Why did England Fail Against Scotland – The Second Scottish War of Independence (1332 – 1357)

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    ♦Script & Research :
    Skylar J. Gordon

    #History #Documentary


    1. I really want to watch more of your videos, guy, particularly topics like this that no-one else is covering, but your narrator makes it an ordeal with his mid-2000s corny History channel style (admittedly not as bad as he was in the last video I saw but still). Listen to the second sentence:

      "But what are theories forrrrrrr but to be… DISPROVENNNNNN-UH." 'Why' is my first question. Why can't he speak normally?

      3:26 "No-one-nuh was going to oppose them-ah. Thus, Balliol knewww… what he had to do-wah."

      He sounds like Triple H: 'Tonight-ah! We're gonna realise-ah! A new champion holding the world title-ah!'

      As for the battle of Dupplin Moor that you depicted 6 minutes in, the English/Balliol were outnumbered 15,000 to 1,500, as much as 26:1 according to some figures, yet you've depicted 6 units for the English and 8 for the Scots, indicating almost numerical parity. Again, why? Then you implied that the battle of Neville's Cross had parity when the English were outnumbered 2:1. Was this video financed by a Scot?

    2. Meanwhile in South East Europe the Turks got more and more land and closed in on Constantinople. Really intelligent of Christian France and Christian England to fight each other when the muslim invasion of Europe had begun. Seems also that no lessons have been learned when looking at the wars in today's Europe.

    3. What I find interesting is how many Scottish people are not aware of their own history and are often very hypocritical about it. People claiming we beat the English when in most battles, as many Scots fought against the independence fighters and this trend has continued right to the modern day, Scots like to bleat about freedom and independence when just over half the country voted against it in the 2016 referendum.

      I love Scotland, but the Scottish, not so much. (Speaking as a born and bred Scotsman)

    4. I trust englang is the lost tribes of islael except jew in nowaday…i 'm followinging JESUS . I'm a rare people thai i m thai who believes jesus but in thai sight i m stupid …. thanks god u just let me see the truth..really the truth .real god in universe.only one world one universe one truth.

    5. If Scotland decided to abandon the Lowlands and stregthen the Antonine Walls, will it yielded good result to Scotland in the long run? I can see that is the case until the arrival of cannons and gunpowder. But Scotland most likely has access to such things too. So to besiege the Antonine Walls will be a long and hard venture for the English troops. Raids by seas, however, might yielded better results for England. So to defend itself, Scotland needed to stregthen the fortifications on its coasts as well.

    6. The truth is it all comes down to what was the more valuable enterprise and allocation of time and resources. Scotland then was not seen as a prize as most of it is hills and mountains with some livable areas in the lowlands and by the coast, geographically and settlement wise its not changed much since the middle ages.
      There simply wasn't the incentive to conquer the tribes there and eventually when the Scots failed expedition to South America bankrupted them, they came cap in hand to England as their population was starving.
      The same to a degree can be said about Ireland, during the summer it's lovely but for most of the year its a wet bog ridden wind swept storm battered island off the mainland with no resources other than land to fight over and back in ye olde days they hand enough land and the land in France was seen as far more valuable and prestigious.
      Similarly with the Welsh, the land just wasn't appealing enough to commit the resources, they did however build a lot of castle s to suppress the native tribes into submission which worked for a time.
      Even to this day, Wales, N.Ireland and Scotland are all heavily subsidised by English taxes. Maybe one day they will find something locked away in those mountains but until that day they are considered not worth the effort.

    7. In some way, the english defeat in the first independance war was a blessing in disguise because they were forced to give up the use of heavy cavalry and focus more on longbowmen that give them countless victory in the 14th and 15th century with the second independance war (until neville's cross in 1346) and in the hundred years war (between 1346 and 1356 with Crecy and Poitiers and between 1415 and 1428 with Azincourt until Orleans)

    8. Yet again, the map on the thumbnail is historically incorrect. Wales’ unification with England didn’t just make Wales disappear or became a region of England! This is a constant misrepresentation of its annexation. The laws of Wales act clearly states that Welshman were giving equal rights as Englishmen under English law. Nowhere does it state that Wales no longer exists or is a region of England. When Afghanistan was controlled by America for 20 years, did it become an American state? No! Did Belgium? Netherlands? France? Under Germany!!! Crimea for example when it was annexed had never been a country!!! Whereas Wales was, and still is.

    9. It’s really interesting how the world works. We was the overlords for centuries of the isles and we had kings who tried to dictate things to the Scottish. But in the end it was a Scottish king who United us. I’m proud to be British with my fellow Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish brothers. Our history is rich from fighting against each other to fighting side by side.

    10. I just watched this fascinating video about [video title] by Knowledgia and I learned so much! I'm a big fan of history, and I'm always looking for new and interesting content to learn from.

      If you're interested in learning more about history, I would highly recommend checking out my YouTube channel,

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