Alleycat “Kriz” in Kyiv city, Ukraine 2022

    An alley cat race is an unsanctioned bicycle race. Alley cats almost always take place in cities, and are often organized by bicycle messengers. The informality of the organization is matched by the emphasis on taking part, rather than simple competition. For instance, many alleycats present prizes for the last competitor to finish (sometimes known as Dead Fucking Last or DFL). The first race to be called an ‘alley cat’ was held in Toronto on 30 October 1989 and continued, in its original form, around Halloween and Valentine’s Day for the following five years. In 1993, when Toronto messengers shared Alleycat stories at the first international messenger race (C.M.W.C Berlin), the name and the concept spread far and wide. Regularly organized Alleycats can be found in cities across North America, Europe and Asia. Many smaller cities with no cycle messenger population are also home to alleycats run by the burgeoning urban cyclist subculture.
    Alley cats reflect the personality, contemporary environment and competitive interest of their organizers. Races may be extremely gruelling and designed to eliminate all but the fastest and best overall messengers, or less competitive and meant to be enjoyed by the local messenger community around set holidays, such as NYC’s July 4 Alleycat.

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    1. Смотришь, вроде обычная покатушка в мирном городе, а по обочинам противотанковые ежи … Мира Украине, свободу России!

    2. Навіщо так демонстративно показувати весь цей жах з 10:12 людям з усього світу?
      Зніміть інше відео про це …але перед тим запитайте компетентних людей що за пи..ць являє собою все це ..бо може бути так, що вже скоро половина з цих будівель буде демонтована і залишаться тільки страхітливі відео

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