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    Still to come locked and loaded for a late night alarm call this is the A and I’ll give you a clue Benny boy intercepts a hot date you’re driving like an idiot if you did just driven off slowly you would have got stopped in West Yorkshire armed defenses have doubled in Just 4

    Years OH police Firearms cops here are task with one Mission got it get the guns off the streets and bring those using them to justice your to your KNE go we are seeing a big increase in in the use of firearms at the moment sort of criminally there’s been a particular

    Flare up in this area in the Huddersfield area between a couple of the gangs where obviously trying to trying to get on top of the but the big thing as well the big thing tonight is we want to get these weapons back tonight a team of firearms cops are mobilizing for an intelligence-led

    Operation the plan is to raate two properties looking for suspects thought to be connected to gun crime providing backup dog handler Duncan Matthews I’ve got Place dog tier with me tonight she is a firearm support dog um so when when we get to the address she

    Goes in and makes sure it’s safe for everybody else to go in afterwards Duncan Tia have taken part in dozens of armed raids weeding out some some of West yorkshire’s most dangerous criminals about 30 seconds from the address so we’re got to get to the

    Address as quick as we can now try and secure the suspect the first suspect is wanted on suspicion of firing a weapon in public cops must tread carefully quiet an Intel suggests there could be multiple weapons in the House locked and loaded the team prepared to make their move somebody up at two To a silhouette in an upstairs window can you go down to your front door yeah he claims he’s coming down but they’re taking no chances this is where he’s going to be putting the control just down in front of this vehicle here just down there on your on your slowly towards me

    Stand don’t make any s movements keep walking right stop there turn around face away from me go down to your knees in the crosshairs of multiple automatic rifles he’s on his knees entry team confirmed subject is secure and singing like a canera just secure is um yeah a shotgun top of

    Steps an air rifle and downstairs in kitchen BL repli Airsoft he’s amassed quite an Arsenal but before retrieving it cops need to be sure none of his mates are hiding in the house do we have uh any communication with them and there’s another problem his girlfriend’s still in the address

    And girlfriend’s in there and there’s three children in there as well officers are going to go to the front door speak to her there and basically negotiate her to come out with the children we need them out of the house before we can search it properly then make sure

    There’s nobody else in there hiding after 10 minutes the suspect’s partner finally appears and she and the three young kids are safely away oh police anybody in the dress make yourself know now Tia rushes in where armed men Fear To Tread right she’s gone back along the

    Landing I can see a shadow moving around on that come dog safe no indication it gone well te’s gone in she’s done what she needed to do fairly happy there’s nobody else in there just made it that little bit safer for the Firearms team to go in now

    I’ll to the house I’m police show yourself now please open off straight ahead floor by floor room by room armed cops scour the family home right clear room clear out entry team to Bron were persing upstairs they soon locate the imitation shotgun and air rifle the man told them about plus might

    Be something iffy in the Attic that he conveniently failed to mention certainly with places like this they’ve got cannabis grows in there they’re looking at protecting them whether that’s why he’s got that um imitation weapon or not I don’t know how do he come to the window or the door

    Holding that um looking how real it is I think it’ have ended very differently to how it just has done now the house will be placed on lockdown before being turned over the next day by specialist search teams but for Duncan tier and the Firearms unit the night isn’t over

    Yet XO Delta 68 brief and receive no questions their next suspect has served time for gbh and now he’s wanted on suspicion of attempted murder the intelligence that we have on this suspect is that he’s potentially a lot higher threat than the previous one obviously we deal with each threat on an

    Individual basis with the stakes High there’s no time to hang about help police OH police come to the door do it now if no one answers they’ll have to force entry occupants this is the a police show yourself occupants this is the a poli do yourself still no

    Response two lights on someone’s finally got the message Show Yourself several loaded guns are trained on the front door not the armed bad guy they were expecting who else is it in the house it’s the suspect’s Mom apparently her son isn’t home but he’s due back any

    Minute it’s not ideal because at the moment he’s not under our control we don’t know whether he’s got the weapon so this is what we’re just going to we’re going to have to S out now make sure as soon as he gets here we’ve got control of him and he can’t change his

    Mind and go somewhere else hold on hold on engine up out the car please let me see Hands Chief when you get out keep your hands up for everybody come he’s happy to cooperate but this man is known to have a violent past please stand there stand there still get out your knees

    Keep your hands where I can see keep your hands where I can see him this he’s unarmed and the car’s clean too so where’s the gun what’s OH police anybody in the address make yourself down a quick search and still no weapon but with two wanted men off the streets dunk

    Satisfied with a job well done got both suspects in custody we we’ve come out we’ve done what we wanted to in the end um that was the ultimate aim um the ideal thing would be if we can find the weapon now that’s been used um but

    Ultimately we want to get the person in custody but we’ve got to do it safely yeah that’s happened tonight um and everyone’s everyone’s safe so yeah we’re Happ with that no action was taken against the first Suspect with regards to firing a weapon in public he is however still

    Under investigation for production of Canon abis the second suspect was released without Charge it’s a quiet Summer’s evening so interceptors Ben Pearson and Matt Ransom can’t miss the sound of a hot hatch begging to get pulled let’s have a look at this golf here a white Golf GTI has burned it from the lights leaving the Friday night traffic for

    Dust but B no slouch from the lights and on it in seconds just the attitude that people have got it’s 9:00 at night lights have just gone to green and lad in front thinks it’s uh Grand Prix at Silverstone petrol head Benny boy is a big fan of high performance mod Motors

    But has little time for low performance drivers and thinks he can just give it beans and everyone’s got to accept that he can drive how he wants and do what he wants so we’ll just have a quick word with him stop oh he just know where the driver’s got a heavy right

    Foot but it doesn’t look like he’s trying to get away it looks likely he’s no idea there’s a cop on his tail You se you Ben will soon take care of that turn it off finally the penni’s dropped where he car keys is your car no right about both the driver and his female passenger are dressed to impress but it’ll take more than a Dicky bow to impress Benny

    Boy do lad so first of all calm yourself down hi who’s his car to yeah oh hired off someone hired off who 007 says the GTI is hired from that well-known rental firm a friend of a friend right so how much you had it

    For £50 for the night W £50 for a night it’s a nice car it’s a nice car yeah and how are you in sh in yeah he told me temp Insurance surprise surprise there’s no paperwork to back up his claims how old are you 18 18 wow 18 driving a Golf GTI

    Benny boys heard enough right listen listen you’re driving like an idiot okay be kills yeah it does right so what do you do at bom of back in Road I’ll give you a clue B so what do you do then you want me give them a

    Clue what do you do when you turn down B my lead road then what do you do when send up back at Telegraph not acceptable and you them them two people who walk in up here when they driving like an idiot doing 40 yeah it’s a High car apparently that’s not a High

    Car dodgy hire is an all too familiar story for the interceptors this is what we have all the time and people like you no disrespect naive do what someone tells them to do or says yeah take it and believe I’m insured not have you got any proof of any insurance

    No how long have you been driving for uh I’ve been passed for nearly a year now do you know when you in your first two years of driving what happens if you get more than six points you get your license revoked yeah you got to pass

    Your test again do you return to a pral license holder yeah okay unfortunately for this lad having no insurance will earn him the full half dozen so it’s byy byy a license do you know what the biggest kick in the teeth is if he had just driven off slowly you wouldn’t have got

    Stopped I didn’t even see you I know do you know why that is lack of experience the golf is getting seized how do you feel with his driving don’t like an idiot and to make matters worse this was no ordinary date you know what it is

    This day been looking forward to it for a long time right what’s going on is it a dance it’s like a cuz we finished school haven’t we is it a prom yeah it’s like a prom the young couple have just arrived at the hotel for their High

    School prom signature on that bit there here yeah can you hold it than you I got a signature you’ll get one when you get older not only is the lad losing his license he’s missing the biggest social event of the year and now every school kid’s nightmare hello are you teachers

    Yeah what your oh no teach you here double trouble here you go time to face the music this trouble inside I telling you I’ll make your life misery nothing that happen inside just make sure okay Cinderella shall go to the ball after all Prince Charming was reported for no insurance

    And because he could potentially receive six points he may well lose his license uh I don’t want to ruin his prom but it has done but it should have thought about that before he set off like an idiot from traff lights oh yeah posi result for shot Place coming

    Up Nature Calls for Chris and 80 if I stand in dog tur I will not be happy Interceptors Chris bastau and AD Fickling have just kicked off the night shift and are already Painting the Town blue hunting a wanted Motor there were a vehicle that made off from uh couple of lads of a day Suzuki ignis met off twice and uh it’s been cited Again by District officers Castle area so we’re just making us way down into that area now and hopefully it’ll pop out

    Again The Runaway is well known to the cops but he’s a slippery customer Houdini in a Suzuki he failed to stop for me yesterday as well so it’s personal it would be you can’t personalize it not personal but it would be very nice to get them because the fil just stopped

    For Chris on our team as well a couple of days ago just give it the street where it was seen last eyes right fellas that that’s it now Chris has him on the hook and this time refuses to let him wriggle free yeah 61 behind the Suzuki this

    Vehicle failing to stop having been given the slip once on these roads Chris reckons he knows Houdini’s ammo this will go fry some Woods we need some to fry some Woods B somebody get to fry some Woods ASAP please to lose a suuki once could be regarded as a misfortune

    It’s left left left onto Kendall drive to lose it twice would be carelessness just stand by we’re still on the green just hold on it’s going Offroad it’s going Offroad at the Green Into the Woods the boys Beamer 3 Series is no off-roader but interceptors don’t give up that

    Easy the thing is it could just leave it pked in wood to go for Walkers how far is I’m happy to run till I puke to get these if we find this car down I’ll be chuffed occasionally a walk in the woods can help Focus the mind it’s quite open turn

    Left cuz you could see it turn left but some good oldfashioned detective work there’s like reflective lights on floor yeah I’ve seen that as if they’ve been done on purpose yeah it’s been skidding as well look at that it’s been skidding like mad the signs are promising how we

    Going to get out of here I don’t know I’m not bothered about walking a few mile though but the one That Got Away they’ll go the extra mile thing is Right we’ve got to find way back to car in full Blair Witch territory oh don’t go too far r c see I

    Might get scared there’s wolves around here 15 minutes later they spot something and it’s not a Little Red Riding Hood oh reflector up there yeah it’s there look found it get in awesome Bingo the drivers ditched the Suzuki and disappeared and he’s taken the keys with him the problem

    Is we middle at Woods we’ll get it out mate I’ve got a trick up my sleeve before joining the force motorbike fanatic and Advanced Driver ad was a hot shot mechanic if you want a motor Gone in 60 Seconds ad’s your man we’re just going to have to put our

    Trust in ad who’s going to drive us back to our car so that might be a bit dicey but yeah very very happy so turned out to be a good little job but they’re not out of the woods just yet um oh he doing it start noted is

    It got oh mate that nearly did it I know I got really excited I thought we’ve done it and then why just I like to Tas give you the suspense of getting it achieved and then just let you down gently like you know what I

    Mean St my life an a for effort ad but you’re no Vin Diesel 61 uh we can’t get it started this cast so I’m not going to be able to get it out if we can organize recovery with a four before cuz that’s the only vehicle that’s going to be

    Accessible into these Woods the recovery van will be an hour a long time to sit in the cold Dark Woods twiddling your thumbs there’s no way this car is going to go anywhere now so we can walk back to car wait for Recovery we’re going

    Jump it for before and show him how to get a out yeah yeah it’s not result we wanted but we got car the main thing is we got car exactly I’m happy with that are we going to remember which way we’re going yeah we’ll remember it yeah we

    Should have some we should have a ball of string should we it’s easy Hansel just follow the trail of tire tracks they’re going to come in morning and uh exactly the little car’s not going to be there his key in hand and always stick to the path

    Straight down there I’ll do we come around or we came around that way didn’t we I’m not sure Lads we’re lost it didn’t come through there it’s too tight it come through there right wonder if it’s com this way right I’ll just go see if there’s any marks up here hold on is

    Oh Christ I think that fork down there we should have gone right I don’t remember seeing that I have no idea really let’s just wing it this is turning out to be a Shambo T come out that one this is not lot fun now I think it gets like about half 4 in

    The morning by that time we should be able to find his way outwards if I stand in dog turd I will not be happy we are walking the right way are we really after an hour’s rambling I have no idea I’ve managed to [ __ ] that up so badly they find the path to

    Freedom what’s worrying though is the car’s that far away how have we over overdone it by that much we shot it by about a kilometer haven’t we it’s taking them so long to get out the recovery Van’s already arrived super you just timed it right which means

    They’ve got to turn around and head straight back into the woods this is a funny shift just like being it selling Getty it all we need now is David the rating this to the left you can see the liar there is W that far away it since the car won’t start they’ve got

    To drag it out we’ll give it a try we ar bothered about any damage on there if it rips end of that off cuz it gets stuck we’ll just torch it and leave it well we won torch it we’ll just leave it we won torch it right this is going to be ride

    Of Our Lives this time they’ve got fresh TI marks to follow so far so good finding their way out should be a brid freeze Ed is this where we should have turned right I don’t know cuz I didn’t see it I too busy talking but I don’t remember

    This bit oh bger me lost again and AD knows who’s to blame looking but has at the moment A wise man once said it’s not the destination but the journey that counts he clearly never traveled with ad and Chris there’s wall look there’s wall oh yes yes get in

    There several hours after they first spotted the Suzuki it’s finally on its way to the [Laughter] pound don’t mess with us gri cuz we’ll drag your car out of anywhere probably one of the funniest shifts I’ve had in a long time though yeah 61 61 we finally got this motor out

    Of woods we’re live and well and we’re going to go get something to eat Happy Days on Monday at 9 Chris Terren 3 million worth of two wheelers swiped every month but since cops in London were given new powers still two up no helmet to chase runaway Riders without

    Helmets and use tactical contact to end a Pursuit coming towards you now on your left I theft in the capital has dropped by 50% get out now West Yorkshire police are following suit yeah W you can answer some questions Cocker without discussing tactics about what we do with them it

    Follows the same principle of pursuing a car you’ve got to weigh up who’s on it what you know about them is it being used in crime the only thing is a motorcycle is a lot more Nimble can go places that a car can’t go there are different tactics for them and hopefully

    It’s getting out there that the uh we will pursue motorbikes it’s a Wednesday afternoon and rookie Joe wearing is getting a crime busting master class from veteran Interceptor Nick good Jo’s a new recruit uh so we’re just showing it ropes so we’ll be looking various different traffic offenses if we

    Can all right also we’ll be looking potentially if there’s any Motors that have been stolen overnight this is a good time for things to move yeah so it may pop open it and then we’ll we’ll go for it I happy with that absolutely lovely middle stolen bike stolen bike so

    We’ve got a stolen bike here down on Midland Road a motorbike reported stolen has been seen less than a mile away it appears to be um an off-road motorbike with uh an unknown driver on at the moment failed to stop for police one unit’s already in Pursuit yes

    Yes mote speed 70 and the Choppers all over the runaway riders’ currently got in the lad’s putting the bike through its Paces throwing it around on the road and ramming home it Advantage off it Springfield Springfield K but this guy’s no Valentino Rossi and interceptors are quickly within

    Range as they hang a sharp left only the quick thinking of an Interceptor averts disaster but can they avoid Nick and Joe who are just up ahead this after his close shave Nick’s got the bit between his teeth yeah’s The Runaway Riders head to a busy residential area but what they don’t

    Know is that police have set a [Applause] trap with the road blocked they plow through a hedge and both Riders go flying h on H on they dumped it well they’re up on their feet and Away on their toes but Nick and Joe are closing In get ready to jump out yep the heli keeps tabs on the driver on your marks get set ready go go go go rookie Joe is out the traps left can he catch his Man got interceptors have been in Hot Pursuit of a stolen motorbike when the two suspects have nowhere to go they ditch the bike and Scar ready ready go go go rookie Interceptor Joe is hot on the heels of the driver first left who opts for the spectacular he launches himself over a

    5-ft fence without clocking the 10t drop the other side over the road not so evil coneval isn’t such a daredevil yeah they’ve got they’ve got one they’ve got one raining Packy with warning cuffs it’s left a rookie Joe to Nick the fence jumper but he can’t find Him police officers stop stop stop stop stop stop jump over the fence he’s just over There x-ray Romeo 17 wondered where I am wondered where I am the lad’s not Moving are there any units that can go around the other side one male sustained injury jumping off a fence it’s a bit of a drop it’s quite a high fence come around this side you’ll be able to pick him up easy the suspect still isn’t moving so Joe slides down

    The fence to check he’s okay what if you injured then mate what injuries have you got meanwhile back on the other side of the fence Nicks found some items of Interest so we’ve got Al clava and uh ski goggles West Yorkshire is hardly a winter sports Hot

    Spot veteran traffic cop Nick has been on the force for 17 years in his spare time he plays r be league and is trained in first aid what’s hurting pal all of your right side all it what what your leg your foot your hip like all my leg my ancle right Miss

    Hip ribs on the elbow and shoulder and should all just down that side all down there you look before you jump no jumped over the glass table next you know Ang are f one right okay he said that he’s fallen to his right hand side so he can’t feel anything on

    His right uh which is bit of concer so he’s going to need looking at properly by uh paramedics I’m just going to take a look at it now yes yes he’s conscious and breathing he’s complaining of pain down his right hand side mainly in his elbow and his uh

    Ribs don’t lean forward just just keep yourself on me manate it’s going to it’s going to hurt up well okay all right mate we got quite a quite a deep gash there on back of your head all right does your neck feel okay no it doesn’t you feeling any different to how you

    Felt before yeah go on talk to me tell tell me how different you feel go to sleep you what sorry going to sleep you want to go to sleep you don’t go to sleep mate all right Nick doesn’t want to risk the lad falling unconscious so does his best to keep him talking

    Ambulance is here now mate so that’s absolutely fine all right paramedics decide the lad needs his head and neck raced before stretching him off to the ambulance where rookie Joe gets to read him his rights for Joe good job yeah cracking job by Jo um he were ready ready for it

    Bel off ready to go with this one as soon as he went he were off over this fence and detained him nice nice prisoner for a young officer the lad was treated in hospital and is on the road to recovery both suspect suspects were arrested for theft of a motor vehicle

    Dangerous driving and failed to stop the lad in the garden was also arrested for possession of a Class B drug the investigation is Ongoing life’s never dull for the intercepts because sometimes even the smallest jobs can blossom into something much much dodgier I’ve stopped cars where it’s just literally to give words of advice for having a light out or something and they’ve ended up having a boatload of drugs in the car and stuff like that

    That’s one of the good things about traffic really from small acorns you get big Trees and Prime to chop down trees tonight right has this vehicle stopped yes Sophie hawkswell and Chris Harding who’ve been called to help mop up after a pursuit in leads outside the old Ford green if you know that the car was spotted doing donuts in the city center before being pursued and

    Brought to a stop it’s shown previous keeper not insured Etc so they’re doing some inquiries in relation to that um but whil they’ve done that there’s obviously been something that’s indicated that perhaps the driver may not be in a position to be driving said vehicle U because they just asked us to

    Bring along a drugs wipe Sophie’s nickname is big dog she’s a tie kickboxing champion and nothing winds her up more than drug drivers when Sophie and Chris arrive on the scene the two suspects have already been detained Sophie goes to Frisk the female while the car is searched possibly is

    Just one streight deal of heing that was just for starters more wraps of suspected class A’s are discovered and big dogs caught another scent that’s what stinks there some cannabis or I believe to be cannabis find your re pocket who just going to B these on you

    All right we’re just going to put you over to the back of the car wait just 50 up a little bit higher that’s it lovely thank you very much Alex have you got key to Van take a seat in there watch your head just take a seat on there for me drugs

    In the car drugs in the coat will it be a full house with the drugs and the driver positive for cannabis Bingo as you can see double line that’s come up on top he did say you had Coke two days ago but that’s not come through so as

    Well as the the weed and the class A’s police have found several mobile phones and a large amount of cash a criminal mastermind this guy certainly isn’t this car has been doing donuts uh just up the road at Amy Road drawing attention to himself to the police I’m guessing he’s

    Been shown off front of his girlfriend cuz he’s made off obviously the police have gone after him and as you can see it’s not gone too well for him he’s tried to go round cars here guessing he’s hit the tree or the post destroyed

    His own car and uh has got some drugs on him has failed the roadside um drugs test um oh dear but the job’s not over yet Sophie and Chris head back to the Nick because Sophie’s got a hunch about the girl she searched the female when I asked her if

    She had anything on her U just before I started searching her it was so obvious she did it was ridiculous she might as well have just said yeah and here it is and handed it to me I suspect that she’s probably secreted um something about her

    Person uh possibly put it down a pants in a brow all things you can’t really search at the roadside for um so be looking to get strip searched down at the custody area um so that if she has hidden anything about a body it can it can be Recovered when they get back to the Cop Shop the donut driver is already being booked in hello and officers searching the girl have made an extraordinary Discovery in the lining of her coat they found what looks to be about 50 laps uh possibly heroin along with a big rock that’ll

    Have to be tested to see what that is a fantastic result um really good job from start to finish the donut driver was arrested for drug driving failed to stop possession with intent to supply class A drugs possession of Class B drugs and breach of bail his female passenger was also

    Arrested for drugs offenses both remain under investigation all from a simple traffic stop Mighty iffy Oaks from Little acorns grow the hilarious thing about it all is he was doing donuts he’s basically brought this on himself he yes yeah massively high IQ I have no doubts yes yes the vehicle is slow right

    Down possible D camp stopping a runaway motor is no Picnic but it can involve the sandwich behind with the third X5 interceptors hunt in packs we got all three V together yeah primtive box you go first Steph I’ll go on to offside rear carrot back boxing in bad guys using multiple cars and the dark Hearts moving now where of tactical Pursuit and

    Containment or teack turn it off turn it off turn it off I’ll break on now car get arms out now do Yourself on the m62 interceptors Ben Pearson and Matt Ransom are on route to assist colleagues traveling eastbound from Manchester we are on our way now to a unit that’s behind a vehicle that’s been used in credit card frauds all the way around West Yorkshire North Yorkshire

    Going to try and get a box on it get it stopped and get them detained petrol head Ben’s got a passion for 80s hot hatches he’s an advanced driver who’s teac trained the vehicle he’s after tonight has been linked to some serious Financial crime what it sounds like

    They’ve been doing is getting credit cards or store cards to a limit of 500 on fraudulent details and they’ve gone out basically maxing all cards up so they might have a couple of thousand wor a gearing Bild so it could be a really good job really the plan is to

    Use teac to box in the suspect with three cop cars Dave just while it’s quiet on air now where do you want us I’ll go past it as car one and then the two cars behind me go right and one of the re please up it no

    Worries two units are behind the suspect but it takes three to teack so Ben and Matt plot up at a roundabout ready to join the pack all right so it’s coming 25 over the roundout 31 we’re going slip road now there is bingo it’s time to teack 31 we’re behind we the Third

    Vehicle as the Third vehicle their role is to block the suspect’s car from behind Dave I’ve got rear 31 yeah that’s see start P people down now the signal comes in and they strike box on this guy is gone going nowhere stop stop stop it took less than 30 seconds

    See the driver doesn’t know what’s hit him we’ll take it off at y way uh yeah we’ll take it off somewhere yeah they’ll move to a safer section of the road to search the car but the early signs are promising where the TV in back in there if they find evidence of credit

    Card fraud then this fell is in it up to his neck these kind of crimes cost the UK more than a billion pound last year and the worst offenders faed 10 years at Her Majesty’s pleasure got make sure you get protection on first don’t you don’t want to cross contaminate all

    I’ll put in here fingerprints where the sh the fingerprints oh what’s up right that’s not his name that’s a different name that’s a different name Matt’s found a dozen credit cards in the car that’s a different name that’s a different name that’s a different name that’s different name is that a

    Different name too all with women’s names on the front that’s different all right this bloke’s beard is a slight giveaway they’re not his say back in there sir to say anything not sure about you but I don’t care around 12 credit cards all in different names so obviously been go around

    Different shops with different credit cards buy a lot of high value Goods as well as the cards and the high value Goods they found a w of cash that’s go let’s move using stolen or fake documents to open credit cards in someone else’s name is called application fraud uh they say

    It’s a victim was crime but technically it’s not they could even gone through people’s bins that don’t Shred the mail properly uh they could be victims as well and I’ve sported a lot of people who have had the details clone and then it’s affected their credit score in long

    Run so the C say it’s a victimless crime back at the station the suspect is booked in while the interceptors do some detective work that’s a receipt for the television that has come from Darlington today so the C that bought that TV he’s got any propy so so we can link him

    Going to that shop there’s a paper trail straight from the goods in the car to the dodgy credit cards that’ll do nicely it’ll lead deeper and further field than what we’ve got now but this is the vehicle we to to look out for this is the one we’ve got

    And we’ve got a good result from it Matt’s also pretty Chu with the evening’s haul got 12 bank cards and 12 different names which obviously quite unusual phones checkbooks um Goods which been purchased with these cards got TVs tablets but yeah so we’ doing well good stop the driver with more cards than

    Clinton’s was arrested for fraud offenses the investigation is ongoing still to come a runaway driver CD 7 by with something to hide who’s who’s the girl is that your girlfriend what is that your girlfriend no me put that out and the night shifts are drag for Gary you’re lighting up a cigarette in

    The back of my car it’s nearly midnight an Interceptor Steve sug sug it is on the midweek night shift we’re looking at going out in the area put ourselves in a position where we can respond to assist colleagues if that’s a a vehicle Pursuit we’ll get out there and do

    It being the sge is sstream job it likes nothing more than ridding the roads of dangerous drivers 6 it’s not long before a call comes in Squad there a vehicle failing stop initially failed for the bait unit it’s now failing stop for the T back it we’re just making our way to the

    Area a white citran is giving specialist teac units the runaround the driver’s clearly got something to hide we got a unit coming up behind us he’s all over the roads flying through Junctions and putting lives in danger he boots it to 60 MPH straight across straight across towards SP before

    Cranking things up a notch speed is 7 Z don’t but as he heads into a housing estate interceptors are confident the game will soon be up yeah inter fagle inter fagle there no way out of be but the driver’s got other ideas into a dead end through a Snicket the back of

    Morison’s the back of the Morrison’s Depot the citron’s gone Offroad and is heading towards a recre creation ground behind a supermarket in total darkness it’s not long before he disappears from View and pass Cod 6’s looking for it now but he can’t escape from the eye in the

    Sky the helicopter’s above so that’ll make a search now give us an idea as to maybe where the vehicle is so we’re just waiting for an update really well sugs keeps his eyes peeled the lead Interceptor heads deeper into the recreation ground and P 31 it looks like uh it

    Carried on on the path out towards Woodall road yeah I’ve got s of it’s Tain lights he’s found the citan but the occupants are long gone see how I wonder do we get any description of Suspects XO 37 it was an Asian male I believe there a female passenger in the car SS has spotted something I’ve got potential suspects that have gone into the uh One-Stop shop on uh gain Lane male and female but very dark here she had a white card

    On yeah received I can uh discount those two them it’s a false alarm for sugs but the chopper units reckon they’ve hit the jackp hone can we get a unit on to Sunny Bank Lane which is off uh Bradford Road we’ve got two people walking towards Bradford Road on Sunny Bank

    Lan a male and female have been spotted about 50 m apart and the bloke is acting Shifty they’re not walking together but they are clearly aware of each other’s presence SGS is just just around the corner first one think the male he about halfway down the road towards you maybe 100 me

    Away as the two suspects approach sugs and the other two units sit tight and wait for the moment to strike yeah pass 31 they are very slowly walking towards you it might be worth now you’ve got a few units there moving off While the lead unit head straight for the female SS moves in on the mail St down out Pockets down your knees now come here you’re under arrest all right dangerous driving don’t have to say anything but it may har me defense if you don’t mention when questioned

    Something which you like a line in car anything you do say may be giv an Evidence you understand over the suspect comes quietly you in fact come to my car we got any and pockets and his pockets are clear time to find out why this bloke was so Keen to get away

    Who’s the who’s the girl is that your girlfriend what is that your girlfriend it’s not me no she is no she not yeah she is here we’ve just seen her on the helicopters and things like that with questions about the girl making the guy Twitchy sug Sixth Sense goes into

    Overdrive what what’s the matter with you what what’s the matter with you no you got a bit of a sweat on on huh you got a bit of a sweat on jacket on yeah so you’re not wanting to talk to me now okay he’s clowned up but the girls confirmed she was in

    The car and that the man was driving set a 4 one can I have an update on the status of this vehicle please is it stolen cloned Etc yeah safe thank you potentially this car might be nicked it’s not shown as stolen but it’s certainly not him that’s

    Uh the owner of it or insured he’s under arrest on suspicion a theft of the vehicle and dangerous driving and uh we’ll establish fully exactly what’s gone off here with the situation of mystery and the man’s true identity still unknown they head back to the station where both suspects can be

    Questioned how old are you okay blow through there so blow that’s it keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep stop keep zero zero not quite while he goes to get booked in time to get locked up fam the female passenger is questioned

    In a separate room he’s denying everything yeah of course is and the Mystery soon unravels yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely all right nice one cheers B it turns out the girl is just 15 years old further information has come to light now that this um male is also

    Suspect of rape um on this female passenger that we’ve also arrested um so now we’ve LS with the detective inspector here at Bradford who’s uh asking that we now treat her as a victim and further arrest him for Child Abduction come on he later pleaded guilty to two

    Offenses of sexual activity with a child he also pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis dangerous driving and driving without a license and insurance he was sentenced to 7 years and 9 months in jail Across the UK more than 10,000 homes are burgled every week although catching a burglar red-handed is rare by law homeowners can use reasonable Force to protect themselves and their property but it’s probably safer to call the Cops it’s the very early hours interceptors Gary McMaster and Stefan rushworth have just been called to a suspected break-in at an address south of the city center you know where street is that’s all right Gary loves working the weekend night shift because some of the characters he meets remind him of his

    Favorite TV show The Walking Dead here here here here see we just stand out the occupants of the house have reportedly caught a burglar red-handed and kept him detained until officers arrive hi hello what’s happened the kitchen your house he should be here hi right put your hands out the two Bly

    Occupants had the Intruder pinned to the staircase this blow clearly picked on the wrong house you’re under arrest at the moment I know on suspicion of uh burglary okay come on he looks a little worse for where hopefully he can stay awake long enough for a Q&A why are you sweating so

    Much no like you just run a marathon be I love you that go should get done for that for what Assa he’s detained you by the looks of it which he’s got every right sir you just burgled his house the sweaty burglar hasn’t learned his lesson and now wants to go back in

    The house to get something some of your things were still in there what was that some sweets your sweets yeah why why you your sweets in there apart from a small bag of Haribo his pockets are clean but he does have something in his sweaty hand and Gary’s clocked it hey

    Put that out idiots somehow he’s managed to light a cigarette I want to J I’m not interested in cat smoking the back of our car mean why not you’re in custody now kidou a d Bo Gary confiscates his roll up and his lighter honestly but if at first you don’t Succeed what have I just told you what have I what have I just told you all right boss I said to you no you can’t then you don’t that doesn’t mean that you didn’t grab another and start sparking up another all right all right there’s no there’s no need to do that

    All right all right why are you doing it why are you doing it sorry why your mind hand anything that’s in your pockets is now coming out you’re not having anything in that car I don’t care you’re not having anything now must have had a secret hiding place for those

    [ __ ] you’re lighting up a cigarette in the back of my car showing off showing off D pardon don’t meanwhile Stefan’s been checking out the crime scene uh so which Windows it come through this this one this one this one it seems Smokey Joe clambered in through a kitchen window before being

    Caught trying to make off with a TV um he said he’s left his sweets are these his sweets here there his yes I’ll take him his sweets back then he looks all right lockal character didn’t he right let’s get out of here they take him back to the Cop

    Shop what’s your name kid what a hard night’s breaking and entering finally catches up with him why you telling us your name any particular reason what else do you wanted for whoever this character is cops reckon he must have previous wake up this way maybe they’ll have more luck when

    They book him in watching him oh maybe not we need to search you we need to go through this still the same procedure if you comp play with us it makes it a lot faster for you and you’ll get to your cell a lot faster when they go through his pockets he

    Gives them another mouthful SP you get a hood on all right spit again you’re getting the hood on so it’s back to the cells here you go tell us your name eventually the man offers up his name in return for some home Comforts says if you give us your

    Details we’ll give you a blanket and he just told us who he is we’ve checked on local systems and it’s him so confirm with his picture he may be sweaty but he’s not wet behind the ears it turns out he’s a notorious and prolific burglar with more than a dozen

    Convictions he’s currently wanted the breach of a court order a wrong in the wrong place at the wrong time thanks again unusual to catch a burglar in the act it doesn’t happen that often so good result there not only getting caught in the act for one offense but being caught

    For something that he’s been wanted for for a couple months as well Welling good job the man was charged with burglary breach of a court order and failing to provide a sample for class A drugs in court he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a total of 3 years and 4

    Months behind bars with his convictions for burglary in double digits perhaps it’s finally time to consider a change of career still to come set up right Drive properly not as sleep a driver gives Nick the wrong impression yeah ah right you’ve got a problem it’s approaching rush hour and CLA gray

    And Nick Priestley are on patrol in the city center pH that yeah yeah Nick thinks he’s clocked a driver on his phone an offense that can earn you six points and a 200 fine CLA pulls a UI for a closer look which one two a German one they Ed it yeah

    It’s a leftand drive motor with European plates but where’s the driver speak English yes or no okay go down there through the lights turn left you alive chill are you are you alive sit up right and drive properly not asleep you’re asleep you don’t speak English go down there and turn

    Left I think somebody’s stolen his spine takeaway fan Nick is the curry king of West Yorkshire he may be teack trained but he’ take a jel frzy over a hot pursuit any day Aya you turn engine off for me please are you all right what are you

    Okay you’re okay just TR getting out what just get out it’s really easy okay get out what get out it’s easy that way the laidback driver finally obliges and suddenly everything’s clear yeah ah right you’ve got a problem one moment no no it’s okay it’s all right no no it’s

    Okay okay time to find out if he can get his story straight I think he can only turn left oh okay have you got a problem with your neck what have you got a problem with your neck no no I think I think you do you got a problem with your neck yeah

    Problem should be driving look through that window yeah look through that window go on try a bit have a look have a look no okay perfect yeah good job we didn’t ask him to write then coming what language you speak Roman Romanian yeah doing a bit of Google translate she

    Lets him use her phone while Nick goes in search of the man’s paperwork I have got a friend that’s got a similar problem and he you know L can’t look right and he G as look out a window and he would like he was shop putting stream stream

    Stream do you live in England do you live here can’t multitask we’re just having a chat on Google he said he’s come from Romania and he’s pulled his neck on a stream well that clears that one up pull his neck on a stream should be driving should be C no that’s

    What I’ve said to him although the man’s been pulled for using his phone Nick reckons he shouldn’t be behind the wheel at all not in proper control driving that du care dangerous driving there all sorts it’s dangerous end of the day you know you can’t see anybody coming from

    Right inside and that’s why when we’re talking to him I said you all right I thought you were dead meanwhile back in the car a breakthrough the man speaks Spanish a language clear has been known to dable it she may speak on but all the man’s paperwork is in Romanian have you got

    Insurance what insurance on the car he’s trying to say this is his insurance certificate which might be I don’t know it’s in Romanian I can’t read Romanian you okay he’s saying that covers him to to drive but I have to say say I don’t think my Romanian as good as

    Your Spanish my Romanian is rubbish I don’t know any Romanian the man insists he’s insured but Claire and Nick can’t verify it so they’re left with little Choice uh right we Tak care the issue is that we we don’t know what these documents are now I know it’s you know

    We can be flippant about this and say you know well we could they could be fake we don’t know this this K is insured or not so techn we’ll report him for no insurance for being on his phone but it’s up to him now to prove yes it

    Is insured um and it’ll stay with us until we have that proof have to go to PlayStation be released back to him the car is seized but the man is free to go are you all right there you okay yeah all right no no it’s all right

    I just I’m going to open the door you’ll fall out go that’s the way go Dam it be careful Crossing Road hopefully he remembers to look both ways first I bet it turns left the man’s Insurance details eventually checked out but he was later reported for driving whilst using his

    Phone it can go now Mr pain in the neck told you you can’t turn right the interceptors are back new next Wednesday at 8 with AER Fore put sa sace Jordan DEA speee Spee he yeah Foree the pap Huh Foree go to on


    1. FFS, Why do these programmes keep doing 'Still to come' or 'coming up'. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW, AARRGGHH. I love Youtube and the right arrow x4 times to skip it. Oh and after the break, they show what just happened before the break. Just rick roll me instead.. Rant over.

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