Note: This breathing exercise as well as the illustration for it are taken from the book “Die Kraft strahlender Gesundheit: Neue Vitalität für Millionen Körperzellen” by Dr. Nobuo Shioya, published in German by Goldmann Verlag.

    This breathing exercise as well as the illustration for it are taken from the book by Dr nobuo shoya published in German by Goldman verlag first body posture and madra of the Bell sit upright and relaxed with your back straight so that the air can fill your entire lungs you can sit on a

    Chair do not lean your back against the chair or place your for arms on the armrests or sit on the floor in a meditation posture or cross-legged if you want to sit on the floor you can for example fold a flat seat cushion in the middle and place it under your bottom or

    Use a meditation cushion if you are unable to sit upright due to illness or weakness you can practice lying on your back to do this place both arms stretched out to the side of the body with the palms of your hands facing down now relax your shoulders and hold your

    Arms to the side of your body so that they form a right angle at the elbows then place the palms of your hands together in front of your navl as if you wanted to gently Embrace a small ball your active hand is on top I.E the right hand for right-handed people and the

    Left hand for left-handed people the thumbs are on top of each other and the four fingers are closed together to form a cavity this is called the madra of the Bell second breathe in breathe in through the nose calmly and silently until the lungs are completely filled with air then push

    The inhaled air down energetically to the lower abdomen this will naturally lower the diaphragm and fill the lungs to the base third hold your breath put strength in the center of the body by tensing the lower abdomen and firmly closing the anus and hold your breath for a few

    Seconds but only as long as it does not become uncomfortable 10 seconds maximum fourth exhale exhale silently and as completely as possible through your nose as you do so slowly release the tension in the lower abdomen and anus allowing the abdominal wall to sink back in the exhalation should take about

    Twice as long as the inhalation fifth small breath now breathe normally once or twice to regulate breathing repeat this breathing cycle 25 times daily in one go or divided into several small Cycles a special feature of this breathing technique is that you use the power of positive thoughts thinking

    Intensively or asking for this or that to happen or to be in a certain State the imagination is of course not limited to health but can be applied to all areas of life to bring the imagination into harmony with the breath and to form a healthy body one proceeds as

    Follows first as you inhale imagine in the center of my body the infinite power of the universe gathers it is filling my entire body second while holding your breath imagine my whole body is perfectly healthy my name your disease is healed third as you exhale imagine

    All waste products and toxins in my body were completely eliminated when I exhaled my entire body is purified the cells of the entire body have rejuvenated for each disease you can repeat this cycle five times that is if you suffer from five diseases you will have 25 repetitions people with fewer ailments

    Repeat the name of the disease they wish to cure in the first place as often as they wish and those who have no problems at all repeat 25 times the cells of my whole body body are perfectly healthy at the beginning do not practice for more than 10 minutes at a time you

    May Do no harm to yourself by prolonged exercise but because certain muscles are used intensively untrained people may experience muscle pain the next morning after very long practice that is why in the beginning you should not practice abdominal breathing excessively in any case avoid going so far that you end up

    Thinking this is really hard or this is much too strenuous in this case negative ideas will be associated with the practice which can have the opposite effect to what you actually want to achieve we now wish you good results in a long breath note this breathing exercise as

    Well as the illustration for it are taken from the book diecraft stender gun height NE vitalit Fillion and cor purelin by Dr nobuo shoya published in ger by Goldman verlag

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