What is happening in Israel? What is Hamas? Why are Israel and Palestine at war? Why did Hamas attack? Where is the Gaza Strip?

    The Palestinian militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel, with its fighters entering communities near the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds of residents and taking hostages.

    The Israel Defense Forces said they are continuing to attack Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

    Here’s what you need to know about the people and places involved – and the essential context to understand this story.

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    #Israel #Gaza #BBCNews


    1. Zionist media supported by the fraud carried out with the dollar has to work extra hard, mining and suppressing information. hahahaha
      London and Istanbul have streets taken over by tens of thousands of pro-Palestine protesters
      Tens of thousands of people invaded the streets of London and Istanbul this Saturday (28) to demand a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas.
      In the UK, rallies were also organized in other parts of the country, including Manchester and Glasgow. In London, protesters gathered with banners and posters and released fireworks and red and green flares.
      Last weekend, around 100,000 people also took to the streets in the British capital for the same reasons. Today's demonstration (28) expects a higher number, however, it has not yet been released.

    2. Its sad what bbc does not show! The initiators of this conflict and conflicts world over are people who take law and order in their hands in even UK. Its just a matter of few labour turns that UK will be a muslim majority. Bbc will continue to keep you blind while you vote for labour and the country is gone. We brits better read history and get cautious on time!

    3. So, Israel gained ownership over both Gaza and the W. Bank during the 6 Day War. Israel ALLOWS Palastine to control the area. Hamas, which is the governing party of the Palastenian area has attacked Israel because……..they want ownership? Then Israel retaliates to gain control and prevent further attack but Israel is the bad guy?? Me thinks Hamas is the bad guy and Israel is MORE than justified. I SUPPORT ISRAEL! God bless the Jewish people!

    4. Oh common folks! Isreal wants Gaza to build a canal Gaza! Just like the one in Egypt which revenues 9 billion a year!! Which is only wide enough to allow 1 boat each way at a time. Isreal/America want one also but wide!! Imagine a wider one! The gain to earn billions to trillions! It’s all about the money!!!!

    5. I will add since BBC omitted, Israel is a creation of British Goverment in 1909. So you are the responsible for all this mess, once again Europeans. If justice exists one day you will pay.

    6. 10 thousand people lost their lives in a terrible way in just 20 days. There are many people under the rubble. 70 percent of the dead are women and children. Israeli Prime Minister says in the Torah that women and children should be killed. A great human tragedy is taking place in Palestine. You call those innocent people terrorists from your comfortable seats. You talk nonsense, what do you know about Zionists? you do not know anything. Also, you have never read the holy book Quran in your life, read it once and see that those poor Palestinian people are not terrorists. There is not a single soldier in Hamas who has not lost a family member. Zionists rule the world and the world media and direct you as they wish. As Muslims, we are only waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ. Please do not call the innocent people there terrorists without knowing about the zionists. Even our Jewish brothers hate Zionists.

    7. “Russia invaded Ukraine it’s much simpler” – well Israel invaded Gaza sounds just as simple but all of this is because of religion and that motivating factor means westerners will always support Zionist state no matter how much death and destruction they bring innocent people

    8. The Palestinians do not harm the children and women of the Israeli occupation. They are only trying to resist the bombing and killing that is happening to them. They are only fighting the terrorists. As for the Israeli occupation, it is the one that kills children, women and the elderly in brutal ways. Search for the truth, do not be blind.

    9. As the Israel-Palestine conflict persists, the images of destruction and human suffering are heart-wrenching. It is a stark reminder that urgent measures are required to put an end to the violence and embark on a path towards reconciliation. The impact on civilian infrastructure, the loss of innocent lives, and the psychological trauma experienced by those caught in the crossfire underscore the immediate need for a comprehensive and sustainable peace agreement. Diplomatic efforts must intensify, bringing all stakeholders to the negotiating table to address the root causes of the conflict. Swift international action is imperative to facilitate a ceasefire, fostering an environment conducive to dialogue and understanding.

    10. Palestinians have "no place to go" because nobody likes or wants Palestinians. None of their loving Arab states surrounding Israel, Gaza and the West Bank want them, not even their own Muslim brothers. Not even the Jordanians want them. Why? Because they are nothing but trouble for everyone.

      The BBC should be ashamed of their policies and should just present the truth!

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