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    Thanks to Giro Sport Design for keep my feet comfortable and head safe!

    Thanks to Juice Lubes for keeping my bikes clean.

    Thanks to Saris for keep my wheels spinning inside!

    Thanks to Goodyear for the awesome tyres!


    Thanks to Marin for the mind blowing bikes!

    Thanks to Stayer for the sick wheels!


    Thanks to Attacus for the beautiful cycle clothing!

    Thanks to Quad Lock for the best mounts!

    Welcome back you lovely buns thanks for tuning again I hope you’re all doing good welcome to what is probably going to be the muddiest road ride I’ve ever been on so it’ll be no surprise to you it’s been bucketing down with rain for the past few days and everything is

    Flooded all the mud has wash off the fields all over the roads so yeah it’s going to be a muddy one today so in reality I probably should have taken the mountain bike out but I’m obsessed with this bike this Marine cast out is the

    Best bike I’ve ever built up I know I keep saying this but I’ve genu built my dream winter bike this thing is amazing I have two really nice road bikes at home I have a steel road bike and I have a carbon road bike but but on days like

    Today during the winter when they’re going to end up covered in absolute crap like this do you really want to ride them all it’s going to do is totally trashed them ruined them and I’m going to end up spending a fortune replacing Parts on them and and honestly they’ve

    Got more expensive Parts on than this one so it makes more sense to ride this right and it’s got M guards and it’s fast and it’s comfortable every time I ride this bike I tell you guys I think it’s bloody brilliant that’s because it is blooming brilliant I think one of the

    Reasons I love this bike so much is I wasn’t actually expecting it to be as good as it is you know it is an aluminum frame it is certainly not a high-end frame it was going to be a mediocre bike you know when in fact it’s much more

    Than that so yeah pleasant surprise but there we go there’s me telling you something that I’ve told you in plenty of Vlogs already it’s a school holidays I’ve got a couple of hours free kiddo is at school sports club so we’re going to enjoy some of these Lanes little local

    Loop and it’s starting off with a little bit of a steep descent I mean hopefully that’s a descent not a climb but this is also a reason that I love the lanes in Devon you don’t have to go far to find these like monstrous super steep hills

    And you know what’s good for it a mega gearing a 40 52 bsh right right let’s go and enjoy some of these muddy Roads A there’s so many of these Punchy little steep climbs around here and for these climbs honestly a bigger tire lower pressure is the way forward otherwise your back wheel’s just going to slip the easy gearing definitely helps right nearly at the top then I have a

    Feeling it might get a little bit muddy down Here So this is what i’ call the typical Devon Lane in the winter I mean it is pretty much just Offroad Trail I mean look at it it’s a good job I’ve got mud guards I mean I should probably have Noob tires on I am actually going to put

    A larger Tire on I’m thinking of sizing up to a 36C rather than a 34 so I was going to put a slightly more gravel focused Tire on but the point of this bike is it’s a winter road bike and if I want it to be a gravel bike I can switch

    The tires to gravel tires but at the moment I want it to be a winter road bike so I’m just going to put a wider Road tire on like a 36C and then I can run like slightly lower pressure still have that grip a bit more Comfort yeah

    36 mil I think have enough room to fit it in there it’s quite tight in places the front no worries at all but the back yeah it’s going to be a bit of a squeeze with a 36 M Tire is it anything more Awkward than walking up a wet soggy Hill

    In RS I think we’re going to go down that way I don’t have long left time goes so fast when you’re enjoying yourself didn’t it genuinely quite surprised by how much I’m enjoying the winter so far just by having this bike I did also get send these wheels for a

    Review so I will be doing a bit of a review of these like entry level hyper wind space d45 something or whatever it is they’re called they are Hyper’s lowest price carbon wheel and um yeah they’re good I mean not a surprise really they’re £1,000 and like you wouldn’t want to

    Spend £1,000 on a set of wheels and for them to be rubbish would You One of the most annoying but also amazing things about winter is cleaning bikes like I love cleaning bikes but I also hate having to clean bikes all the time but you know I’m not going to Grumble I’ve gone out I’ve ridden I’ve enjoyed myself and if I have to clean a

    Little bit of dirt off my bike well so be it it was worth it honestly British winter isn’t that bad is it where do you guys think the worst winter is for me it’s got to be somewhere where it snows like Canada we just get a bit of rain

    Mud slop all that stuff it’s not really that bad is it in a grand scheme of things like wind I don’t like it when it’s windy don’t like wind nobody likes wind unless it’s a Tailwind then that’s good but ultimately you’re going to have to ride into that Tailwind at some point

    You know very rarely do you get a Tailwind in cycling it’s always a headwind um there we go another waffle filled video right now I’m going to have to zoom home and then um yeah run and pick the kid up from school and then continue these Christmas holiday H days

    I hope you’re all having a lovely Christmas holiday by the way and you’re all ready for Christmas I’m really not so that’s another thing I need to get on top of so I’m going to leave it there thank you as always for watching Remember to like comment and subscribe

    Go ride your bike have fun and say stuff the weather right I’ll catch you very soon bye


    1. nice one Dave …"go ride – stuff the weather!" yep! – take the XC bike next time when the lanes are that mucky = more fun 🙂 happy holidays

    2. Dont you just love a bike build that you can throw it at anything, what ever the conditions….. Have it !!!!!! Layer up with the right gear and smash the outdoors !! MINT !

    3. Waffletastic Dave !!!!

      The thing that I get fed up of in the UK winter is bike cleaning after every ride….I live in a 2nd floor flat, so cleaning is a bit of a chore but I do it….Your groupsets get a hammering…..

      Been doing most of my rides on my gravel bike so far this winter….fatter tyres help mullet 45c (F) and 40c (R)….and mudguards. The flooded areas, puddles and mud everywhere seems to be worse than normal in these parts (Peterborough)….We could do with a week of cold easterly dry winds from Siberia across the fens to dry everything out….

    4. The worst winter weather for me would be just above freezing and chucking rain down. I'd prefer -10 °C and snowing than +1 °C and raining. I've ridden down to -30 °C and it's challenging to layer properly, but still enjoyable!

    5. Dave i would love some vlogs about how to repair your bike , take cassette off for cleaning , tuning gears .explained for people who have no idea .if you have time one day 😊 have a lovely Christmas 😊😊

    6. What's the British obsession of getting muddy and dirty this winter and all the hassle of post cleaning. 🤣

      You could always go to a pig farm if you insist on it.

    7. Muddy lanes can be lots of fun and once you've gone through your first deep puddle of the ride it starts to be fun – i am happy if its not raining and ideally no headwind – gravel bike all the way this time of year (Lauf Seigla with 40 or 45 mm tyres)

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