UK’s Coolest Conversion: From Bicycle to Street-Legal Motorcycle

    From trail to tarmac, an unwanted bicycle becomes road legal motorcycle. Richard joins Andy on the sofa and talks us through his journey transforming an old unwanted bicycle into a cool UK road legal motorcycle.

    He talks us through the process he went through and explains some of the obstacles he had to over come in order to make his dream a realisation.

    Richard’s helpful friends.
    Shackley motorcycles:
    Olympus Trophies:

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    1. Vin can be stamped yourself or by a dealer as you say, and yes if you aint done it before practice on some old scrap!(wished I did I have vin in 5 places now and ones good…) , you need a motorcycle dealer to put his dealer stamp on the form the dvla send you to say that the vin exists and matches the vin the dvla have sent you. I just passed my msva and I got a local dealer to stamp and sign my form. once its signed and stamped you send it off and then wait forever for a vosa test date, then you turn up and they are a bit picky and will fail you for silly things you could have just been told to sort. IE mudguard too wobbly. (I kid you not)

    2. I'm another person who has such a engine in a box waiting for a project. This is actually a really useful video for me. I now know more about what type of bike to use if I eventually make it road legal. I have so many projects in the pipeline though.

    3. The fork on this bike looks much different than a normal mountain bike fork. It looks a lot more like a motorcycle fork. I wonder if he had to change to something more motorcycle-like for that as well.

    4. I'd love to do this but I can't help but feel it's a project that would balloon in cost quickly.

      Especially with the requirements like the big disc brakes and proper motorcycle tyres.

      It's a total passion project and that's clear. I just wish it wasn't so difficult for people on the lower income scale to have their own legal motorised transportation. It's needed more than ever with multiple bus providers ceasing services in my area it's leaving young adults with very few ways to actually leave the local area.

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