1. All talks are good but this one phenomenal. 💕 They saved the most important talk (overall) for last in conference.

      I've listened to it 3 times already.

      This is calling people to a higher and holier way.. In other words Charity and the Golden Rule which is a higher and holier way and Christ's example.

      I think they saved this talk for the end of the conference (last before President Nelson)
      To be of more impact.

      We need to separate ourselves from the world, everyone. This talk is what we need to do now.

      Have more contact with people you're having a problem with (as a general authority said not to long ago in a conference talk) not less contact… If you have bad feelings toward them, you reach out in love to that person. Fastest way to get over hard feelings toward them.

      Harder times are coming.. We all need each other.

      The righteous will continue to become more righteous. This is the way.

    2. This conference was particularly painful for a recently deconstructed member whose family is still all in. Several talks were divisive and hurtful. But not this one. This talk brought me to tears. Why can we not get more and more and more of this message of love and acceptance instead of fear and control. Please, more talks like this one. It makes me sad that this was only one of a couple of moving talks from this weekend.

    3. If we're supposed to essentially ignore our racial identities, then why did God make us into so many different races and types of people? What was His purpose in doing so?

    4. I believed heavenly father directed him to give this wonderful talk.
      In my branch, I am one of the less financially secured, and I made the choice not to remarry after my divorce.
      I've been looking down victim to bad rumors, making fun of not having a husband.
      I hope my branch changes and they can see me as a daughter of God and not as the single mom who has no money, no brand new car, no money for vacations and who has to work 14+ hours and can't afford to stay home.

    5. I was going to respond to some one else in the comments about this but, in case this is not what they are asking about I felt I should just make my own comment

      Why are there different races? I will preface this with hating people based on race is wrong and I do not condone racism, but I think the clear and obvious differences of race are to separate us. An obvious divisor. I think it is clearly stated in the scriptures some where that god "cursed" certain races with darker skin so that they would be known as children of such and such or whoever. Not to be hated but as a mark of their lineage. I think this is one of the few problems I have with the church. To continue the conversation…

      < list of Incidents and wars etc etc that led to cultural diversity and their outcome>
      I think ignoring the differences that the human races have is a foolish thing and historically the integration of one race into another has lead to full genocide of one of the races not some beautiful peaceful world with a "new" race. For example the northern half of Africa was white up until they were genocided by blacks but that is just such buried history I bet no one reading this has ever even heard of that. For example Greece used to be Greek as we knew them historically blonde hair blue eyes, but now Most of the inhabitants are middle eastern. South Africa used to be almost entirely white until the 70s(I think) when they let in a mass wave of black refugees, and now white people are being killed on a daily basis there just for the color of their skin. We could also talk about how China became so ethnocentric as well. Oh do you even know what the Middle eastern/Islamic Ottoman empire did to turkey when they first invaded. It was literal genocide of the native white Christians. We could talk about the Islamic/Italian caliphate.. which ended poorly for native Italians, same thing for the Islamic conquest of Spain which ended poorly for the Spanish. We could talk about the Black Jihad across as much of the pacific as they could reach in which entire tribes of people were genocided and our only records of these people are the meticulous records of the Islamic religion that enabled and supported the genocides. Or about how many people did Mongolia murder when they invaded new places… The Jewish genocide of Russians and anyone they could find during the time of the USSR. Historically speaking diversity has never helped "every one" but ended in genocide. I have not found a single instance historically of it ending any other way than genocide other than when Persia entered ancient Israel and most of the Jews were scattered. Heck I probably can not even mention the other VERY obvious person that should be on this list.
      <End list>

      I am not against peace. I do believe we are are all children of god, and I do not hate any race and think we can all get along. I will always have a VERY hard time whenever anybody pushes diversity of population WITHIN nations though as not even one example of historical evidence has ever seen it improve the society but contrarily it has been repeatedly noted as one of the conditions of the downfall of a society.

      Personally I think Most people miss the mark on this. Blind love is nice, but a bleeding heart leads to death by blood loss(For non native speakers Bleeding-heart is a colloquialism). Also we can look at Old Testament God's Decree of the Canaanites. In my opinion it is very clearly not god's will that "All" races should live in the same exact location just from that one example.

      Otherwise why do we not just spontaneously gain different colors and attributes upon birth if there was no point to different races?

      And then there is the medical side of it, Genetic diseases are notably higher for mixed race people, Still birth rates as well are astoundingly skewed in a terrible direction for mixed race children. I just think there would be better results if it was gods desire and personally I have actually never found god saying that it was.

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