1. I would argue that Tokyo is the world capital of cargo bikes if "mamacharis" are considered as so (which based on their functionality, I consider them to be).

    2. Cargo bikes are great for the ones who ride them, for everyone else, they're mostly pretty frustrating to ride besides. The pace and space taken up by them just isn't too comforting for the rest of us.

    3. Would love to see one of these episodes about Amsterdam or Groningen, those are the real bicyclist capital cities of the world!

    4. I might be masochistic but you should do Bucharest. I just discovered this channel and after watching a bunch of your videos I just know you will blow a fuse after just a glimpse at the infernal chaos that is Bucharest.

    5. Ohh wait, it's again the great Danes petting themselves, this time in perfect American english … man go count abroad, in Amsterdam for instance and come back with the truth ok

    6. just discovered your chanel and was wondering what your thoughts were on public transport, in general an in relation to cycling. Im in a small town in QLD Australia and see a few people brining thier bikes onto the train when travelling longer distances.

    7. I'm in the US and we have our little problems too, especially now, LOL! I love your reporting it's great, pleasant to listen to and very informative! Great job, love it!!

    8. Clearly he never went to the Netherlands. He is very well integrated in Copenhagen. All people in Copenhagen think that it is the best cycling city. The fact is, is that even Rotterdam that is the wordt cycling city in the Netherlands, is better than Copenhagen.

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