This trip was something else.. So grateful to get to experience Romania in this way, thanks to all the people who was with us on this trip. Special thanks for Chris Baier for taking care of us and Radu Lanosiu Hangan for the E-bike experience!

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    [Applause] wow [Applause] 1435 kilometers Welcome back to new video everyone today is a new day and end of crime corks and we’re actually going on a new adventure me and victor duon are going to romania with christoph byer the my support guy here we’re about to leave the hotel we’re packing everything up

    And then we’re gonna go for a 14 hour road trip to romania but yeah let’s go that’s gonna be fun let’s go A lot of stuff in here and a 14 hour drive and look at my legroom That’s diesel right yeah i’m not that stupid so yesterday we drove for 10 hours and arrived here at 2am we are in the middle of nowhere in romania i feel like or actually there’s a city like next to us but yeah it’s like open fields and super cool

    We’re gonna drive four more hours then head to chris beyer’s place and ride some skate park explore the city and do a lot of cool stuff here so yeah welcome to romania Everyone Another one yes yes we’re in between two cities in romania we’ve been stuck here for 20 minutes because of i don’t know at least the view is nice knows at least the view is nice here in the background and yeah we’re stoked to uh yeah get forward soon we want to ride

    Everything left the flies on the on the bikes we got a lot of flies on the bike like insane We finally got on the road again we did a super quick pit stop at the skate park would be sick to ride but we’re way too stiff after the car ride and we’re gonna just continue to christoph’s place Finally we arrived such a nice feeling to get there finally and uh yeah we got a nice room everything worked out good and uh yeah you can see his ramps here in the background uh he have smoothed the whole skatepark indoors now so we’re gonna ride it later today uh but yeah stoked

    Beer Victor and i are sleeping here now we’re gonna do some e-biking and also meet with the major of the city uh we’re gonna tell him to build bike parks here actually so fun so we just arrived to christoph skate park here and yeah it looks amazing actually like you have built everything here

    Yeah with some friends of mine how long did it take i think like three weeks a month something three oh like it’s actually a lot of work and uh yeah we’re gonna try to ride this park later uh but first we’re gonna go and ride some e-bikes in

    The in the mountains so what’s the plan a friend of mine organized some e-bikes for like because of four people yeah and we go in like a tour and a mountain like enjoy the good weather and then in the evening come here and have a great session i hope

    Alex and victor would be insane actually uh they like motivated me when after i was in sweden i came home and all like what i do now yeah like i had no place to ride and i just organized in two days i had the empty warehouse and afterwards i started building it

    And this is what this looks like now That’s actually so cool to hear that you got like inspired from us in sweden i wanted to do something when you got home i just like took it in your own hands and like build everything here yeah the funny thing is why i i sent like alex two weeks after i

    Arrived in romania a picture with me building like the first jump and he was like not really you’re not building a indoor park like that’s crazy yeah that’s so cool actually But yeah now we’re gonna ride some e-bikes and then come back here in the evening and send some bangers so sick exactly So now we’re on the e-bikes we’re gonna go on a tour on the mountains i think and yeah i got to land a completely new e-bike pretty cool but yeah let’s go Wow pretty cool here How does your bike feel victor good good yeah i don’t have the power on yet but really i’m gonna save it for the yeah me and victor actually forgot to or like we didn’t put on the electric things and christophe and radu was like super fast before us and we were like

    [ __ ] this is a heavy workout but then they’re like oh have you put on your electric yet and we’re like no we haven’t and then we put it on and then everything was chill we’re actually heading to the mountains in front of us there can’t wait to get up there but yeah

    Let’s pedal can you drink that kristoff okay you do So apparently you can drink the water from the mountain here so we’re gonna try to get some air in this uh yeah i don’t know what this is actually pretty cool so this is like completely clean yeah let’s hope it’s not poison yeah whoa look at this insane

    So the kind on the top now so now it’s only downhill so we can turn off the e-bikes and just yeah cruise down to the city again finally some more downhill action wow actually pretty rowdy trails here Oh look at the left side here For sure worked going up here like this view is insane put on this one so right now we’re at the top of the city next to the brazos sign and yeah it’s insane like apparently there was a restaurant there in 1960s and yeah i don’t know what this

    Is but it looks kind of cool it’s super cool to be up there and the view is insane as you saw yeah alex was just thinking to move his flight on saturday actually yeah to stay longer because he likes like romania so much i like romania a lot but i need to go

    Home actually i got some kind of warning on my phone that there is a beer in the like on the mountain somewhere or maybe in the next month it’s pretty scary actually like never got something like this before luckily we’ll we’re faster than the bear yeah hopefully we’re faster

    Don’t doubt about it just don’t break they’re like super fast [ __ ] just like that we’re out in the city again so cool so the place we went from is actually the sign up the top there we were standing there and there was the old restaurant but it’s like

    Super cool that you can see it from uh down here like up to the sign so we’re having a session here uh in the skate park it’s like 11 p.m or something we’re kind of tired after the enduro electric bike ride uh but super cool to ride here with the locals and

    Uh yeah we’re gonna ride the park uh explore the possibilities of the tricks we can do here and uh yeah that’s it talking to my mirror like i love you so much carving all my critics like i heard you so what you can’t kill my confidence i think i’m Don’t give a [ __ ] Um You really use shoes look


    1. Really good video again!

      The park of Chris, is so times of cool.
      Really good and then still in such a short time.

      Chris is a damn good host.

      Thanks for the video.

    2. wow awesome alex you try so hard with your videos i think the videos are extremely high quality keep up the good content, very inspiring💪😍💥

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