Hi, friends! 🌍 I had the most EPIC journey through SPAIN and FRANCE, discovering some of Europe’s most astonishing places (even a FORTRESS CITY — mind-blowing!). See more on these vibrant cities, gorgeous coastlines, and enchanting mountains — they’re absolutely unreal! #barcelona #travelvlog

    Must-see spots in Spain + France:
    🏰 Carcassonne, France: This is Europe’s famed fortress city (aka what feels like a step back in history — like waaaaayyyyy back!). There’s so much medieval charm!

    🌊 Costa Brava, Spain: Costa Brava, where the Mediterranean meets golden beaches and rugged cliffs, is a paradise for beach lovers and adventurers alike! This is great for a day trip from Barcelona, too!

    ⛰️ Montserrat (near) Barcelona: Join me as I ascend to Montserrat, a beautiful mountain offering breathtaking views and spiritual serenity. Make sure to take the train up higher, too, for 360-degree views!

    Check out these travel experiences:
    Medieval tours in Carcassonne: https://gyg.me/QlTdcW7L
    Costa Brava Day Tours: https://gyg.me/5IUwCNIc
    Montserrat half-day guided tour: https://gyg.me/LpLYo2ke

    00:00: Introduction
    2:03: Arriving in Carcassonne, France
    3:25: Exploring Cité de Carcassonne
    6:59: Visiting Tossa de Mar, Spain
    9:46: Getting on a Tour Bus
    10:48: Seeing Montserrat, Spain
    13:25: Car Rental Accident
    14:21: Hiking up Montserrat
    15:22: Drone Footage of Montserrat
    16:07: Biking through Barcelona

    🔗 Follow for behind-the-scenes content and sneak peeks of upcoming travels!

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/travelingwithjessica/
    TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@travelingwithjessica/
    Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/travelingwithjessica/
    Blog: http://travelingwithjessica.com

    💌 For Business Inquiries: hello@travelingwithjessica.com

    Excited to share more journeys with you. Until next time, happy travels! ✈️

    By the way, I’ve included some affiliate links here. If you’re looking for great travel tours or booking your next adventure, using these links won’t cost you extra!

    Good morning last night we well first of all my phone completely died my backup battery no battery my second backup nothing everything wasito so we were at Las lasag Familia and then we headed to my family’s home which is more so in the on the outskirts of like

    Barcelona like pretty far out and so anyway it’s a no morning and I’m also trying something new it’s more of a POV of Frankie and I uh in the car so that should be fun and we are going somewhere very exciting we have about a 3-hour road trip ahead of

    Us so we’ll see my my sister wants to surprise me with with a nice experience so more to come but for now I will be working I’m that person who works like I I’ll bring my laptop pretty much everywhere and I will I will work

    So I’ll probably work for like 30 to 40 minutes and then of course I want to soak in the views and and try to I don’t want to say living the moment because clearly I’m recording right now but I do want to at least enjoy you know

    Live in the moment for most of this car ride but I will show you along the Way what a beautiful town it’s so quaint this is carpon I hope I’m pronouncing that correctly we looked it up on YouTube to make sure we got the American pronunciation correct this is gosh it’s amazing car we here trying to figure out where we going now to figure out which way we’re going

    Just go home with one of these one of these So Co this is inside of the castle these are what the windows look like wow imagine living here in the 17th century wow so I ask myself would I live in the 17th century like would I survive under these

    Circumstances it’s a question that remains unanswered but I I don’t know it seems like a very interesting life it like it was a very interesting life or like it could be an interesting life I know look at the stairs in the castle the dayses are coming the bloody dayss are

    Coming then it walks out to this Warm so this was a watchtower right here oh Wow we are done with the tour and and after seeing the space and the castle or the Fortress you know I think it’s very safe to say that I am pretty content with the current century that we all live in okay and now it’s time to go trist town of carcassone in

    France yesterday Barcelona today France amazing so earlier when I mentioned that we were pretty much done seeing the castle that was basically a lie because we ended up walking for an additional like 45 more minutes in order to exit the castle the reason being is because there’s a lot of ups and downs

    And there’s stairwells and Spirals and it’s very tight so if you do come here I highly recommend that you wear comfortable comfortable shoes but overall it was just such a lovely experience and it’s so cool to be able to learn about the 16th century the 17th

    Century and also get to get to check out this amazing space like it it it’s absolutely beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful Sh trying to figure out which one of these I want to grab and I’m I’m just I’m not sure because I’m really familiar with Oreos obviously it’s quite Universal but in terms of other products I’m not sure which one to try the Nutella Nutella look good we will see

    Good afternoon so we came to the local supermarket here because after yesterday we just decided to kind of take it slow and so today we’re going to have a relaxed Beach day so anyway just trying to figure out what to grab from here and I’m just not Sure St So I made it to well we made it to tosa M and it’s on the Costa braa and it’s located about 1 hour or so away from the city of Barcelona this destination is absolutely stunning and I’m here in pretty much late September we are about to go into October this coming weekend

    And the weather is amazing it’s like 85° today so it’s definitely Beach weather but let me show you also look how blue the water is it is just so beautiful and then of course here it’s pretty crystal clear and it’s the same by the shore We ended up getting on a tour bus to see the town and and it’s pretty cool toour train toour Train troling I’m trying to see here this is It it’s it’s really cool and this is really a nice way to see and you can hop on and Hop Off recommend especially for anyone who may not want to walk too much or try to see like cover a lot of ground without walking Along Mountain k This would have been a good we made It buenos it is a another beautiful day in Barcelona last night we all sort of just crashed when we got back to the house and it was it’s been so fun but equally I don’t want to say tiring but we’ve just been you know kind of trying

    To adjust to the differ in time zone so we called it an earlyish kind of night but today we are in monat and it is a beautiful beautiful mountainous area here in Spain and I just cannot wait to show you like I’m actually driving up the mountain right now so let’s cue the

    Clips it’s so pretty isn’t it gorgeous it’s definitely a Marvel to watch as I drive through this mountainous area curves on curves on curves like people hik it up that’s that’s really cool we’re not hiking up though we are taking they have like um I believe it’s called

    Kaya I have to double check but we’ll be taking a train like a trolley train that takes you up to the peak and then we’ll be hiking it back down so I’ll show you but it’s it’s so pretty hit some traffic now pretty that’s a lot of traffic oh that

    Is a lot and we’re still about 13 minutes away give or take from apparently where we’re supposed to be so bummer are you ready to explore are you ready to explore so unfortunately before we start walking we had we got a rental vehicle and someone

    Hit us while we were parked so we had uh no idea Frankie found out this morning so yeah and we have some sandwiches for the go I’m struggling a little bit let’s Go what a You How’s this view babe beautiful absolutely Funning water Break it looks like there are a bunch of foot Trails Explorers Right St So Barcelona was amazing I actually didn’t get like a really good closing video for that trip because as soon as we finish monat we have to get ready the next day to head on a cruise which is what I’m on right now uh with Virgin voyages and so that’s really exciting

    For me because it’s my second time on a cruise this year but I hope you enjoyed watching the Barcelona travel blog let me know if you’ve been if you’ve done any of the things that I showed in this video and let me know if you have any

    Questions too leave them down below and if you’re curious to see what I’m doing on the virgin voyages ship definitely watch the next video

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