BBC One’s controversial new drama,‘The Reckoning’, aired last night, with Steve Coogan playing Jimmy Savile, one of the most notorious sex offenders in British history. The show has left viewers split, with some describing it as a ‘story that needs to be told’, while others were left feeling uncomfortable. Joanna says that although the show left her feeling dirty, she couldn’t help but continue to watch. Ruth refused to watch, and would have preferred an informative documentary, whereas Coleen argues you can sometimes learn more from a dramatisation than from a documentary.

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    From series 27, broadcast on 10/10/2023

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    1. Critically it is well worth noting that as a drama, the content was contrived and therefore NOT a documentary BUT dropping in the name of the late David Bowie was something of a deliberate wake up call to any potential 'incidents' by potential 'victims' perhaps?

      When creating this drama, the script writer and producer either cited a sourced record of that scene for recreation or – they made it up. One wonders what the estate of the late singer would have to say about tthis production especially given their control over other BBC productions.

    2. Another 'down to earth' drama about this protected pardophole, how about one on the evil NHS nurses that turned a blind eye? Or why people at BBC who always suspected never challenge or reported him.
      The man had keys for stoke Mandeville and Buckingham Palace.
      He was allowed to live out his life because, can you imagine the names he could and probably would have exposed ?

    3. I hate to say it but YES!!!! It needed to be shown, we needed to be shocked. We needed to be sickened. We needed to know the horror. Anyone who watched it and was not sickened should worry. I hate to say it but it needed to be made and it needed to be shown……

    4. If the second woman didn't watch it, knowing they'd be discussing it, why is she on? As for Janet Street Porter, she's admitted she knew about it & did nothing, so maybe it made her feel guilty. It's not only men who enable this to happen.

    5. I find it amazeing that people in the entertainment business " seemed" to know nothing about Saville ( except for the rumours)? Im just an ordinary Joe public who knew about what he was getting up to back in the 1990s!

    6. We owe it to the survivors to watch this so we can fully comprehend the trauma that they lived through & carry with them every day of their lives! I have massive respect for all those who relived the horror of those awful experiences in order to tell their stories!

    7. Of course it needs to be dramatised I'm a survivor of abuse all you people want to do is cover it up and remove yourself from your responsibility for what happens

    8. This shouldn't even get airing! Why on earth , even after his death are we giving him any airing! Shame on the people at the top who authorised this and actually thought it a good idea!! Disgusting!!

    9. I find it absolutely galling that the BBC, the place that fostered this criminal and gave him a platform to commit his crimes, has produced and will profit from airing this drama. If it was to come out it should have been done on another network. Disgusting.

    10. Not everything on TV SHOULD be entertaining. This is an important story told with real talent by an amazing performance from Steve Coogan who deserves huge credit for taking a huge risk to play an incredibly difficult role. BTW unfortunately I think more Savile revelations are still to come.

    11. I’m not sure which Nolan is in this clip but I was hoping she would talk about the clip of him with one of them that went viral after this show came out. Agreed that Steve Coogan is amazing in it and still stunned the BBC made this

    12. Saville was close friends with and an advisor for our beloved then future King Charles III, so I think that needs to be addressed before whether a dramatisation is suitable or not!

    13. I’m totally against dramatisations of such subjects. They provide no additional insight . I don’t care if it Saville, Neilson, The Yorkshire Ripper.

      Make as many documentaries about these people as possible. But actors do it for all the wrong reasons.

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