’ll try and identify him through police sources so we had 24 hours where we were doing all sorts of inquiries within the police

    Force and other police forces in the area to try and identify who this male was it was during this 24-hour window that police took a statement from a woman who was on the Copus the day Lindsay disappeared there was a middle-aged lady who came in to speak to

    Us and she told us that she’d been out walking that afternoon about half past 3 and she become aware of a male and she described this male a young male and he seemed out of place he was there on his own he was walking on a path that was

    Parallel to her he seemed to be walking very slowly so she slowed down as well because she didn’t want to end up walking in front of him and she decided whichever pathway he took she’d walk in an opposite direction but she came to the other side of the Copus and then she

    Sees this same male again and he’s about 100 to 120 yards from her she’s genuinely frightened and she starts to pick a pace up and walk fastly to get off the Copus she’s looking for something heavy she says to pick up because she thinks she may be attacks

    And she needs something to defend herself so she just puts her head down and she walks at speed and and she manages to get off the Copus and is safe and when she looks behind again this mail is is gone what I think is quite chilling in this case is the pathway she

    Leaves and we have CCTV showing a leave in the area just after 4:00 is the same pathway that Lindsay then subsequently walks on to So within five or 10 minutes of this mail following this lady Lindsay walks on to that same pathway although the woman was too far

    Away from the mail to be able to formally identify him her description matched the mail on the CCTV so on the 27th of August police decided to release footage to the Press after first showing it to Lindsay’s family he showed me the clip he said you

    Recognize this lad I said no I’ve never seen him before the image they sh was just a young lad pulling a blue wheel he been down the street had didn’t really think that Lindsay would be in that B I think I did I don’t know about my

    Dad and my brother but I think I did it’s not normal to be Wheeling a wheel beenin around and you can see on the clip that it’s quite that it’s got a wait in it I think it were about 35 40 minutes later it was on the TV on G A

    Reports the CCTV images of the suspect made national headlines that became synonymous with with the case then there was um an image that they’d released of what looked like a really young man in tracksuit bottoms pulling a wheelie bin along the road so we took the decision that we

    Would release the footage at tea time because that’s the time when most people will be at home watching their local evening news and we were getting all sorts of different names and all sorts of different information um but after a couple of hours we started to get a

    Pattern the police had left here five minutes later and then a minute later miss son’s phone rang one of his friends and he says I know that lad he’s called price he goes to the same gym as me the name price have been mentioned a number

    Of times a local gym have been mentioned so we starting to really focus and identify who the suspect was but within hours of the CCTV footage being broadcast there was an unexpected turn of events to my surprise I got a call to say there was a couple who

    Brought their son into the front desk at Green Bank police station because he was the male on the CCTV on the evening of the 27th of August 2019 16-year-old Rocky Marciano price surrendered to police accompanied by his parents price had an IQ of just 65 putting him in the category of

    Extremely low intelligence but he had no criminal history although there were some reports of aggressive behavior during his final year of Junior School Rocky was a 16-year-old male so he had issues with communication he did his family told us he struggled to communicate and he was autistic we interviewed Rocky over a

    Number of days and he replied no comments all all questions asked so he never said anything to us in fact he never said anything to us throughout the interviews the police said we’ve got a lad in custody and then as time went on they said he’s 16y old and you you even

    Myself I went 16y old my daughter’s 17 he’s younger than my children what’s he doing through CCTV footage police were able to trace Price’s whereabouts around the time of Lindsay’s disappearance about half 2 on the afternoon of Lindsay’s murder Rocky went onto the Copus we then about 4:00 show Lindsay walking down towards

    The Copus within an hour or two of that we then see Rocky leaving the Copus and walking down Burnley Road you could see on the CCTV that actually his the area of his knees appeared wet and the the top of his um tracksuit top was partly

    Pulled down and undone you then see him a short time later returning to the Copus area with a rook sack and he’s on the Copus for an hour or so and then he leaves the Copus with the Rook sack and then a short time later comes back with

    The blue wheelie bin which he takes onto the Copus and then later that evening probably 10:00 between 10 and 11:00 he leaves with the Rook sack but the wheelie bin isn’t with him so within within a short time of Lindsay’s disappearance and we say murder Rocky was already about trying to hide the

    Body and that’s what the CCTV was showing after 2 days of police questioning price finally came up with the story to explain his movements that day he produced what’s called a prepared statement through his s started off I Rocky Marcio price consider said I’m not involved in um

    Lindsy BC’s murder however I was approached by a white male who speaks English who offered me a large sum of money to move a body so I’ve never seen this mail before I’ve never seen him since but I did it was in an area off Burnley Road he showed me where the body

    Was and then I moved it but I was not responsible for Lindsay’s murder and he says a white m has gone up to the cop he murdered Lindsay Nobody seen him he’s left no DNA but yet the first person he’s approached is Rocky price and basically

    Confessed a murder and asked him to move the body a normal person would walk up to a random person and say I’ve just killed somebody here’s some money please will remove it he just that that that won’t happen realistically but despite Rocky’s outlandish explanation police still searched for the mysterious white

    Male you know for six months I had a sergeant and six detectives scanning all the CCTV looking for this mail at the end of the investigation I could confidently say there was no evidence whatsoever uncovered to show this male existed uh and there was nobody else involved in Lindsay’s murder in January

    2020 the trial of Rocky pricee began at Preston Crown Court Rocky pleaded not guilty he pleaded guilty to moving Lindsay’s body and hiding and disposing of Lindsay’s body but he pleaded not guilty to murder it was the first time the family came face to face with the person accused of

    Killing Lindsay so we were in court number one at Preston and Rocky came in and he was s sitting behind a glass screen and his body language was he slouching his chair with his hands in his pockets to me it was just like he were going through a routine he knew

    What was going to be the outcome we hated being in the same room as him the hatred we felt for him was unbelievable to see him with that attitude made it worse it came across as like he had no respect for anybody in that room he was

    Slouched he had no emotion in his face at all during the trial Lindsay’s family heard graphic details of the brutality involved in her murder the pathologist a lady who’s been in the job for 25 years said she’d seen nothing like it in her career she said the injuries to her neck

    Was what she would say would have been caused by an industrial accident so she said whoever did this was intent and wanted to make sure it was Murdered during the trial the middle-aged woman on the Copus couldn’t formly identify Rocky as the man that followed her however crucially through DNA the prosecution were able to link price and Lindsay to key pieces of evidence and we also had Rocky’s DNA on Lindsay’s trainers as well and again on

    Those gloves there was DNA from Lindsay and DNA from Rocky we could also link Rocky through DNA to the wheel bin and we could link Lindsay through DNA to the wheelie bin and regarding the the decomposition of Lindsay’s body when we spoke to the pathologist that fitted in potentially with Lindsay’s body been

    Stored in the wheelie bin and been stored upside down which then accounted for the difference in the decomposition on August the 12th 2020 exactly one year after Lindsay’s disappearance the jury retired to consider their verdict we all left the courtroom went and got some dinner we come back at 1:00

    Half 1 we sat around and it was only like an hour and a half 2 hours later we said JW’s JW’s com back in and it were like that’s very quick it was just over 3 hours it’s an atmosphere like none I’ve ever experienced before at any murder

    Trial where it’s just electric um when the jury come back on a murder trial and you’ve got that sense of anticipation as to what the verdict will be and much to the relief of the family and myself and all connected that the the jury came back with a verdict of guilty to murder

    And as soon as he said that it was just Relief really we all had to cry didn’t we but it’s like a sense of relief you knew it’ done it we knew he’ done it and we just thought just is he he going to be saved now Rocky was sentenced to life

    Imprisonment with a recommendation he served the minimum of 16 years due to the premeditated nature of his crime because of his age the minimum sentence was 12 years but because it was premeditated as in it followed the lady before Lindsay and because the length of time from when Lindsay went missing to

    Being found the classic is aggravated so because of his age the premeditated and aggravated he got 16 years minimum to life so the chances are he will never set thoughts out of jail for the rest of his life which made me feel better Rocky in my mind is a very

    Dangerous young man he stalked two women U during that afternoon and having uh been unsuccessfully stalking one lady within a short period of time he attacks and murders Lindsay so yeah I believe he’s dangerous you start asking yourself why would a 16-year-old lad going and do

    This we have no insight as tsed on it I don’t think we ever will the only person that can tell us what his motive was was Rocky and Rocky hasn’t done so I believe that price was in the Copus on that particular day because he wanted some form of sexual

    Encounter with a woman he’s looking for a sexual encounter when he stalks therefore the first woman that he identifies walking alone that’s giving him a sense of being powerful she has a sick sense about this is not a good encounter and so she runs down the hill and is also looking for

    Weapons uh sticks branches that she can pick up to defend herself and that puts price off think about this as a rehearsal he has to slightly change the way that he would then approach the next woman that he sees walking alone it’s just unfortunate that the next single

    Woman that he encounters when he’s in that state of mind happens to be Lindsay burbeck and therefore she ends up dead Rocky price may have been convicted of Lindsay BC’s murder but despite the weight of evidence against him certain people refused to believe that he could be responsible Rocky’s family haven’t

    Accepted that Rocky has killed it and they believe what he has said and that somebody else did it even worse for the family there have been rumors on social media that Tim is in fact responsible there’s a lot of people thinking on social media that my dad’s involved with it because obviously

    They’ve gone through a divorce people look at that and think oh well they must hate each other but they clearly didn’t Tim bck was never a suspect in the investigation we looked at Tim’s movements along with other people within there and what I can say is Tim was not there was not present

    And was elsewhere and we could show that he was not and could not be involved in Lindsay’s murder the police kept saying to me just ignore him to they go away but they do chip away at you and it does hurt you we’ve been through absolute hell regarding this and then you’ve got

    To deal with these people who are pointing fingers it’s despicable I just want people to understand there’s still a family picking up the pieces and trying to rebuild I don’t think it’ll be possible to rebuild after this because like most moms in most families they are a big big person to have in

    Your life so it’s so it’s hard not to have it there the burbeck family have found it particularly difficult knowing that their Lindsay was killed by the type of troubled young person she was trying to help Lindsay she worked in a school with special needs children she’d help

    Anybody you know so if some if some child had a problem she’d take him under her Wing she help him she nurture him you can’t comprehend it it’s just unbelievable she was just such a kind caring person and wish nothing bad on anybody yeah with Rocky being on the

    Spectrum and my mom liking to help people on the Spectrum or those who just need extra help it it’s hard to think Mom would have helped him in any way she could have and he’s murder


    1. That 16 year old looks totally angry and dangerous.
      What a sad story. Such a lovely and caring woman murdered for no reason. ❤❤to her family

    2. Rocky is an extremely dangerous person and i hope he's never released from prison. He's not the brightest but also not as stupid as he looks considering his first thought after murder was to try and cover up his crime.

    3. Gypsies that get free houses,benefits a plentey can't be "travellers".They never go to school…just like in Portugal& Spain but all drive cars,and receive benefits checks every month.?The council shud also be charged for let them staying ..Travellers/ nomads need to move costantly around…not given them free houses and benefits.

    4. If this culture of subhumans think Tim had anything to do with his ex wife's death then it proves they're of very low intellect. It's scary how someone so deranged can take someone's life, scar the family left behind and then get despicable people pointing the finger even after science and law proves who the murderer is.

    5. of course it was a violent sexual driven attack & murder..they might have not been able to obtain his DNA due to the extreme decomposition & summer heat..but this psycho was on the prowl looking for a woman to attack & rape..and since the first one felt the danger and escaped ,he made sure to not 'miss' the second one…and she probably tried to talk to him & negotiate instead of fleeing like the first woman…..RIP Lindsay.. also the fact that he thought of hiding her corpse inside a graveyard shows no mental disorder but vicious planning …no mercy for this of POS.

    6. My heart goes out to this family. It must be especially hard now, with Christmas, and all. May Lindsay rest in peace. This was very hard to watch, and I can only hope, that in time the pain will become a bit more bearable for this dear family.

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