1. My mate chucked an apple core on the grass and was told if he didnt put it in the bin he would be fined, how is this any different? Police officers shouldnt be employing kids, the worst part is him saying he will take it on board, not he will remove it, what a twat.

    2. The police belongs above the little man 😂 what gives him the right to talk to ppl like shit it's a bit of bread hick bet Ur broken car in front of Ur house worse then bread get a grip 😂😂😂

    3. So it's true, "spare the rod and spoil the child." This little pansy and his crusty old daddy both need promoted to rubbish retriever. Give them a sack and 6 months on a road crew. Then terminated.

    4. Young plod. On the way to great corruption. And you wonder why no one likes you. Is that young twat going to cry for mummy.😅😅😅😅. You are a beast sir. Well done.

    5. Both cops as corrupt as each other, he should have just picked it up straight away, that would have been the end of it, but oh no he couldn't do that because his ego wouldn't let him, this is everything that's wrong with cops these days.

    6. Poor little lamb didn't like being shouted at…Ahhhhh bless him…😂😂Mummy obviously didn't teach him to be a good little boy & eat his crusts!!!….

    7. The stark reality….Even in this technological wonderland we now operate in….there is yet still NO device capable of measuring the level of blistering hatred police have for a civilian camera they can't control. As for the young officer here…this homeowner didn't chew his ass,,,he chewed around it 'til it fell in the street…THAT could have met the criteria for littering,,too..

    8. Let's all remember he's a human being with feelings and it's quite easy to hurt those feelings. Really his gimp friend should have bent him over that grassy knoll and forcibly and maybe even from behind made him squeal like a piggy. Officers how dare you have naked gimp sex in full view of these otherwise righteous human beings watching from a distance.

    9. And to think that our hard earned taxes are being paid for police to behave like this! No doubt that young cop's ego was far too big to pick up the litter in the resident's presence…😣

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