Hill starts in a manual car can be a challenge for many new drivers. Watch a learner driver attempt to learn different methods of moving away on a hill in a manual car for the first time.

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    00:00 Why now
    01:39 Handbrake start
    10:08 Stiff handbrake tip
    11:06 Clutch practise
    19:15 Hill hold assist
    30:59 Stopping on a hill
    32:33 Angle hill start
    36:23 Clutch only

    This is Emily’s first ever Hill start now I have avoided Hills so far because we’re in Colchester and we have the luxury of having some areas where there aren’t Hills and it’s easier to learn how the gas and the clutch make the car act if there’s no Hills acting as

    Another dimension to confuse you so that’s why we’ve avoided them so far but obviously if you’re learning in a hilly area then you may have to do Hill starts very early on at the beginning right so how do you feel about this I’m a bit worried but I also kind

    Of trust in you that you’re not going to let me just go flying backwards into the posts over there okay well rolling back is going to help you right it is it’s going to help you learn how the hill affects the car I know how the hill

    Affects the car and make the car go backwards I know but if you panic from that what often happens is you press the gas really hard I’m say you learner drivers press PR the gas really hard rev the engine damage the clutch smell a burning because you think oh I’m going

    Back go go go you try pressing the gas to go so rolling back a little bit will actually if you’re relaxed about it will give you a chance to learn how the hill affects the car and how you can control the hill all right okay now your dad

    Said something didn’t he before you left what did he say your handbrake is your best friend that’s right yes the handbrake is the most basic easiest way to do a hill start and that’s what we’re going to start with we will do some other things to help you learn the hill

    But the first thing is going to be the handbrake start so if you were to take that handbrake off right now don’t if you were what would happen roll backwards if I didn’t put that brake on good in fact I will just to show you there’s no one

    Behind so is a hill it’s not the steepest of Hills I don’t want a really Steep Hill yet because it’ll be really difficult so it will roll back pretty quickly as in you take it off it’s starting to roll back straight away and it’s definitely rolling back it’s not

    Going to shoot back fast though okay so what you need to do is you need to get some power to the wheels before you take the handbrake off right when you normally move away you take the brake off and you just come off the brake gas

    And lift clutch but if you do that now whil you’re coming off the brake to press gas and lift clutch the car is going to be going that way right so if you leave the handbrake on add some gas lift the clutch till you fill the bite

    Point the car now wants to move forwards but it’s not because the brake is on and then take the handbrake off and then you go forwards okay do you want to try yeah so I’ll talk you through it I’ll talk you through it just follow my lead here okay

    We’re going to play with the bik point first so clutch down first gear get some gas there we go and find the bik point don’t want to move just find it there brilliant you see this wild light learning Hill starts a bit lace if we can you’ve already got that skill clutch

    Down and and when you’re holding it there that’s going to be heating the clutch up so you don’t want to hold it there too long once you’re there do your checks your observations and if it’s clear handb off and move don’t stay on the bite Point longer than you need to

    Cuz it gets hot and when the clutch gets hot that’s when it starts to burn out just do that again so gas and find the bite point there oh you hear that noise yeah clut down what’ you think oh and there what’ you think that noise was getting hot no that’s the

    Handbrake oh the handbrake works on the rear wheels it’s not very wrong and you actually move the car slightly there with the handbrake on and that’s where the brake sort of creaked a bit this time I want you to get gas and bite point but you’re going to lift the

    Clutch up a bit higher this time and the car you’ll see the car will move with the handbrake on just a little bit just it rolls forwards a tiny bit and then you push clutch back down again so bit of gas bit more lift the clutch up bit

    Higher bit higher there you go clutch down you see then you know noise you’ve definitely lifted the clutch up too high if that happens you know oh I’m moving with the handbrake on it’s possible you’re not going to be confused you understand that it’s because your clutches up high enough that the car

    Will move you can drive with a handbrake on it will drive yes a wor it’s not good but it’s certainly enough power to drive with the handbrake on okay so I want you to do three times gas and clutch get the clutch to the bite point but not so much

    That the car tries to move ready okay steady go that’s one clutch down off the gas two try again too high too high try it one again I want to get a good R that’s two clutch down if it’s a if it’s a su if I could say it right if

    It’s a successful one I count it you got to do it three times successfully and again yeah no I I don’t count that it was too slow it’s taking you too long and you didn’t have enough because you were slow and then you had too much as well that

    Time you sto you come all the way off the clutch my leg was H try again one more times try and get that third time then you can rest I’ll give you that one so into neutral and you can rest your leg so that time you you did it well M but then

    You got to hold it cuz you lifted it even more once you get that buy Point hold it do you notice the back of the car is dipping down I don’t yeah I was supposed look at it yeah you notice it I’ll do it so you

    Can see watch if you get the bike Point Watch What Happens that oh yeah yeah and that’s because it’s a front-wheel drive car so the front wheels are trying to pull us forwards but the hand brakes on on the back wheels so it’s trying to pull itself forwards which why it does

    That the suspension I’m getting compressed instead of the car moving so the next thing you need to do is do the that then look around take the handbrake off okay and it’ll move forwards we won’t go far we just move and then we’ll stop okay you ready yeah

    If you roll back don’t panic okay let it roll back and let me tell you what to do okay if it rolls back if anything it will help you learn even more I’ll make sure it’s safe I’ll keep us safe so go on in gas and bite Point hand on the handbrake

    Ready only take it off after your observations if it’s safe or about this car maybe keep the clutch down until they’re gone okay now there’s no one coming find the bik point have a look around blind spot okay hand brake off and keep your feet still when your hand

    Br’s off right don’t worry clutch up higher hold it there we go see now clutch down and the car roll to a stop now break to stop it rolling back break harder now there’s a cyclist coming up behind we won’t roll back so what do you

    Need to do if you want to come come off the pedals now that allows you to come off the yeah that’s good you might want to lift the handbrake up another click oh no if if you can’t don’t worry first click on this on this car the

    First click will hold you most places but on really steep hills you need two clicks not all cars are like that some cars the first click does nothing at all but this one the first click is on hard two clicks is really hard I can’t lift

    Up that high it doesn’t go much higher than that you have to be quite strong I think you can you can lift it hot I’ve seen you do it before I’ve seen you I’ve seen you do free clicks it depends on how you’re feeling if you’re feeling a

    Little bit stressed that handbrake goes up quite a bit higher and then when you calm down relax you can’t take it off cuz you lifted it too high yeah you want that adrenaline going through it gives you that power I’m not scared right now so when you took the handbrake off what

    Happened we and how do we resolve that break or or just add a bit more it’s lifting the clutch up more isn’t it yeah what you don’t want to do is panic and press the gas hard okay it’s the number one problem I say the number one mistake

    That Learners make when they roll back on the hill loads of gas I don’t want you to panic I want you to lift that clutch a bit more okay so the reason why it rolled back which is important to know why did it roll back why didn’t we

    Go forwards I said when you take the handre off we go forwards but it didn’t I didn’t have enough RS or high enough clutch needed to be higher so when you got the clutch the bite point you got the bite point I can’t see your feet

    Very well down there but I think you push the clutch back down a little bit when you set the hand brake off right and I think it took you a bit of time to get the handbrake off as well from memory and your foot moved a bit so once

    You get the gas and the bite Point try and keep it steady handre off you want to try again again we won’t go far forwards we just move and stop I wait for us to go away on the B come scared I don’t I don’t want us to go into the

    Road I’m by the time you’re ready she’ll be gone okay only find the bik point if there’s no one coming though don’t sit on the bik point waiting for cars okay so you have have the car ready in gear cover the gas but gas and B point when there’s no cars she ready

    Car we should be fine we’re only going to move a Tim bit all right see okay I’m just I knew it was coming around the corner you’re delaying no I’m not so gas bite Point try and find that bite point where is it feel it there now look round and hand brake

    Off on hand breake off and this time see we’re going forwards aren’t we yeah good hold your feet steady good now clutch down and it will slow down it will roll back a little bit now break to stop it rolling back break harder good I was

    Going to let you roll back there and get you to play with the clutch but as cars started coming up behind I thought best just to stop okay right so hand brake up to come off the foot brake and neutral to come off the neutral yeah I said

    Neutral to come off the neutal neutral to come off the clutch is what I was trying to say um that’s because your foot breakers on hard when your foot breaks on hard this becomes loose oh okay so that’s a handy tip actually if I

    Lift this as hard as I can now can you take that off okay you actually can I wasn’t expecting You’ be able to do that so that’s from me going to the gym all time let’s pretend you can’t take it off try taking it off you can’t do it no

    You’re not strong enough are you right now push the brake really hard now take it off see so it’s easier if the hand Brake’s on too high and you can’t take it off what you want to do is push the brake hard then lower it a little bit so

    That when you want to take it off it’s easier to take off in fact I would lower that a little bit because if you’re not on the foot break I think you’ll struggle to have it that high mean just SP it one or two clicks

    Up yeah that do you come off the foot break now and that will hold the car crap my leg okay so next thing is I’m going to reverse us back a little bit see what the time is on the camera good I’m going to reverse us back a little

    Bit and I’m going to hopefully get you to have a little bit of a play with the clutch on the hill so you can really start to feel how the heel makes the car move right so you learn that the clutch does the work not the gas not the gas it’s

    The clutch don’t press down the gas we’re going to try and roll forwards pause roll forwards pause roll forwards pause without using the brake okay and we will probably roll back in the process I’m trying to get a good starting position if it becomes un safe

    Because of the traffic around us we will have to stop okay this is going to be bad for the clutch so I don’t recommend doing this in your own car but I will sacrifice my clutch to help you learn let’s go okay you ready so Follow My

    Lead we’re going to move move and then what we’re going to do is going to clutch down the car roll to a stop but then as it stops you got a gas and lift clutch to the bite Point again to stop it rolling back and to either roll

    Forwards or stay still hopefully you’ll be able to get the car stationary without using the brakes thany DIY I might even help you by moving the clutch slightly to show you how it’s done okay going in so that’s it clutch down first gear it’s getting a bit busy isn’t it

    It’s that time day it’s probably the best time so bit of gas bit of bite Point that’s it anyone coming spot hand breake off then I think this will probably roll back we’ll see so oh okay you’ve corrected it now we still rolling back a little bit okay good now clutch down and

    The car will slow now gas and lift clutch up before it rolls back see see what I mean clutch down and now gas and clutch and try and hold the car steady try and find the bite Point height where the car doesn’t move forwards or backwards clutch down let it slow bit of

    Gas lift the clutch higher there now I’m just going to push him in a tiny bit you see there’s a point where the car doesn’t move yeah you can actually balance it you lift up a little bit and wait and it will move actually hold it steady now cuz the car

    Coming up behind just hold there for a moment okay good up a little bit and it moves down a little bit and be patient wait for the car to react to you f it down a bit more there you go it was a bit too much he’s going to roll back up

    Hold and play with it now down a little bit more and wait see it’s slowing down that’s good if you go too low it will slow down and roll back and now clutch down and stop to let the uh brake now to let the clutch cool down so hand breake up how many

    Clicks doesn’t matter one or two oh basically when it’s firm when it’s firm in most cars lift it to its firm then let go okay in this car one or two clicks is just a good guide so you notice how that was working there yeah when you’re lifting the clutch up

    It was moving but when you push the clutch down just slowing down and I start rolling backwards yeah now this is what most people find difficult and you may find this difficult as well is trying to keep the car still on the hill you don’t want to

    Do it for long but it’s really handy if you’re maybe getting to the end of the road uphill and you’ve got to pause for literally like a second or two before you can get going it saves you doing a handbrake start because if you do it for a couple of seconds it’s

    Not going to cause any harm what you need to change and what you need to learn and this is a skill and it takes time you won’t probably learn it today okay is to be patient so when you lift the clutch up you’ll feel the car you feel the bike point and you

    Got to wait and see what happens if you keep lifting up see until you see it moving you’re going to move yeah more importantly though is when you’re trying to slow down yeah you got to push the clutch down gradually now this is where it will really help you as you’re pushing it

    Down when the car starts to slow down stop pushing it down stop pushing it down anymore and the car will continue to slow down it might stop and then roll back or it might stop and stay still okay if you keep pushing it down more after it started to slow down you’re

    Definitely going to have to clutch too low and it’s going to roll back right generally speaking when you’re lifting it up it’s the very beginning of the bite point that you’re going to want the moment you feel a little bit of it it’s not going to take much bite point to

    Stop it rolling back it does depend on the hill though I have to be very kind of you have to take time with it yeah patient yeah so I think we’re going to practice this and uh we’ll get back to you part two of my lesson where I’m doing really

    Well I wish I never turned the cameras off because we had another go and Emily did it she kept the car still twice using the gas and the clutch what did you do that helped you you I just did it well you said uh I did explain something when I said that you

    You then did it didn’t you said oh just say a little bit more a little bit less that and I was like okay oh put your heel on the ground that helped as well yeah cuz when you’re moving the clut up and down a large amount you don’t really

    Want your heel on the ground because the pedal’s going to slip slip under your foot um but once you’ve got your pedal steady putting your heel on the ground can stabilize your foot if you’re able to if your feet are big enough not one can do that

    Lovely um but where you actually had success was after I said don’t press the clutch down quickly press it down slowly until you see the car start to slow or feel the car start to slow then hold it steady and wait yeah and see what happens and quite often when you do that

    The car roll and then stop it might roll back a tiny bit and then you lift a tiny bit until it starts slowing down then waight so it’s not about trying to lift it until you stop or push it down until you stop it’s about lifting it until

    You’re rolling back less yeah or pushing it down until you’re slowing down rolling forwards and then wait for it to happen otherwise you’re always chasing your tail you’re too much up now I’m going forwards down now I’m rolling back so you got to wait for it to actually

    Take effect it takes some time and that’s where you did it twice do you reckon you can do it again probably let’s try I can try well the camera makes me nervous though so I don’t know it’s not fair when the camera’s on I’m like give it your best

    Shot do you need me to talk to you yes yes okay you made me less nervous with this bit you you want me to help you here gas and bite point then anyone coming blind spot that fine hand breake off then and the car will start to roll forwards you

    See now push it in ever so small obviously don’t hit the curb until it starts slowing down so push it in slowly until it starts slowing down and then wait okay now wait it’s slowing down isn’t it mm is it going to stop keep your feet

    Steady look at that Hands on the Wheel Keep Your Hands on the Wheel now bit more gas because it is struggling a bit and move forward slightly by lifting the clutch weight let it take effect is your heel on the ground you stable now push the top of the pedal and just gradually

    When I say top of your pedal move the top of your foot down a little bit let it slow and it’s slowing down I think this one will roll back we’ll see yes so lift it a tiny bit there we go down a tiny tiny bit and wait little bit more

    Until it starts slowing when it starts slowing hold it steady it’s not slowing yet now it’s slowing hold it steady and it’s going to slow to a stop bit more power bit more power that’s it try and stop again one more time the Hill’s getting steeper

    Now keep the gas on the gas won’t make any any difference that’s just available power clutch is using that power you can have loads of gas again all right now hand breake up and then clutch down there we go oh I can put enter yeah so that can actually help you sometimes

    If you’re on a heel and you just want to pause briefly you can do that and then carry on without having to do the whole heel start again M the next heel start I want you to learn heel hold assist Learners struggle with this one the handbrake is the easiest method heel

    Hold assist is much more powerful okay it’s more convenient if you’re an experienced driver it’s easier and it’s faster heel hold assist use all four wheels uses all four wheels braks all four wheels you got four tires gripping the ground and it’s hydraulic hand bres

    Just a cable on the back wheels so I trust heill hold assist more on the steepest Hills than I do the handbrake cuz I know it will keep me there it’s powerful and then I gas and lift clutch so I’m going to bring you back and we’re

    Going to try that you said people will struggle on this spit I did it yeah you did everyone has their everyone has their talents you see my talents are HS until we do this SP I’m going to end up flying backwards you’ve always been good with the pedals you’re quite good with

    The pedals I think your mind is often more on the pedals than it is on your direction and you notice I take the wheel quite a lot yeah my steering is not great and it’s not because you can’t steer you can steer why do you think I

    Take the wheel quite a bit because I can’t steer cuz you don’t focus on steering oh not that’s the problem you don’t focus on where you’re going you’re getting better at it but I can tell the steering issue is because you’re thinking about something else you’re thinking about your gear you’re thinking

    About your pedals you’re thinking about those people what you’re learning at the moment is your learn what you’re gradually learning is when you’re driving the most important thing you’re doing is this is where you’re you got very little variance on position before you’re in trouble you go a little bit left you hit

    The curve you go a little bit right you hit an oncoming car you got a big variance in speed you can be 10 miles an hour you can be 30 mil an hour and you haven’t had a crash yeah that’s why your position when you’re driving should be

    Your main focus your position keeps you in the space and your speed gets you there so it’s like oh it’s dangerous let’s go slower so speed helps you stay safe okay it’s it’s unsafe that looks dodgy slow down or it’s clear and open speed up but the difference in your

    Position is often you don’t have much Choice yeah you have your half of the road there’s oncoming carard you got to stay on your half but you have a big Choice when it comes to speed anyway I’m waffling now let’s try he hold assist and for this you literally just need to

    Go gas and lift clutch and it’ll move forwards okay but if you do it too slowly the car will roll back if you do it too quickly then you’ll St right I can do it I think you can do it your normal what you developed on us

    Driving on the flat your normal way of doing it is you you’re getting to the level now where it’ll work for you the way it works in this car is when you come off the brake it holds the brakes for two seconds before it lets go right

    Um so I have two seconds to go with them no because the moment you press the gas it also releases the brake because if you you don’t want to be trying to move with the brakes on so the moment the engine well the moment the car knows you’re on

    The gas it’s like release brake because you’re trying to move forwards so if you press gas and the lift clutch up later you’re rolling back same time got to do them together yeah easy now you could say Lift clutch up first and then add gas but this car still won’t release the

    Brake until either 2 seconds or you press the gas even if you lift the clutch so what can happen is you’re lifting the clutch up trying to move with the the brakes on the car STS I’m confusing now aren’t I no a little bit so your brake is on yeah you

    Lift the clutch up to the bike Point your brake is still on isn’t it mhm and now the car’s trying to move with the brake on and that’s what it STS okay some cars give you more help than others this car doesn’t give you much help and even when you come off

    That brake it still won’t move in this car until you press the gas or two seconds of gone okay cuz that’s when brakes release it’s either 2 seconds of off brake or press gas that’s when the brakes will release mhm you want to try

    Yeah so let’s see if you can do it first time probably not first time maybe like third fourth also so do what you normally do on a flat clutch down first gear foot on the foot brake hand brake off even if you’re successful with this

    And you find it easy I’m going to want you to do handbrake starts for a lot of your heel starts because it’s an important skill to have I I want you to do both so you learn both skills but the H we don’t want to ignore this skill

    Okay cuz if you drive a car without this system without heel hold assist with a manual handbrake you’re going to need to know how to do this okay so I want you to have this skill so when it’s safe once you’ve checked your blind spot just

    Don’t panic don’t rush just gas and lift clutch okay together together yeah there’s an oncoming car so if you were to move away with the oncoming car make sure you signal I’ll wait for him to go okay I’ll let them go first I like the road to myself

    Okay oh no no signal now well because they’re coming in yeah but you’re telling them to wait for you oh and you’re playing around messing about doing hill starts so do I have to wait for just definitely wait for the cars behind cuz we’re not we’re not drive

    Even if they wait behind you we want them past us cuz we’re we’re practicing here you can go we can do it with the oncoming cars we’re not affecting the oncoming cars but it’s good to let them know so they don’t come into our half of

    The road no check your blind spot again so I’m ready as well yep okay go on gas and bite point there we go clutch down and stop you did it yeah make sure you break hard enough that we don’t roll back it worked didn’t it it did roll

    Back a tiny bit it felt like it rolled back it was over so small though try again it did work for you so then gas and bite Point indicate right and clutch down the stop so it does work doesn’t it yeah it is rolling back a tiny bit just because your

    Clutches come like a little bit late if your clutch comes up a bit earlier as you’re adding the gas you won’t roll back at all I want to cancel that signal once we do stop sorry I missed that myself yeah make sure our signal is not

    Misleading I try to but also you try to as well so any oncoming cars tell them we’re moving away so they don’t come into our half of the road they know we’re about to move and uh cars behind obviously we wait for them but signal when you’re actually going to move okay

    Not when you’re thinking about it so you going to try again yeah go this is fun I like it this this time we’ll go up to the second lamp post and stop at the second lamp post so not this first one the concrete one see that one yeah cuz

    That’s the steeper part of the Hill okay and we’ll try on there that’s all right anyone coming no you sure no why the final check is so important your blind spot should never be your last check always go back to here I’m not saying that’s not what you’re going to do I’m

    Just I’m just emphasizing that why it’s important this should be your last check I know what you’re doing you you set the mirror didn’t you it dipped when I reversed yeah I can still see but I couldn’t see well good idea to do that bit worried so signal to the car front do

    Your pedals there we go didn’t roll back at all that time cancel the signal now so we don’t forget it like we did last time we’ll go up to this lamp post come off the gas now indicate left of the car behind don’t press any pedals see what happens is the car

    Stopping no no keep going doesn’t it now clutch down down and now the heel will stop you don’t break yet don’t break yet and it rolls back doesn’t it so break just to show you that it will stop the hill will stop you but then it will roll

    You back so make sure you break just before it stops okay but try and let the hill do a lot of the slowing down when you’re slow otherwise you stop too early and you don’t have time to line up with the curb okay so this is the steepest

    Part of the hill this time we’re going to move away and it’s actually this is going to be real now cuz you see the car in front has had to stop on the hill or nearly stop to for the oncoming car you may have to do that as well because we

    Got that Citron parked at the brow of the Hill you can’t see beyond that Hill no so as you approach that Citron that gray car you need to be ready to wait and give way to oncoming cars and this is where your Hill start skill will work

    For you so do you want to do handbrake start or heel hold assist heel hold assist is fun yeah I enjoy it more if you do heel hold assist now it’ll be handbrake start next time I like yeah one now I like it okay it’s more fun so ready go yeah anyone

    Coming gas and bik point and we should get going oh no oh swearing now break break there we go so this is a steeper part of the Hill isn’t it now happened there the engine’s restarted yeah what happened I did it normally and then it just wasn’t having it

    You didn’t give enough power right and your clutch did come up higher than before and I think it’s because it’s a steeper Hill you’re trying a bit too hard remember once the car starts rolling mhm hold your feet steady also what happened there as a car started

    Going back and I think that made you lift the clutch even more more than need needed a tiny bit more um this is this is a lot harder I’ll give you one more go I want to do right one now no no no oh let’s practice it let’s practice it

    We do one more go on the hill hold assist if it’s not working on this level of Hill yeah we’ll reserve it for later okay and use the handbrake start which is the easier method on this hill okay but try not to rush if the car rolls

    Back a tiny bit try not to panic you ready ignore that yeah wait until it’s clear relax not relax gas and lift clutch don’t rush or actually try and do them together now driving gives me gr eyes no Yeah so much better see look at that cuz you didn’t Panic did you the car rolled back a tiny bit but you didn’t Panic you still took your time a bit more to the right so it looks like you want to go past cover the clutch just in case can

    You go yeah okay Carry On then shame that we didn’t have to stop there probably should have got you to stop just as a dummy now drive past the car and check your mirrors to come back to your half of the road probably a bad idea for me to get you to

    Stop as a dummy because then if someone comes up behind and they get confused and they as a car is now approaching from behind I was really hoping to have an oncoming car there make sure we are good distance from the curve almost going to hit those little things

    Sticking out from the curb to help someone the drive and then check your mirrors to around the car and now start breaking gently CU we’re going to take the next road on the right after this bend a mirror signal right avoid the curb that’s it into

    Second it’s just after the bend this row you need to be ready by the time we finish the bend clutch the bite Point re match still break so keep on brake clutch up fully breake more and now stop clutch down and stop yeah we don’t want to go into that

    Side road there I don’t know why you went into that road on the left so first gear we wait here now and when there’s no oncoming cars you can turn into that road on the right it’s your car fully now can’t turn my left my right apparently so you ready yeah so look

    Into that road as you turn make sure you turn look up the road to help you straighten bit early there that’s why I sto the wheel just for briefly why you want me to park keep going stay in stay in a good position Don’t Go Near the curb and we’re going

    To try and stop before this car that’s parked at the side of the road before that lamp poost so cover the clutch but don’t press it stay on the gas CU When You’re uphill the car is going to slow down very quickly so mirror signal left for the car behind that’s approaching

    The other way now clutch down and the car will slow down gas and lift clutch to move forwards there you go and you can line up a bit better with the curb see and then move forwards a bit more again see that way you can adjust where you stop

    And then clutch down and now stop now we’re here so it’s very important when you when you’re stopping uphill to realize the car is going to slow down a lot earlier M cancel the tick therefore you’re not going to want to come off the gas and break like you

    Normally do you got to use that Hill if you ignore the hill the hill will hurt you if you listen to the hill the hill will help you okay so at the moment use the hill to help you slow down and then as it slows you down you if you’re in GE

    Gear get first gear then you can be ready to add gas and lift clutch to adjust your position and line up with a curve you actually lined up with the Curve pretty well back there I just want you to move forward more to practice is that you’re tummy rumbling yeah I didn’t

    Have time for breakfast no breakfast now we’re gonna do the handbrake start we did the uh he’ll hold assist start last time mhm handbrake starts easier but we have what’s that nice VW in front couldn’t have asked for that myself well you know that’s very well timed I’m glad

    They’re there cuz now you got to move away with a car directly in front of you last time the car was further up the hill this this time you got to keep the car under control as you steer around that car so you can’t shoot forwards and

    As you get going the car could come the other way true so you get going suddenly there’s a car coming the other way don’t do this this is what a learn this is what a lot of Learners do they steer to the left try and go back towards the

    Curb now it’s just going to be really hard to go around that car when you want to go around that car yeah still aim for the space next to the car still go towards the other side of the road but then stop and wait okay but you want

    Your aim good so that when you can get going after the oncoming car is finished coming you’re already set you can do a handbrake start again or he’ll hold assist to move so you ready yeah let’s hope there’s an oncoming car just as you

    Get going I don’t want an onc I want an oncoming car it’ be good practice no no thanks we’ll do the next lesson so you need my help or no no you going to do the handbrake start on your own yeah go in no okay right good no try absolutely

    I was going to say I I will I will tell you if I think you’re missing anything okay get my revs mhm one’s coming get my bite Point yeah now one’s coming and now I go you really good at this excellent and there was no oncoming car now we got to

    Be ready to wait before the next car so Center left miror just bring it back to our half of the Roll don’t push the clutch down bring it up all the way off the clutch please let see the car will slow down that it slow down there as you

    Push the clutch in a bit do we need to wait oh yes so clutch down gasm lift the clutch now so it doesn’t roll back and now check your mirrors and carry on so you see how just pausing briefly like that can help a bit close

    To that par car steer more steer more to go around it properly um don’t go really close to them but you see how pausing like that can help just briefly you have to do a h whole hill um whole handbrake start again you did yeah I know I’m

    Struggling today aren’t I you did roll back back a little bit but with practice you’ll cut that out yeah that’s it that’s better next Road right good bit further from the curb I might just push away getting a bit Clos to those pedestrians there now start breaking and

    Try and keep it in your half of the road this time we’re not taking this road on the left let’s not steer in there in the second gear keep an eye on where you need to wait the middle of the road you’re turning into in case someone comes the

    Other way okay looks like you’ll be out of go doesn’t it so look into that road and do your steer gone that’s it and slow slowly start to straighten with your hands very good I think the input of the steering is probably a bit harsh but the straightening was very nice it

    Worked it did work a little little bit jolty might want to add it a bit more smoothly so we’re going to try and stop before that car again near the lampost so there’s a car behind isn’t there yeah so tell them you want to pull over keep the gas on it’s slowing down

    Too early isn’t it a bit of pads to help it along cover the clutch when your clutch goes down this car is going to stop very quickly so now clutch down see yeah and then you can break the stops you see how much quicker it stops uphill and I think you did need

    A bit more gas as you were getting here cuz the car was struggling did you hear it go that’s telling you I need more air so just don’t be afraid press the power a little bit it’s not going to go flying up the road it just stop it from

    Struggling okay so what we’re going to do this time is a method I don’t really Rec commend okay doesn’t work in all cars okay um a lot of people do use it I use it sometimes myself uh it’s not a bad method but it’s a it’s bad if it’s the only method you

    Know okay and that is when you’re on the foot brake to lift the clutch to the bite point so the car doesn’t roll back and then come off the brake to move forwards and what’s going to happen because you really do need power to move up to move away on this hill what’s

    Going to happen is the car’s computer is going to recognize there’s load and it’s going to increase gas for you okay but all cars going to do that and all cars do that at a different level if you tried to do this in my other car at home you will store right

    Why you teach me this now I like my uh everything else just so you know I think it’s important you know okay these different things okay so get the clutch down and it might St and if it does sto be good lesson I don’t like it when it sto though why I

    Don’t know the car going to explode n it’s fine it’s this car is stalled more times than I can’t think of a good one something that happens often sun comes up more more times than full moons in My Life probably yeah well maybe not that many times it’s probably has actually

    It’s it’s stored several thousand times I’m sure in his life it’s been used for nearly 10 years as a learner car now it’s done like 19,000 hours of use well look at the um mile you can’t see right now but the mileage is really high

    202 see anyway so foot on The Brak oh on the break yeah you’re not getting away trying I know what you’re like you try to delay don’t you like start talking to me see I can do these things first gear I know you like talking to I just abuse

    That and then hand break off now I’m also going to show you how the heel hold assist works we will roll back it’s safe to come off the brake and it holds it for two seconds and then let’s go oh yeah see this time when you come off the brake press the

    Gas and you’ll see it rolls back straight away safe to do it you can do it just press the gas straight away see so you see what I mean now when I say it holds it for two seconds or if you press the gas yeah that’s really cool but if

    You’re at the bike Point you’re not pressing the gas so when you come off the brake it’s still going to try and keep the car still for two 2 seconds even though you’re telling the car to move with the bite point until you press the gas so

    Press the gas and that will cut the brakes out and we’ll get going okay so lift the clutch of the bite Point there’s no one’s coming there you go blind spot all good clutch back down again s’s going clutch down you’ve don’t to wait on the bite point if it changes we’ll

    Just wait for the next one okay back to the bite Point again blind spot off the foot brake now and now gas and it did work didn’t it oh yeah does work did he feel the car did he feel it vibrating and struggling doesn’t want to do that that’s that

    Shouldn’t be the case so check your mirrors come back to the left no point you can’t see off the gas off the gas you can’t see now you can see now you can go a bit of gas you’ll make it before the next car and then mirrors to

    Come back no cuz it’s the brow of the Hill you see back to your half give them space help them out because you can’t see you need to be ready to give way until you get closer to the car you can’t commit early when you can’t see slow down get

    Closer and then when you can see go or if you’re at the car and you still can’t see go through carefully so you felt the car was struggling there didn’t you mhm and I’ve been in the car with many people who have learned to drive who think that’s

    Normal it’s not normal when you move away the car should not be vibrating and well struggling revs aren’t struggle rev the engine that’s not give it some well there we go that’s not the engine struggling struggling is when the revs are low and the cars vibrating revs are

    Below 1,000 revs that’s not what you want add some power and that should help when you go up a hill it’s why it’s important to learn not only the method of break and lift clutch up to move away but how to use the gas the handbrake

    Start and heill hold assist as well if you have it do you have any questions about these Hill starts no they’re quite all right do you understand why I wanted you to slow down and wait when we were approaching that part car on the brow of the hill and not commit

    Too early yeah because I couldn’t see if someone was like speeding at me exactly you need to be ready to give way sometimes even when you get to the car you still can’t see there will be occasions like that plenty occasions when you’re driving where you just can’t

    See even if you’re slow then you just go through slowly and carefully that’s all you can do okay I think we should end the video there yeah I think I’m missing anything out I’m going to think I probably will find something when I’m editing it but

    That’s the hill lesson for today if you found the video helpful please give it a thumbs up and if you’re looking for car insurance check out the links to Kingwood and Confused in the description if you’re learning to drive and want to ensure yourself on somebody else’s car

    Then Collingwood are there for you because you can do so without affecting the owner’s policy and that takes away a big stress from the owner of that car via the link at the moment there’s up to 35% off and a 20 Amazon gift card if you

    Want to ensure your own car check out the link to confused.com because you fill out one quote form and get loads of quotes back from many insurers compare who’s cheapest and you can change your car on that quote as many times as you like without having to do the whole

    Quote again just change the car so that you can PA compare how much it costs to ensure different cars using the links doesn’t cost anything but it does support the channel so thank you very much subscribe to get my future videos and until the next one cheerio


    1. I'm a PDI and when I was training it was all about passing the part 3. I wish it was more like learning how to actually do the job and pass on knowledge and not having to rely on these YouTube videos although I'm grateful that they're available.

    2. Don't if you've been asked this before. But in what order would you recommend learning these skills for a beginner? I want to practice as much as I van after sessions with my instructor in a quiet area

    3. I got my driver's license first try this week. Thank you for the many tips. I still watch your videos cause I want my driving to be smooth as butter. Still a tiny bit bumpy in shift changes.

    4. I passed my test today with 3 minors. I've been following your videos ever since I passed my theory test. Really appreciate the effort behind each of them. They were really helpful.

    5. Another absolutely class lesson, Richard. I passed my test with no marks on the 3rd of October on the Isle of Man. I conquered the hill start, but I remember the nerves of "am I going to roll this?". The first hill start is the most nerve wrenching, after a few successful and consistent starts its practically second nature.

      Well done to the student too! Not a panic and very receptive to what you were saying.

    6. I'm starting driving school soon at 29 for the first time, I'm quite anxious about it but these videos reassure me a bit and you can also learn so much even just watching. Hopefully I don't drive on the left side the first time I actually sit behind the wheel, it would be unfortunate since we drive on the right 😁 Thank you Emily and Richard and please keep making these videos!

    7. This is something I get really paranoid about.. When moving off on hills. I'm always worried incase I roll back and hit the car behind me.

    8. Am I the only one who finds using the handbrake extremely clumsy and never uses it for hill starts? Having to release the handbrake at the clutch bite point and all that.

      If you're fast enough, if you let go of the foot brake and immediately start engaging the clutch (and lightly dosing the gas — how much heavily depends on the car), you can get going before the car gets to significantly roll backwards at all. I'm much more comfortable at quickly synchronising the legs alone rather than having to involve the hand.

    9. Richard I love your way of explaining things and watch every video 2 years after passing really enjoying watching Emily's journey she's doing better than she believes she is. Pleeease can you do an in depth video on hill start assist apart from starting from stationary like how can I drive without activating it, stop start give way situations, just bought a 2013 renault clio with it and it's driving me mad i can't press accelerator until brake releases and if I do it will just stall, also I can't take my foot off the brake to test if its an incline and it activated and then put my foot back on brake so if the situation has changed and I nee to wait j have no brake its been really dangerous a few times now. I already have bad driving anxiety and I'm now avoiding going anywhere unless I absolutely have to and can avoid all hills I don't want to keep being like this its not the freedom driving can give you. I appreciate all your videos and knowledge

    10. Gotta say, Richard is a very great instructor! Very thorough on different scenario and patient with his students. Also like his name as I got the same, Richard.

    11. Lovely talk through and explanations. Another skill being lost with modern electronic handbrake/hold systems. I tried using the electronic handbrake before I really understood how it worked and burned my clutch – learned through what could have been an expensive mistake.

    12. Is driving with clutch control on a hill, say with slow moving but not stationary traffic, the same as clutch control on a flat road, but you add a bit more gas to sort of cancel out the incline of the hill?

    13. Richard (and Emily's dad): "Handbrake is the easiest way to do a hill start"… Me (in my head): "No, auto transmission is the easiest way to do a hill start" 😂 I hate manual.

    14. 10 mins in and can already tell this entire video can effectively teach the basics of clutch control on hills. Love your vids man, 100% helped me pass

    15. Just love my previous car, Mazda 6. It was a manual but with hill assist so it kept the brakes on for me until i used the clutch to go away. REALLY nice, especially with a heavy trailer on a steep incline.

      My car now, automatic, have even better version. There is literally ZERO rollback, even in steep hill with trailer on. It keeps the brake on, i slowly rev engine more and more until it just starts slowly to roll forward. It is Amazing!

    16. Thanks for this vid! I have my license since june in the Netherlands but sadly the car i learned in was a golf 8. Meaning no physical handbrake and always with hillassist. which means i dont have the handbrake skill. I do have the clutch only skill from the golf 8 tho!

    17. What are you doing here.. It just discussed without practice half clutch. Teach her without hand brake because if car hand brake not working how she will do… Half clutch is very easy to operate by the three steps of friction..

    18. I had a great instructor overall but I had to convince him big time to teach me hill starts. For whatever reason they don't have to teach it where i'm from but from watching your videos I knew I had to learn it from practice and the knowledge from those vids helped a lot

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