From sticky fingers to grand theft auto, criminals take many forms. But what happens when the plan doesn’t quite come together? One has to wonder just how much planning goes into a crime, especially when you see how terribly wrong that plan can go. Let’s take a look at every way a criminal can prove that they’re not quite as bright as they think they are. Carjackers who can’t drive a stick shift, dashing escapes that don’t quite go as planned, and people posting about their crimes on social media, here are some brain-dead criminals who should have just stuck to the law.

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    This thief is not going to wait for police to arrive he kicks once twice still no luck from Sticky Fingers to Grand Theft Auto criminals take many forms but what happens when the plan doesn’t quite come together one has to wonder just just how much planning goes into a crime

    Especially when you see how terribly wrong that plan can go let’s take a look at every way a criminal can prove that they’re not quite as bright as they think they are carjackers who can’t drive a stick shift daring escapes that don’t go as planned and people posting

    About their crimes on social media here are some brain dead criminals who should have just stuck to the law number 20 getaway car takes off without shoplifting suspect shoplift liting is all about making a clean getaway but these Crooks lack the IQ to make a speedy escape the thief can be seen in

    The parking lot carrying more clothes than they should be able to carry it seems that they had run into the store picked up what they could and ran out into the parking lot to make a daring Escape but as soon as they’re ready to unload their stolen goods the getaway

    Driver decides that they’re not keen on carrying out the plan just as the thief tries to throw the stolen goods into the passenger seat of the car the plan starts to fall apart much to the shoplifter surprise the doors don’t open and the car’s engine starts going

    They’re left with no choice but to throw their stolen goods on the ground and beg to be let in but the driver has decided that they want nothing to do with it and speeds out of the parking lot the shoplifter gets stranded and starts running away without their Hall only to

    Be chased down and taken into custody by security number 19 tagged killer the only thing that’s more terrifying than murder is multiple murders that’s what what Khalil Wheeler Weaver was accused of the murders were connected by the method of execution strangulation to death but something else seemed to be

    Running the same line of thinking throughout this grizzly mass murder a dating app called tagged Wheeler Weaver used the dating app tagged to lure women out into the open at the promise of a romantic evening little did they know they were walking into a death trap Wheeler Weaver was ultimately found

    Guilty of the crimes and the damning evidence came down to his history on the dating app tagged it’s almost as though he wanted to get called surely he knew that his movements and terrible actions could be track through the app apparently he hadn’t thought that far ahead and the prosecution used the app

    To send him away for the rest of his life this serves as a sickening reminder to stay safe out there when meeting strangers over the Internet number 18 bike thieves caught by pranksters if only we lived in a world where you could leave your bike out on the street

    Without having to lock it up up unfortunately these criminals prove that we definitely don’t it seems that it’s only a matter of time when leaving the bike outside until someone tries to make a getaway with it but with that knowledge in hand some merry prankers thought to play the thieves at their own

    Game want to steal a bicycle get ready to pay the price there are a multitude of ways to get back at these dastardly bike thieves this man laid a trap by tying an extremely thin but extremely long rope to his bicycle leading the wouldbe Thief to believe that it wasn’t

    Locked up at all just as the thief starts getting momentum on the bike the Rope goes flat and the thief goes flying the same trick is tried here again the thief tries to act casually slowly making his way towards the bike just as he thinks he’s gotten away with his

    Dastardly crime the Rope goes tight and Bam he’s sent flying through the air that’ll teach him number 17 jailed while trying to bail out a friend in Splendora the Splendora police department has dubbed Kevin do 33 the world’s dumbest criminal this after he inadvertently revealed a bag of crystal meth while

    Attempting to provide bail money for a friend at the police station do from Porter Texas pulled out cash from his pocket and alongside it came the incriminating bag of meth despite his attempt to convince the officer it was salt the officer Sergeant James teller recognized it as meth due to prevalent

    Issues with the substance in the area subsequent testing confirmed its identity it takes a special kind of stupid to take drugs to a police station and doubly stupid to show it directly to police do learned a lesson that he really shouldn’t have had to be taught he was charged with possession and had

    To see his day in court to face the charges the police department humorously shared the incident on Facebook attracting widespread attention with over 475 shares and 139 comments the story exemplifies an unusual and ironic twist in a routine police procedure garnering Community interest and amusement number 16 Intruder petting

    Dubai the Great Dane Tracy McCoy of Oklahoma City experienced a harrowing incident when an intruder entered her home while she was alone fortunately her great Daye Dubai played a crucial role in thoring the trespasser initially showing cautious curiosity Dubai allowed the Intruder to pet him gaining a false

    Sense of trust little did he know the dog was smarter than he was someone smarter might have seen the dog and run but no this Intruder thought he was a dog whisperer and could become best friends with the pooch at first touch however when the stranger confronted Tracy the

    Protective great DNE transformed into a formidable guard dog barking nipping and lunging at the Intruder startled the trespasser fled and the police later apprehended him charging him with first-degree burglary the incident captured on home security footage highlights the loyal and protective instincts of dogs turning a potentially dangerous situation into to one where

    The canine companion emerged as a hero Tracy though understandably shaken credits Dubai for averting the worst and highlights the special bond between dogs and their owners as a true blessing number 15 Ohio fugitive sends selfie to police after terrible mug shot Donald chip Pew a man suspected of arson and

    Vandalism took an unconventional approach in dealing with his unflattering arrest warrant photo by sending a selfie to the police in Lima Ohio dissatisfied with the initial image he texted a more favorable photo of himself stating here’s a better photo that one is terrible now I wonder if there’s any

    Risk to getting on the police’s radar when there’s a warrant out for your arrest it should go without saying that that’s a terrible idea this vain imbecile honestly thought he deserved to be seen as better looking even though it just made it easier for people to identify him the Lima Police Department

    Posted both photos on Facebook seeking assistance in locating Pew who’s a person of interest in multiple cases and faces a warrant for failing to appear as directed in a summons while acknowledging Pew’s attempt to provide a better image the police urged him to visit the station to address his charges

    Pew expressing displeasure with the original photo humorously remarked that it made him look like a Thundercat or James Brown on the Run number 14 man throws rocks at police car in Coatsville Pennsylvania a man named Eric Watson 9 was arrested and charged after intentionally throwing a large rock at a

    Police car’s windshield and subsequently attacking officer Jared Davis with the same Rock the incident occurred on the 500 block of East Lincoln Highway around 150 p.m. officer Davis patrolling in his marked car was targeted by Watson who shattered the windshield Watson then assaulted Davis with The Rock when he

    Attempted to exit the vehicle now that’s a special kind of crazy it’s almost as though he wanted to get caught who would think to pick a fight with the police despite Watson resisting arrest backup eventually arrived and led to his apprehension during the altercation another officer suffered a broken

    Sternum Watson faces charges of aggravated assault on a police officer institutional vandalism resisting arrest and related crimes number 13 teens carjacking but don’t know how to drive a stick two teenagers in Maryland attempted to carjack a man demanding his keys after forcing open his car door however their plans were foiled when

    They discovered the car had a manual transmission and they were unable to drive it the 16 and 17year olds charged as adults face one count each of carjacking and conspiracy carjacking the victim complying with their demands exited the vehicle but the teens abandoned the car when they couldn’t operate the manual transmission police

    Later apprehended them about two blocks from the gas station where the incident occurred now that’s a lesson that you should have have learned before trying to steal a car you’d think that the teens would have bothered to learn how to drive any car they stole but that

    Would take more brain cells than the two shared between them that’s a mistake they came to regret real fast the juveniles from Rockville and Washington DC were charged and held without bail the unsuccessful car jacking highlights the unintended challenges posed by a manual transmission for wouldbe thieves number 12 Goldilocks Intruder Lucas

    Chanowski a Lancaster couple Martin Holby and Pat Dyson returned from vacation to find a burglar Lucas chanowski fast asleep in their bed surprisingly the Intruder had tidied up washed dishes bought groceries and even laundered his own underwear chanowski 28 originally from Poland and now residing in leads was given a 2-year conditional

    Discharge in ordered to pay 200 lbs in cost after admitting burglary one has to wonder how a cook got quite so stupid he he could have easily gotten away with his plan to burgle the house while the couple was away but chose to set up a new life in their house the couple

    Amused by the situation likened it to Goldilocks and the Three Bears with chanowski being more like baby bear despite the intrusion the homeowners were not threatened and managed to take control of the situation by calling the police while the Intruder was still asleep chanowski who had come to the UK

    In search of work claimed that he thought the house was deric due to an overgrown Garden the court heard that he’d been evicted from his rented home due to language problems number 11 bank robber thought he was invisible in 1995 MacArthur wheeler a man in Pittsburgh confidently robbed two banks in broad

    Daylight believing that rubbing lemon juice on his skin would make him invisible to surveillance cameras yeah you heard that right lemon juice his logic was that adding lemon juice to Ink turns it into invisible ink then applying lemon juice to your face as a result of this genius idea he left the

    Rest of the plan pretty simple take a gun into the bank demand money and walk right out he did this not once but twice he even looked directly into the bank CCTV cameras as a power play to show off just how smart he was wow that’s a whole

    Other level of stupid are you noticing the Fatal flaw in his thinking even if lemon juice did make you invisible to CCTV cameras everyone in the bank would still see his face there seems to be something incredibly wrong in this guy’s head now he’s where he belongs behind bars where he can be

    Safely stupid in his own time number 10 Gatorade man Gatorade man a name as stupid as the man himself how did he get this name from targeting the same convenience store multiple times stealing his favorite drink Gatorade he would simply walk into the same convenience store week after week

    Filling up a bag with Gatorade and other confectioners and then walking right out again yes he pulled this stunt multiple times at the same store and figured that he would just keep getting away with it genius the store’s owner Dennis alloy had instructed staff not to confront

    Gatorade man just in case the situation became violent the clerks began to easily recognize him when he came into the store and naturally when he tried to make just another getaway they locked the doors to the exit however Gatorade man after multiple attempts at kicking down the door managed to break through

    The plexiglass the crime spree came to an end when Dennis alloy finally found the man on the streets they had a civil conversation where alloy found out about the man’s drug problem and even got an apology at least he was smart enough to take a chance at Redemption when he was

    Offered it number nine Ty burglar falls asleep robbing a policeman’s house a Tai policeman suaka John prer discovered a 22-year-old intruder aab gadad fast asleep in his his house it was much to this burglar’s dismay that the house he was sleeping in belonged to a police officer officer Saka woke up around 2

    A.m. and noticed the air conditioner was running in his daughter’s bedroom even though his daughter wasn’t home upon investigation he found a stranger AIP cocooned in his daughter’s duvet sleeping as gently as he would in his own home seemingly oblivious to the crime he was committing one has to

    Wonder what goes through someone’s head before they decide to take a nap during a robbery despite a of opping no threat Saka called for backup to apprehend the Intruder aop who hadn’t stolen anything faced charges of breaking and entering in a similar incident in pataya a thief

    Named pach broke into a house but fell asleep before stealing anything discovered by a housemade prach admitted planning to steal but cited fatigue from the previous night’s argument with his girlfriend police forced to break in when pach locked himself in charged him with trespassing at night and attempting

    To steal Goods offenses carrying a potential 5-year prison term number eight pizza delivery guy ends police chase in an unusual turn of events Tyler Morell a pizza delivery driver from Coco’s Pizza in Ashton Pennsylvania became an unexpected hero during a routine delivery while making his rounds Morel found himself unwittingly involved

    In a high-speed police chase a stolen Kia crashed in close proximity and the suspect attempting to escape exited the vehicle observing the un folding drama Morel Pizza still in hand walked toward the scene facing a predicament with limited use of his hands he instinctively stuck out his leg effectively tripping the suspect and

    Providing the officer with a crucial moment to make the arrest the incident captured on video garnered widespread attention with Morel being praised for his spontaneous yet effective intervention despite the chaos Morel managed to complete the pizza delivery successfully earning High Praise from the customer Danielle joerger the video

    Of the incident quickly went viral with viewers commending morell’s unorthodox heroism the suspects involved in the police chase now face a range of charges including fleeing and eluding resisting arrest and various traffic offenses in the midst of a potentially dangerous situation morel’s quick thinking not only assisted law enforcement but also

    Demonstrated the unexpected ways in which ordinary individuals can play a pivotal role in extraordinary circumstances number seven Armed robber boasted on Facebook about robbing Tesco again on February 13th Andrew Hennel 31 orchestrated a robbery at a Tesco store in kingslin norfol brandishing a knife and threatening the staff remarkably

    Just 15 minutes before the incident hinel took to Facebook posting the ominous message doing Tesco over this was accompanied by a photo of a knife which he had peculiarly liked 4 hours earlier norick police received a timely alert alert from a Vigilant witness leading them to apprehend Hennel who had

    Absconded with 410 lbs in a nearby pub you heard that right his genius extended to not only letting the whole internet know he was going to rob the Tesco but also thought a pub would be a great place to hide appearing at Norwich Crown Court he pleaded guilty to both robbery

    And carrying a knife as an offensive weapon despite the unusual circumstances Sergeant Pete Jessup from Kingsland CID acknowledged the vital role played by H’s Facebook posts in reinforcing their investigative findings while the seriousness of the crime and its impact on the victims remains undeniable the bizarre digital Trail on social media

    Significantly aided law enforcement number six manhole cover thief in the bustling city of Medellin Columbia a wouldbe thief found himself at the center of a comical twist of fate when attempting to piler a manhole cover Spectators captured the incident on video portraying the thief lifting the metal cover when suddenly confronted by

    A passing motorcyclist in a desperate attempt to salvage the situation the thief raises the stolen object overhead only to lose balance and plunge into the uncovered drain ooh now that’s got to hurt but what did you think was going to happen when you try to steal in broad

    Daylight someone is bound to catch you and in this situation you might get seriously hurt amused onlookers erupt in Applause as the embarrassed individual clambers back to street level despite visible signs of discomfort the thed thief abandons the pilford manhole cover hobbling away in evident pain the incident quickly garnered attention on

    Twitter where users shared the video generating a blend of amusement and incredulity at the thwarted robbery and the unexpected dose of karma that followed number five truck driver carjacking in chil flyover in a recent incident on the Lost libertadores Highway in the Kina commune Santiago Metropolitan region Chile a bold

    Attempted carjacking was brilliantly thwarted by the victim’s quick thinking and the sturdy nature of their vehicle captured on dash cam footage the victim engaged in a calculated maneuver backing up initially and then confidently shifting into drive whether influenced by the awkward movements of the wbe carjackers or the driver’s evident

    Hesitancy the victim took decisive action effectively outsmarting the Asylum now that’s a plan that didn’t come together the thieves must have assumed that the driver would just sit there while he was being robbed forgetting that their truck was more than a ton of Steel ready to smash through their car with ease the

    Attempted carjacking unfolded like a scene from a comedy showcasing the victim’s audacity in confronting the culprits and successfully evading the threat the dash cam footage not only served as evidence but also allowed the rightful owner to reclaim her SUV albeit not in the pristine condition it was in

    Before the attempted theft this incident unders scores the importance of quick thinking and a resilient vehicle in repelling criminal activities number four Thief called hiding inside a teddy bear in the United Kingdom 18-year-old Joshua Dobson wanted in connection with a stolen car was apprehended in a unique

    Hiding spot a giant stuffed teddy bear yeah you heard that right this ingenious idiot thought he could evade the police by hiding in a giant teddy bear in his own room doson faced charges of Motor Vehicle theft driving while disqualified and leaving a gas station without payment near Manchester police

    Conducting a search at a residence in Rochdale discovered the teenager concealed inside the oversized teddy bear at the address the arresting officers noted The Peculiar sight of a large bear that was seemingly breathing and then found Dobson hiding within obviously when he entered the teddy bear

    Through a hole at its base he forgot that it might be a little hard to breathe while being suffocated by stuffing maybe it wasn’t the best place to hide hied after all once the police had him out of the teddy bear and in custody he had the long arm of the law

    To deal with Dobson was finally sentenced and according to authorities he received a 9-month prison term for the charges number three bagman badman robbery in Marine Hotel the appropriately named Christopher badman 37 from brident was sentenced to 16 months in prison for a burglary that took place during porth’s Elvis Festival

    At the Marine Hotel the incident occurred on September 27th 2015 a time when Elvis impersonators from around the world flocked to the seaside resort Batman captured on CCTV had a carrier bag on his head as a disguise while walking through the hotel corridors despite his initial efforts to avoid

    Identification he looked directly into a camera leading to his arrest it turns out that you can put whatever you like over your head but you’re going to get caught if you aren’t covering your face maybe there’s a reason that Robert use masks and not bags you’d think one would

    Assume as much without an explanation but Batman failed to understand this simple fact the burglary happened around 2: a.m. and a guest Disturbed badman while he was attempting to steal a laptop from a bedroom he was arrested days later at his partner’s house after being easily identified apart from the

    16-month prison sentence He was ordered to pay 900b in cost and a $100 search charge number two Louis Vuitton Thief runs into a glass window in a daring theft at a luxury store in Belleview Washington a 17-year-old male suspect clad in dark at tire was caught on surveillance footage snatching items

    From the shelves in a bid to escape the teenager sprinted towards the exit but unexpectedly collided head first with a transparent glass wall causing him to collapse on the floor there’s one thing they forgot when they decided to rob the store their brains you’d expect that they knew which door they came through

    And guess what it wasn’t a solid piece of glass good thing his skull wasn’t protecting anything important when he rammed it directly into a pane of glass two female accomplices managed to evade capture during the daylight incident that unfolded in August security Personnel swiftly responded with a guard

    And a loss prevention worker detaining the semiconscious suspect authorities arrived and the juvenile was transported to a hospital before being released to a family member number one Robber with machete versus clerk with sword Challenge in a surprising turn of events two machete wielding teens in ninja attire found their robbery plans

    Thwarted when a cashier at a US convenience store fought back with a sword the incident captured on surveillance video at Perry Market unfolded as one of the teens approached the counter brandishing a machete and demanding money unfazed by the threat cashier Jawad haa swiftly retrieved a sword and skillfully disarmed the

    Smaller weapon the crooks learned an important lesson never for bring a knife to a sword fight a courageous customer managed to briefly restrain the second suspect but both teens eventually escaped the clerk’s bold and unexpected defense showcased his Readiness deterring the wouldbe robbers and ensuring the store’s safety the incident

    Serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of crime and the importance of preparedness in the face of danger the store’s owners emphasize security as a top priority while encouraging responsible actions in such situations well we’ve seen the dumbest criminals the world has to offer whether it be falling into a manhole after

    Stealing its cover to announcing your crimes on Facebook before committing them there really are some incredibly stupid criminals out there in the world which might explain why they resorted to a life of crime instead of getting a job be safe out there and remember never break into a house and fall asleep and

    Never hijack a car if you don’t know how to drive it

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