XL Bully owner CONFRONTED by cyclist insisting he wears a muzzle.

    #shorts #dailymail #xlbully

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    1. I can't see her face but judging by her voice she sounds like she's smoking 2packs of cigarettes and she's selling crack too because all of the roadmans outhere own a dog like that

    2. Every single fkn time a dog has bitten someone or killed someone , there has been a time before that where the owners have said he’s “friendly” and he’s “not aggressive “ or whatever until he is aggressive and not friendly . Fkn stupid

    3. On a lead you have control, without a lead you dont , especially if another dog with than owner comes along on a lead .Big percentage have a powerful dog incase they get attacked eg druggist

    4. Yeah I mean I’ve attacked by a poodle (drew blood), bull terrier (literally was at a park for both, the bull terrier came out of nowhere and grabbed me by the hair and rag dolled me) my brother has been attacked walking home from school with an unresponsive off lead terrier and his leg was awful

    5. Lmao I used to look after an Alabai, someone tried this with me, I simply stated "ohhhhh dont worry about him Mauling you, I'd be more concerned about the man holding the lead" with a massive grin… don't think ive seen someone take off as fast as that

    6. Responsible dog owners recognise that their lovely dog could be a threat, irrespective of whether they’ve ever been in a scrap or not. I always walk my dog around kids, or around other dogs if they look timid or aggressive.

      It’s also worth pointing out that owners typically buy a dog for its look and lifestyle, rather than researching what the breed is for, or whether the breed has a tendency to attack or kill other dogs. Dogs bred for their aggression and strength will be more likely to be dangerous, even if they’re nice on an individual basis because of their lineage.

      I get she feels defensive, but she’s also misinformed.

    7. Alot of people can say "hasn't attacked anyone in its life" it only takes one time 🤦‍♂️ "owner have control of the dog" says the one with no control over the dog

    8. I know this might be a random comment but why do people need such big muscular dogs as pets? It’s the equivalent of having a shark in your fish tank at home , cant people just be happy with a Jack Russel or something similar?😂

    9. The fact that people like this feel comfortable enough to confront people who have these dogs with em just show that they have no fear of the dog. If i saw someone walking a wolf or tiger i wouldnt confront the owner and risk getting into an argument with someone in control of a dangerous animal. Theyre just nosey gits

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