The phrase “mind your own business” is an idiom that is commonly used to tell someone to refrain from interfering in someone else’s affairs or to stop prying into matters that do not concern them. It is a way of asserting personal boundaries and asking someone to focus on their own concerns instead of getting involved in someone else’s business.

    When someone says “mind your own business,” they are essentially requesting that the person they are speaking to should respect their privacy, autonomy, and personal space. It is a polite or sometimes stern way of telling someone to stay out of matters that do not involve them and not to be nosy or intrusive.

    The phrase can be used in various situations, such as when someone is asking too many personal questions, trying to meddle in someone else’s relationships, or interfering in someone’s decisions without invitation. By using this expression, the speaker is urging the other person to redirect their attention to their own affairs and avoid becoming overly involved in someone else’s matters.

    Overall, “mind your own business” is a straightforward and direct way of telling someone to respect personal boundaries and not interfere in matters that do not concern them.

    “Photography is not a crime” “PINAC” is a phrase often used to advocate for the right to take photographs or record video in public spaces without fear of harassment, intimidation, or legal repercussions. The phrase suggests that photography is a form of free speech and expression that should be protected by law, and that the act of taking photographs should not be considered a criminal offence. The use of this phrase is often associated with instances where photographers, journalists, or citizens have been stopped or detained by law enforcement or security personnel for taking photographs in public places, even though they have not violated any laws or regulations.


    1. This sort of person is the perfect example of an unhinged angry pathetic low life. He doesn’t look like the type to bite and actually looks like a normal gay person but the manner that he has is out of this world. The way he spoke and got off his chair like he’s a mma fighter or something. If he’s depressed he needs not get involved in other people’s business or change his attitude. Bet he’s rich as well with a nice house. Honestly can’t stand aggressive people

    2. What yall gotta remember ok one is if u get easily annoyed for someone just glancing at u why leave the house and be a nuisance to other people secondly ur in public with like what another 100 smth people on the street hell in cities even more than that like idk 10,000 people so idk what the issue is at staring at someone that guy who was aggressive could never ever make friends clearly Jesus I hope he doesn’t if that’s the way he acts what a fool I look in stores sometimes to see if I want anything I may look at people and so what they don’t care I get looked at all the time in public I couldn’t give a damn if u starred at me for 1 hour as long as u don’t stalk me idc if u stalk me that’s a whole different story but if u stare at me I don’t give a crap it’s a public place there’s eyes everywhere

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