The Iron Greenway (in Polish: Żelazny szlak rowerowy, in Czech: Železná cyklotrasa) is a 54-km long loop linking two countries that was created along the disused 19th century railway lines. It is a scenic route that allows various users such as cyclists, pedestrians, in line skaters and handicapped persons to find respite in a natural environment, and at the same time safely move between the towns connected by it and enjoy rich cultural heritage of the borderlands.
    In 2023 partners of the greenway organized the 1st Iron Greenway Festival – an extraordinary two-day event for all cycling enthusiasts and other users. The Iron Greenway Festival was not only a great way to spend time actively in nature, but also an opportunity to bring together local communities and discover the charms of our cross-border region.

    © Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Współpracy Regionalnej „Olza”
    („Olza” Association of Development and Regional Cooperation)

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