📦 Want to send us something?
    Reacting To My Roots
    P.O. Box 439
    Jasper, Indiana 47547

    In this video, my wife, daughter, and I do our largest PO Box opening to date! Join us as we open Irish and UK packages from some very thoughtful subscribers.

    We received such an incredible variety of packages from both the UK and Ireland. Lots of snacks, souvenirs and unique gifts we would have never expected. 🙂

    If you’re interested in sending a package, please see the PO box address above.

    Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this reaction please give this video a thumbs up, share your thoughts in the comments and click the subscribe button to follow my journey to learn about my British and Irish ancestry.

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    What’s going on guys my name is Steve thank you so much for stopping by my Channel today I’m joined by my wife Lindsay and my daughter Sophia and we are finally back from the sickness that we had for well over a week and super excited to be back and thought it about

    Time we do a package opening video we were actually going to do a package opening video right before we got sick and unfortunately that postponed everything for over a week but we are excited we got quite a few packages here I’m sure you may see that in the

    Thumbnail I’m not really sure but um we got all the little packages up here and then beside us we have numerous uh larger packages and so uh super excited about this guys we love the package opening videos they’re just so fun to you know see all the different

    Interesting things you guys send to us and uh we really appreciate everybody who sends anything at all um but speaking of stuff that’s been said oh yeah who’s your new best friend liy can you hold her up so everybody can see her where’s she from Scotland she is

    From Scotland she decided to name her new Dolly Lucy we appreciate all the suggestions and the comments but before she even heard any of those she decided on Lucy so yeah and then it so happens that Lucy is a supposedly a popular shsh name right that’s what Google says yeah

    That’s what Google says anyway so um so it worked out right but um I’m sure you’ll hear it in our voices from time to time that we still are a little bit I guess recovering mostly energetically feel fine but but uh just kind of got the respiratory stuff still going on a

    Little bit um but what was the other thing I want oh yeah telegram guys I I have been informed Again by numerous people that um there is a telegram scammer out in my comment section again if you receive a comment that says something about uh hit me up on telegram

    Or something like this I do not have a telegram I’ve never had a telegram I don’t have any intention to get a telegram so please if you do see someone saying something about hey contact me on telegram it is a scammer generally speaking the scammers once you have a

    Channel of more than say 5 to 10,000 subscribers you’ll notice this on every almost every channel that has above 10,000 subscribers will have the telegram scammers and they basically make a similar username to the channel itself and they’ll they’ll copy a picture of the channel uh like you’ll

    Probably see the picture or be my picture because they’ve copied it and uh it’s just unfortunate you know there’s i’ I’ve gotten rid of these guys multiple times they keep on coming back and the problem is the YouTube functionality doesn’t really give me the ability to just go and search for these

    People or something so even when someone says hey they’re in the comments section of a particular video I’ll go look and I literally won’t find them and I I don’t know why I don’t know if by time I search for them uh they’ve erased their own comment or if YouTube is somehow

    They’ve they’ve gotten rid of them or something but I’ve been hearing about these for the last week and I still haven’t been able to find them in the comment section for whatever reason but uh yeah guys just want I’d let you know that because I hope all of you stay safe

    Don’t go and uh you know fall for any of these scams that these telegram scammers are up to but yeah I think that is uh about it right now right cuz this is going to be a long video this is going to be a pretty long video we already

    Opened these initial ones right here we haven’t looked in them yet we just wanted to goe and save a little time and and and cut the tape oo where’s this from this one is from David in you see baby you can see sidan s San let [Applause]

    See yes ah David from a very small village in in the Cambrian Mountain Cambrian mountains whales we got our first whales package the village is called I cannot pronounce that did no that right there can you pronounce that oh my there’s no way there’s no way I I

    Yeah there’s no way I can pronounce it which isn’t easy to pronounce there are only 70 permanent residents oh wow wow that’s a small place cardigan Bay the nearest place for shopping is AB with I know I’m butchering that on the coast a distance of 18 wow Village has

    No shop Pub school public transport or mobile phone signal when it snows we can be cut off in the outside world it can snow from middle of November to the beginning of May on the coast remain snow free can be a winter wonderland as long as we have enough Supply wow that

    Sounds cool man um I’m going to read this we’ll read this after the video yeah it’s pretty long um this is cool though it’s all kinds of like tourism pamphlets well is this this is yeah this is from the actual place he lives wow oh it’s beautiful wow it does look

    Beautiful so sounds like it snows like six months out of the year what so winter he said can snow from guide this is cool yeah looks like there’s all kinds of it oh look at that this is mid whales oh wow man it’s beautiful it is

    Beautiful it’s a map there’s a m very Lush and green I love this map you love it real mid Wells wow beautiful beautiful all right where which state does Santa live in Santa he lives in not a State he loves thank you David we appreciate that I love looking at this

    Stuff in my free time so I appreciate all the little pamphlets and stuff people this is from Linda in Edge wear Edge wear Edge wear middle sex oh and there’s a card rip it open see what’s in there oh it’s one is that a what oh it’s a it’s a

    PO it’s a a mailbox oh to Sten family Merry Christmas love Lynn and family happy Christmas from the UK thank you thank you Lyn goodness Sophia what is this uh oh what is it cowry dairy milk Dame Dime dime Dame what oh Sophia C white yes I I’m want to try

    That oh what is this and then a giant Dairy m dear Steve and family I have sent you three different cadburry chocolate bars hope you enjoy love your YouTube channel love Lynn I think the chocolate bars are best eaten from the fridge crunchy almond caramel I haven’t heard of that yes it

    Either thank you family we appreciate that not right now but we will soon all right what’s in here that one is from this is from is that Mick I think it’s Mick Mick and Essex oh does that look like Mick yeah it is all right oh Sophia you want to pull something

    Out oh my goodness oh what is that Cur cber oh what are those what do you think this is what is that Christmas B Christmas milk chocolate Fredo casber what are these match makers milk flavored chocolate we have the milk CH the other chocolate version we have that’s true we

    Have the fries I promise like 99% of the stuff you guys have said we haven’t DED yet no we’ll film it when we do but we’ve been under the weather and so like we’re pissed back on everything like we we right before we got sick we were

    Planning on doing a package open and then we were going to start doing uh try videos and and unfortunately that’s that’s it in the Box baby um hi just a short message enjoy these treats Mike okay Mike has I mean wait oh yeah it is Mike oh Mike but

    But it’s spelled we try some I don’t maybe he goes by Mike and it’s actually I don’t know you want to try one now which one you want to try this or do you want to try thank you Mike we appreciate it um he has a YouTube channel um

    On here I think that’s his username yeah oh yeah that’s his username yeah true okay thanks Mike we appreciate that but um sopia wants to try a curly rly as I was saying though that we are going to get around to try videos been wanting to

    It seems like every time we start to get going something happen she got sick then we got sick and this is literally taken between the two sicknesses it’s taken like three weeks out of our ability to do any try videos oh my this is okay I

    Thought I was going to be able to break a little piece off what is that a curly whirly curly whirly it feels caramelly oh there you go okay well we are we going to try right now it’s already open that thing’s not going to last if it’s

    Already opened is it it’s a Well Carly m that was really good it so chewy but it’s really good mhm M wow guys that’s good curly whirly that’s not what I thought it was going to be me neither for some reason based on the name I thought it be crunchy it’s

    One of those things that will stick in your teeth mhm yeah but what I’m saying is we’re going to be starting to do some try videos soon as my sense of smell comes back and my sister The Taste fully I can taste this fine but I I can’t

    Smell anything so I know my sense of taste is not as where it should be it’s our first Ireland package darina darina and Dublin Dublin awesome what’s in there oh can you hold this really daddy you’re have to sit there to hold your oh well it’s okay

    Po po guys T I’ve heard of T obviously uh but but I don’t know T I’m meeting t for the first time right here y po good to meet you okay so that was salt and vinegar cheese and onion this is a card I have no idea how to say that oh

    My goodness yeah be be do you know say be be idea I think this is traditional Irish language sure Christmas greetings that’s probably what that means hi Steve really enjoying your journey of learned about Ireland UK you mentioned that you would be interested in tasting different flavors

    Of Irish crisp hope you enjoy these Merry Christmas Happy New Year oh that’s that’s um that’s her YouTube name um I don’t know if she’d want it no red on here but double irland thank you so much what was her actual name darina I think darina darina you don’t like it it’s too

    Sticky you want this back Daddy I’ve already got some my tooth right do you want it or do you want me to have it I want chipsticks oh chipsticks who are you okay you okay baby it’s so good she’s falling off are you all right oh goodness and Smokey

    Bacon I fall off I guess you were into your chocolate and you just thank you so much darina we appreciate that our first Irish package that’s awesome by the way for this map I don’t know if we said we’re going to put pens in all the

    Places we get packages from so we we’ve only started cuz we’ve been under the weather but uh we’re going to it’s going to be we have we have a list of everybody like everybody who sent us something like the location and whatnot and so we’re going to be able to

    Actually and the event the plan is to eventually be able to look on the map and see where all the packages to come from I think it’s going to be really fun to be able to look back at that all right let’s see oo Crystal hello Steve Lindsay and sopia I watch

    Your channel every day and I really enjoy your genuine enthusiasm to learn about the UK I sent you a very special rock that I thought you find interesting it’s called Blue John a very rare fluorite a semi-precious mineral that is found nowhere in the world apart from

    Two caves and the surrounding Hills of Castleton Darbyshire oh wow thank you best wishes Stephanie if you want to see where your rock came from I found a nice video for you to watch yeah we’ll have to watch that oh that’s awesome thank you cards blue

    Johnstone I’ve heard of this we we we all three of us like uh Stones I I used to be a rock hound when I was younger oh wow that’s beautiful that’s what it looks like in the wild I used to have a rock collection when I was a kid even into my

    Teens and 20s I had I still had that rock collection I have no idea as I got older I have no idea what happened there a lot of stuff is I’ve lost but uh sopia has definitely taking over that and Sophia uh Lindsay loves uh rocks as

    Well all right let’s see that was Tre Cliff Cavern or tra that’s for 330 million years in baking o blue John Stone it’s interesting because it’s called Blue John Stone but it looks purple it looks more like anthy to me yay thank you you probably can’t see it from

    Here you want to take it out yeah you want to see the stone Sophia it’s a rare form of fluorite oh wow it looks kind of like amethyst to me do you like it I like it maybe Sophia has a um like a miniature shelf in her bedroom where she

    Puts all her special Treasures so maybe we’ll put this on her special treasure yeah Sophia she collects many items like like Al anything you can imagine like she has a little mini bicycle it’s about that big well right now we’re open in pack little mini figurines and things

    She just loves mini small items all right next one is Lucy having fun yeah I think she is I don’t think this [Applause] has I don’t think this has a name on it on the outside does oh r the story of Britain wow oh oh wow it’s going to be

    Interesting to look out BBC and there’s no note in here so we don’t know who it’s from oh wow dude but thank you to whoever sent it I love the old buildings this this book has a ton of beautiful pictures in it lot of really cool information

    Obviously wow do it say anything that one didn’t have anything oh nothing nothing at all no well thank you so much to whoever sent this to us we appreciate it love love books like this so um I love looking through this yeah oh somebody thank you very much yes thank

    You somebody sent some more sweets from Ireland there’s no name that’s that our second Irish package enjoy your gift but there’s no name name emerald the original chocolate caramels caramels I want some Emerald the original chocolate caramel you just had a caramel we we’ll try this

    Soon I wish we knew who this was from thank you thank you I want try this next those look good trying to cover the address guys from Sasha from I’m soy Angy okay Angy where is that I know the name I can’t think of where it’s at though Great British history Mount oh

    This is cool wait okay wait that’s the back babe yeah I know love Sasha okay so this Sasha hi Steve Lindsay and Sophia hope you are all keeping well here’s a food of Britain which here’s a map of Britain which includes historical sites giving you an idea of where they actually are

    In a lovely book for sopia for Christmas you got a book Sophia I live in the aisle of Angy in a village called penis penis pen penar said pin pin Pinar silent why okay P than you overl yeah I would have never know some beautiful beaches and Stor places if you ever get

    To the UK I am more than happy to have you all stay with me in my 18th century Cott oh man I love the little cottage house that is awesome thank you so much Sophia you got a book Sasha do you want to see what it is what okay let’s turn

    It over what book do you think it is what’s it over I love that book well this is the London St you haven’t seen that book you only have the one you only have the one Paddington oh my goodness Paddington at the palace this is Great British history

    Map that’s this is so cute it’s all his adventures in London oh so it’s like hey that will help us plan our trip this right here we’ll be able to tell where things are and see where we want to go yeah thank you that is so cute ever wondered what a 9th century

    Smelled like can’t say I have man I just our laugh they are our laugh is still haven’t got my voice back then they are good stories four of them please please uh we’re trying not I’m trying not to cough but I know I like people like feel like I’m going to cough

    Because I’m still not fully back um at York one time Viking capital and now home to the multi-sensor it’s you jvic Viking Center you’ll find out follow your nose that’s awesome yeah it’s like it’s got like all sorts of history about all these different areas throughout the UK Edinburgh right

    Here um that’s cool yeah I can’t really open this thing like right here cuz it’s so you know it’s a big map but uh I see her that’s awesome thank you appreciate that Mr B and Shelton two books what is that what is that Jaguar Jag wait hold on JAG Jaguar yeah

    Wow but you two share look at these cars Sophia wow you like these cars yeah oh here’s what’s that say gezer gezer just a couple books you might find interesting I have some more history books I might send you after Christmas if you’re interested yours that Tony I

    Want to say Tony but it looks like it says Tony um Mr okay I’m not going to read the last name um okay awesome thank you very much Tony I believe that is it’s what it looks like I believe it’s Tony oh that would make sense the first initial was a Anthony

    Probably okay okay yeah that makes sense wow I that’s cool all the old British cars Roger actually owned a Jaguar at one time really yeah it’s definitely the a British car I’ve been wanting to look into more look at that dude yeah that’s cool that’s is nice the story of Britain

    Oh it’s a history book are D favorite stories in it I think so lots of stories in stories thank you Tony we appreciate that I got to find a place to do you share that book we can all share it yep all right this is from Allan in Horn Castle oh a castle

    Calendar it’s got all these different famous castles I can’t wait to visit some castles guys yeah we’ve never been in a castle obviously they don’t really have castles here I mean maybe maybe a few like like uh modern built castles but nothing old all right thank you Alan that’s awesome which one’s your

    Favorite one her favorite one I don’t know the hold on what say it doesn’t tell me the name on the back but her favorite one is November if anybody can see that that’s Sophia’s favorite castle on this November see it hopefully this has a name this your favorite castle oh oh

    You’re asking what their favorite castle is that’s a good question no she out of these oh out of those I want to know what their favorite castle is because I bet they know some good ones oo that’s hard to pick my favorite I’m going to say is this one

    That was that’s the one I or the one on the beautiful that one I’m not sure we’ll have to when we open it we linday and I Lindsay and I both said we like August I don’t know if you guys can see which one that one is the the lights

    Kind of shining is that the AUST one August all right Sophia this is a special pack package just for you and Daddy can you read the note to her all right Sophia so says you ready sopia I hope you like this book there are some lovely Irish stories that are close to

    My heart enjoy the sweets happy Christmas to you and your lovely parents from Ruth from Cork Ireland but living in London a thank you can you open it up and see what your present is thank you Ruth that’s so sweet of her to think of you

    Huh is that very nice yeah yeah okay can you get it yeah hard to get out there okay wow that’s a nice book yeah the big book of favorite Irish myths and legends oh wow nice really nice wow beautiful pictures we’re going to have to read these huh very

    Cool very oh wow that’s a nice book we’ve got all kinds of reading to do don’t we yeah you want you want to say thank you to Ruth thank you Ruth this is our third package from Barry in wherer sopia what is this what is this Liz loves tea I think

    I’ve probably said that a million times at this point shepherd’s pie shepherd’s pie what do it say on the thing it says alternatively you can use ground or minced beef instead it will change it into a cottage pie so what is it normally lamb okay lamb isn’t as easy to

    Find here so we might try it with beef I don’t know we probably can I I’ve never ate lamb before right have you ever eat lamb before I don’t think so it’s something that’s just it’s a meat that it’s very super common here yeah I’ve always wanted to I just never had french

    Fries Worcester sauce Walkers hold it up hold it up so people can see hold it up it’s a mini that might have to go with Myan flag with your double decker bus with my double decker bus over there look at that oh London hold it up

    Can you hold it’s a London taxi I love it flip it around so they can see I I love these things man like I don’t I don’t know it’s very cool baby what what that b say here can you over there what that b say I don’t know she

    Say mama yeah Mama okay what else is there oh what is it what’s on there ooh ooh what what does it say oh the British army oh that’s awesome that is cool thank you bar I’ve been wearing the um the last one the football quite a bit it’s been cold

    Lately so nostalgic travel calend i’ love to have this thank you oh careful there’s stuff in there daddy can you grab the envelope something oh look at this calendar Sophia oh you’re after the stickers and he put your name on it those are for you those

    Are for you hold them up let’s show everybody these are cool stickers London themed stickers what oh they’re oh okay Sophia loves stickers she loves stickers she plays with them for hours a day she creates little scenes with random stickers like she just you know sorry oh yeah is that called the Christmas

    Selection pack I think oh that’s awesome yay um but Sophia she will like you know how like you draw a picture of something right she uses stickers of random all sorts of stickers and she creates these random scenes and stuff with them she loves doing that hello again Steve hope

    You and your lovely family are all keeping well uh by sheer coincidence an American friend of mine who now lives in England also watches your channel regularly that’s cool with her English son Jenny and Alfie hi Jenny and Alfie hi Jenny Alie hi hi jie they enjoy your r videos as much as

    I do well thank you so much for watching thank you I appreciate that very best wishes Barry thank you Barry see oh my goodness what’s what is this Sophia what we got here what is that more Angel alive butterscotch butterscotch Stephen loves Steve loves butterscotch flavor what does it taste like butterscotch and

    Strawberry what is that sopia a Yorkie raisin and biscuit I try it we will pub quiz snap a card game for quiz lovers and P I love quizzes too she does to love quizzes well qu I don’t have the knife here but we’ll open that bit oh you got the knife I got

    It what is this oh it’s a fridge magnet oh oh is it the tree it’s the tree the sigmore Gap tree I’m saddened that I never got to visit that before it was uh viciously attacked we’ll say that it’s disgusting that someone cut down a tree like this man

    Whatever just for no reason I I’ve already made a video about that I was disgusted by by it uh if you want to see my reaction it it around the time that sigmore Gap tree got cut down but it was yeah it was a beautiful tree and a beautiful spot that’s all I

    Know and we’re going to have to brush up on our British hopefully they hopefully they’ll uh I know that they said they were going to possibly try to like replant replant a sap a a uh a sapling from it or or grow a sapling from the old tree or something hopefully they can

    Wow that’s look at that tree that was a sycamore Gap tree what do you think of that tree do you like it I like it is it sick uh-uh it’s called a sycamore that’s a type of United Kingdom Special Forces Air Force regiment oh that’s cool is that a that’s

    A patch sick that’s a nice patch and a lion bar I’ve never heard of a lion bar but this thing feels solid like it feels like a meaty a meaty bar try it lion I a try it right now baby girl I try mama no we just had thank you so much Barry

    Thank you and thank you for watching the channel Jenny and Alfie yes we appreciate that appreciate all of you guys here what can you hold this cuz I’m got to do some goodness a I hate when they don’t have a name what’s wait what’s the oh wait that

    One does it does it does I am a Scott living in England and thought you might like this is something relating to your shirt from Michael in West Yorkshire thank you it’s a Scotland calendar oh oh dude that’s beautiful the calendar in every room of our house that is beautiful man where is

    That ah glasow Cathedral dude that is beautiful man um we we both love the old church churches and stuff I’ve looked at more of them than she has obviously at this point she has I don’t think you’ve looked really any on my channel so far not really um

    As we’re as we’re exploring but um we definitely will be together sopia which of these pictures is your favorite on this on this this is where Lucy’s from Scotland that one ooh that’s pretty Glasgow Cathedral NES river which is that one all of these all of these are from Scotland all of these

    Are Scotland M they’re all different places in Scotland but she said her favorite was the Glasgow Cathedral and that was Lindsay and our my favorite as well um but thank you so much Michael that is awesome thank you appreciate that Paul and Heidi in in Wells a whs I

    Got to close my eyes okay hi Steve Lindsay and Sophia we thought we would send you a few bits and Bobs chocolate orange woohoo love those man yeah oh she remembered you doing it to me making me closer ooh what is that oh what is that

    Fers blood orange cider M can see that oh this is alcoholic oh yeah cider over there is Al I to try it a Yorkie bar all right she can try one we’ve got several lopies now y she can try it M I’m excited to try the cider yeah me

    Too okay what else is in here is Good Sophia daddy you can eat your chocolate daddy will help me yeah I will pull something out of there what oh a oh it is that’s awesome it is that is awesome thank you oh my word I can tell it is

    Because there’s another flag I think look we have a Welsh dragon L we forget oh oh it’s ay flag poy flag Memorial yeah try this on should Daddy try this on no we’re done with the chocolate no that’s mine you got to try this one should Daddy try this hat

    On hopefully I’m wearing this right said it’s a CO hat a hat all right should we wear these for the rest of the video well I can’t really see very well um on either side of my eyes all right let’s see what this is that was funny that was funny what is

    That what is sorry my voice is extra shill right now what is this what is this is this like a dressup outfit where’s the yeah W oh my goodness children’s Welsh costume oh Sophia yeah she loves dresses oh my good loves dresses we’re going to have to look up

    How to wear this but this is adorable sopia baby this is this is going to be really cool it is cute are you side to wear of this yeah do you like this dress yeah is that cute oh my goodness that’s we’ll have to look

    Up how it’s supposed to be worn wow is it a good dress though is it is a dress from Wells and Daddy’s hat is from and Mommy’s too what is this oh is that pens there’s okay yeah that’s a pen close Jewelry close your eyes and make a

    Wish tie this bracelet on your wrist when the bracelet breaks too that’s when your wish may come true a I bet that’s for you Sophia think so oh this is something different oh like a plaque the Welsh plaque that is s so cool I want see you want to see it

    She wants to see it CH it’s it shows the um words in in Welsh and the words in English to that’s cool so you can a I like that this the American flag and the W that is cool thank you guys that’s from Paul and Heidi thank you

    Paul and Heidi thank you I hope you guys have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’s as well a dragon Rock it’s a dragon Rock All Right guys this is a wall map oh wow a paper poly oh for wow you know I was just saying that I

    Wanted two maps because I want one to put pins in and I will one okay let just plain U UK map UK Ireland map to to be able to um to just see the different places themselves as just a plain map oh yeah oh that’s a nice one yeah

    This is a really nice one okay well I’m glad we have the another one to put pens in and then this one we can keep nice and pristine yeah thank you I there’s no name with it right there is no name with it oh well I saw let me

    Um I can’t really hold it up cuz it’s so big but uh it’s a really nice map though um let me see if I can find a name real quick unfortunately there is no name with the map um it was sent um from a company called map International is what the company was

    Called and uh but uh whoever sent that thank you very much we really appreciate it we needed one Allen and swen is it that might yeah I think it might be Swindon oh Sophia look uh oh Sophia what is that what is that that’s cute what is it that’s a British

    Puppy a British puppy a you you’re got to come up with a name for him too what have to decide what his name is it’s not a puppy I think it’s a lion oh it’s a lion mhm oh it is isn’t it yep and I want to say this probably has

    Something to do with sports I don’t know why but I feel like it the logo yeah I think it does too that’s the white say he say raar are you going to name him what are you going to name I name him Taffy Taffy Taffy Taffy the lion mhm

    This is taffy and Lucy Taffy and Lucy I making friends this is bazzles bazzles frazzles oh frazz my goodness crispy bacon frazzles crispy bacon well say hi Steven family after seeing your videos I’ve en CL some British goodies for you and your family oh I’ve enclosed a team Great

    Britain beanie oh oh oh oops I spoiled the surprise awesome I forgot to uh I was trying to figure out I love the beanies guys I think y all know that are those the beanies yes yes cuz when it gets really cold cold days man I shav my

    Head so you can only imagine how cold it gets on a lot of days so I’m always wearing beanies so the more I have the more I can switch them out and stuff so um I really appreciate the beanies guys they’re they’re amazing I’m going to start my I’m going start a beanie

    Collection I love them yes okay I was right this is a mascot for team Great Britain team Great Britain this is TE Brit hat look at that hat is it d That’s nice yes it is d you you want to wear one no no I’m a mommy you are I love the hats

    Love the uh love the beanies if is any uh shaved head guy will say during the winter especially but during the summer I wear hats well I wear hats year round of some sort but during the summer my head Burns if I’m not wearing a hat and during the cooler

    Months it just feels good to wear something on your head so all right oh my goodness Rasberry R love raspberry chocolate I’m to try it she likes the Worcester sauce so uh de milk orange Lindsay’s in love I am so excited I love orange chocolate and chocolate I like it but

    She was Bor fruit nut yes we have I think a fruit and nut here version of this so that’ll be interesting oh yeah baby o darling oh honey don’t get me coughing Y what is it can you show us toone toone these are like I think they’re

    Famous over there or something like that I’ve seen them we have to we do but I haven’t tried it in a long time and I don’t know if we have fruit and nut here oh baby Alan must know you very well he’s making you s love this that look like a

    Te it look like bberry cream eggs and caramel eggs that’s awesome that’s exciting heavy that is tack oh my sherbet lemons sherbet lemons dude I’m so excited to start trying stuff again man interesting I’m so excited to start trying stuff guys lemon flavor sweets with a

    Sh I think within the next couple days as my taste and smell comes back oh yeah what else is in there you’re not sharing I’m about to share with you baby I want to see it oh my goodness cowberry dairy milk snowman is that the five thing it is it’s a five

    Pack that’s why there’s a five on it oh my goodness thank you Alan no no not the Snowman no oh my goodness what it looks different is it solid chocolate or something else solid but then in the middle maybe it’s got like a fluffy kind of yeah moose like a musketeer oh my

    Goodness dude they look good really I’ve never heard of these dude dude dude dude dude all right what is that fruitella fruitella oh I bet these are like the better version of Starburst Fruit Chews yeah squares two salt and vinegar two ready salted and two cheese and onion Walker

    Squares is that like just a potato chips squares flavored potato snacks so yeah I’ve never seen potato chip like little squares what that here when anything that’s square like this a snack is usually a cracker or or like a corn corn cracker thing a corn like a like a

    They’re not slear though yeah usually round like a bugle is what I’m talking about but well that’s like a pyramid yeah but like in in uh Square form well anyway we’re excited to try Pro yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what else oh my hold

    On I want to read this for so it to you this this this this this do you like cadberry what you’ve tried so far yeah I like do you like cadburry dairy milk chocolate balls I like them how about with a truffle Center hazelnut pieces and rice crisps what oh dude that how

    Have I never heard of this stuff cadburry puds puds P like puddings maybe catberry puds B oh my goodness I love hazel nut filling too what is it interesting what it’s another type of a different chocolate dipped digestive biscuit yeah we had the we got regular we have the

    Regular well we got to try both yay all right how many more boxes are there two more okay just two all right we’re getting buried over here that was Alan yes thank you Alan awesome stuff all right so this doesn’t have a name on it just the first

    Initial S and it also doesn’t really have an actual address it just has the I think zip code so um maybe it’ll have a letter in here here oh there’s a note oh multiple notes Steve some new and US stamps for you to have a look at some I

    Couldn’t get a first or second class stamp with the Kings head on only the Christmas ones for this year oh that’s awesome first second we can’t wait we can’t wait wow we go Steve Lindsay and Sophia all right let’s see what we got here Sophia pretty card wishing you a warm and cozy

    Christmas to Steve Lindsay and Sophia merry Christmas happy New Year enjoy this little partial from my home to yours a thank you it doesn’t have a name though I don’t no first name it is but thank you so much maybe maybe it’ll say somewhere else in here

    What the name is but uh we don’t like to say people’s last names in case they don’t want it yeah you never know so just be on the same side but these are a bunch of stamps guys that’s really cool we’ll show these to you in a little bit

    Okay we don’t want to throw them everywhere but what do we got here Sophia these little packets taken from the three little packets taken from the celebration CH range for you to try I wonder if you recognize some and are they the same taste in the US look

    Sckers sckers I do oh I wonder how well we’re going to try it with wow oh Milky Way and everything oh wow that the Milky Way looks way different here three traditional remebrance day poppies for the 11th of November this year they have introduced paper poppies for the environment oh Sophia look at

    That are paper poppies yeah they’re paper poppies for remebrance they repr represent Remembrance Day every year on November 11th is this it look like a craft doesn’t it somebody put it together they represent the Fallen Soldiers those are pretty thank you that’s thoughtful golden golden shred jelly marmalade oh

    Look black currant jam and strawberry jam oh a marmalade marmalade that’s what padn I want just in case I put a little jug in as I’ve heard these can be marmalade differences in measurements sample the jam and marmalade Jello for your toast jello jello oh yeah I think that’s what they

    Call JM right a little measuring C thank you and see what it compares to that should be theide that should be the same though wouldn’t it I know all right I couldn’t decide which flavor to send so here are three of the four available I left out chocolates you

    Might get fed up of eating it before long it is a dessert which you add milk to and um oh she she must have made these little packets for yeah I think she did um there’s more than just Angel Delight in here though there is yeah this

    Is sugar-free black currant jelly oh oh oh it’s like Jello-O mix right we call it Jell-O but I think you guys call it jelly I think so oh that’s interesting and then these butterscotch banana or banana and strawberry is that that’s uh like pudding sort of I think so ping what we

    What we would call Pudding awry we’re going to make some to make oh my goodness we haven’t had the Galaxy chocolate yet we’re going to try it um but instant hot chocolate Galaxy inst chocolate add milk I love hot chocolate for Premier taste en jooy o thank

    Awesome hot chocolate Sophia what do you got sop what’s it say on the back oh it’s a it’s a little calendar what’s it say on the back baby is it for me to thank you is it your a bookmark calendar a bookmark calendar you can use each month to keep

    A page in a book you are reading I was actually literally just thinking I needed a bookmark so thank you that’s cute Sophie is going to try to sto it from you why what do you mean why to mark your place in a book if you’re

    Reading it jelly to SPS Sophia those are you got a those are cute those are fairy stickers wow she’s going to love creating a scene with those aren’t you a look at those here Brett those are beautiful do you like them yeah the are things oh what is the other thing what

    Is this those are so pretty oh oh it’s a little bag you got you a little bag for Ellie yeah or to put whatever you want in it or dolly or lion oh my goodness very cute what do you what are you going to carry in your little bag

    I’m going car anything you want these dollies and Ellie and yes everyone that is really cool thank you for sending all these goodies yeah I wish we knew her name but um s is what it set looks like we’re going to look up the zip code too

    Oh yeah we can we can look up the zip code that’s true all right thank you so much awesome awesome package this is an Irish package our second Irish package County me in Ireland uh doesn’t have a wait it does yeah right Luke Luke this is from Luke in County

    Meath Ireland this one like a big package yeah man it’s such a nice package I don’t want to I don’t want to destroy the box but it’s like a gift box all right this is from Luke in County meat Ireland oh oh Donald Chris okay yeah these are definitely we

    We uh to put that with the uh Che these are like Gourmet they do look it don’t they look good MERS oh look at that Galaxy minstrels I don’t think I don’t minals M mistrals I don’t think those if they were named that here would sell cuz I

    Think speak of like women’s cycle is that what that says minstril Galaxy minstrels it almost looks like Emin but better they do T prawn prawn t I’m meeting Mr T again Mr again Punky dory’s crinkle cut sour cream M look good oh man we’re going to have enough CRS for uh taste Ty

    Rings Oriental spice flavors that’s I wonder if that’s anything like a funion anything at all it look like it Arrow yay we still need to try yeah we do I’m excited oh my goodness crunchy bits I don’t think we have one of these yet I don’t C doing

    Crunchy bits what are the crunchy bits Rice Krispies honeycomb granules hi Steve hope all is well with yourself and family I’m 24 years old born born and raised in Ireland all these snacks were purchased in Ireland but I assume you can get some of these

    In the UK too the big one in here is terms of Irish importance is T especially cheese and onion so it must be cheese and onion must be really I really like that flavor here so I hope you enjoy some of my go-to snacks and keep going with the channel ker GS Luke

    Some cool places local to me to react to visit new Range I know you react to this but it’s literally 2 miles for me oh wow that’d be a cool place to go up you know go hiking up that hill and go to um Hill of slain wow thank you Luke appreciate this

    This oh my goodness there’s so much in there we haven’t got those yet either no I’ve never never even heard of this milk chocolate biscuits catberry biscuits oh my goodness Ready Steady gone Ready Steady G Ready Steady gone Wisper those look good man those look good dude they look so good yeah Wisper

    I pull out something oh okay here pull this out what is it what is that oh my goodness is that D milk you guys Galaxy smooth bar oh soxy chocolate yes yes yes yes what is it we’re we’re okay we’re going to compare Snickers Snickers we’re going

    Have to actually look at the ingredients what all right well we’re going to have to uh and the milk chocolate contains milk salads of 14% yeah I think I don’t think I think this is going to be different I think all the candy bars over in the UK

    And Ireland are different even the one the Snickers bar the wrapping wrapping looks the same but I think the contents are going to be different I think it’s going to taste much better there onion rings those are like funion these look like funion to me this going

    To be that’ll be interesting funions are gross I’m sorry I love funions man I love them I love fun was my favorite snack growing I feel like more men like fun yeah don’t your brother like prawn cocktail flavored skibs what they must love their prawn stuff skips what are skips I don’t I’ve

    Never even eaten a prawn before so I don’t even know what to expect with it po Smoky bacon SS like good I don’t do we even have something like that here bacon flavor chip probably but they’re like I’ve never they change them out quite often a

    Twig nice Soph try Yep this you want to pull the last thing out Sophia what is that an arrow peppermint peint Arrow peppermint wow thank you so much l amazing package a lot of great stuff for us to try um guys again amazing I it it humbles me every time it really does

    Like it just it gets bigger and bigger every time this is amazing and and I promise you you’re going to start seeing some trying videos coming up um like I was saying the only thing that’s held us up is you know we’ve gotten sick multiple times between she got sick then

    We got sick and Sophia wants to be mostly the tribe videos with us anyway um and so uh but yeah we’re g to start knocking out some of these soon and um I just got to wait a few days to get my uh get my sense of uh taste fully back like

    I said my sense of smell is still not here but my sense of taste is pretty much back uh mostly but I want to give a few days to make sure wow but yeah thank you when I tried that uh little bar earlier what was it uh curly whirly the

    Curly whirly Cadbury bar I could taste that tasted great right so good so my taste buds are mostly my sense of taste is mostly back but it’s just that sense of smell that’s uh not fully back yet thank you for all the surprises and presents we’re excited huh yeah we are

    Try check the what Twix Twix no that that we’re going to we’re going to compare that we’re going to compare that you can have one more piece of this how about that okay was it good did you like it the Yorkie yeah I want to try but I’m

    Not going to try right now I want to try that but I’m not going to try it right now but guys amazing thank you so much we really appreciate it appreciate it all right guys thank you so much for stopping by please click that like button feel free to drop your comments

    Or suggestions about this video or others and don’t forget to subscribe to continue to follow us on our journey to discover our British and Irish ancestry until next time guys peace bye bye


    1. Hey guys have a good one Christmas. Can you please when you have time…sort the back to front Britain ..plus the back to front font on your pressies.( presents)

    2. Literally the cutest Family on Youtube.Gonna send u a box in the new year.But its gonna take some thinking about.I was thinking of some really British dvds, but ur region 1.I'll find some good British stuff.Happy Christmas and God Bless.

    3. Fab video, a friend of mine brings Cadbury chocolate up From Dublin to Belfast . Don’t laugh , it tastes far creamier than Cadbury bought in UK( and I’m originally from England) . Have fun trying all your goodies. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year🎄❤

    4. The scammers never have any content on their pages. I think sooner or later most people will be wise to them. Then they'll have to come up with another way of being super lame. Sofia sure loves that Scottish doll. Hehe! Love how people are being so generous to you and your family, Steve. You deserve it mate.

    5. You have the most generous viewers and subscribers and it's great you get to try some British fare. The cider is obviously flavoured and I hope you get to try a true cider without any fruity additives.

    6. The welsh lady costume is worn on st davids day on the 1st of March to celebrate the patron saint of wales, little girls wear them to school on this day and boys normally wear a welsh rugby top. Aslo the bonnet ribbon has to be cut on the bottom so it can then be tied into a bow to keep the hat secure.. 😊

    7. The dates on British food products tend to have the month 1st then the year. For example Oct '24 will be October 2024, not October the 24th. Or it will have the full 4 digits 2024. So any products showing the month then '23, will be this year and you are best not to eat, in case they make you sick.

    8. Be watchful of Sophia when she's eating sweets the same style as Werthers, due to choking. They can slip down the throat so easily. It's happened to me & I am an adult.

    9. TIP FOR SAFETY: You don't know the senders of your packages. Though the thought was nice, please book rooms in a bed & breakfast or a hotel. DON'T STAY WITH PEOPLE FROM THIS CHANNEL & MEET UP IN A PUBLIC PLACE. Especially if they don't live in the city or a town.

    10. Decades ago my 2 Aunties, who lived in Calgary AB Canada, used to send large parcels tothe UK filled with presents for my family, Mum and Dad, me and my 3 sisters and 2 brothers, filled with allsorts of stuff. Clothing,toys,games and candies. We had the American version of Monopoly with Railroads and Park Lane.
      If American candy is similar to Canadian candy (yuk) I can totally see why you love getting stuff from the UK.

    11. Not sure about the U.S. but in the UK, stamps with the Kings or Queens head on, are currency. People haven't done this, but I think shop owners would have to accept them in exchange for goods. (Not sure if it can be done, but it would be funny to see it happen.)

    12. Hiya Steve, my favorite castle is Carlisle castle, next time I go through to Carlisle, I'll get some postcards for you and explain the history of what it maybe is, but that wont until after the new year, this is Choppy in Whitehaven, Cumbria, England

    13. Awesome video & You should have something small, and envelope shaped and not chocolate in the PO box from me:)
      Hopefully before or after Christmas:) If not a suprise after!

      Merry Christmas to you all.

    14. Werther is actually a German sweet manufacturer – hence it's name as it began in 1903 in the Westphalian town of Werther. I sincerely wish the three of you and all whom you love, the sweetest of Christmases, and the blessings of the Nativity season.

    15. Chocolate digestive biscuits are absolutely elite when dipped in a hot cup of tea (well brewed with a splash of milk). The tea flavour absorbed by the biscuit combined with the melty dark chocolate… It's hands down my favourite tea time (afternoon) snack. When you try them please try them dipped in a cup of tea as well as just on their own

    16. 0:00: 📦 The family is back from being sick and excited to do a package opening video with various packages from their viewers.
      4:41: 🏞️ The video is about a beautiful winter wonderland in mid Wales, with a discussion of the long snowy season and admiration for the tourism pamphlets.
      10:13: 🍽️ Two people try Irish snacks for the first time and plan to start making try videos soon.
      15:59: 📦 The YouTuber receives gifts from viewers, including a book about the history of Britain and sweets from Ireland.
      21:03: 🏰 Friends receive a history book and a castle calendar, sparking excitement about British history and future castle visits.
      26:43: ⭐ The video shows a family opening a package with London-themed stickers and a calendar, which the daughter loves.
      32:35: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 The video features a couple exploring different places in Scotland and receiving gifts from viewers.
      38:19: 🦁 A group of people discuss naming a lion mascot sent by a company called mapInternational.
      44:07: 🍬 The video is about trying different snacks and candies, including Cadbury chocolate balls with hazelnut filling.
      49:43: 🍫 The video features a discussion about various dessert items and a surprise bookmark calendar.
      55:32: 🍫 The video is about comparing and tasting different chocolate and biscuit snacks from the UK and Ireland.
      Get Timestamps with TammyAIvideo

    17. What is it with you people sending this pile of stuff to Steve and family? You may say it's love, but it's creepy and absurd. Find some outlets nearer home to express your feelings. Robert, uk.

    18. My favourite Castles are Eilean Conman castle in the western highlands of Scotland & Culzean castle( pronounced Kill-ain) in South Ayrshire in Scotland. Windsor takes some beating though.🇬🇧👍

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