A murder investigation has begun after a man was savaged by what police believe was an XL bully.

    Northumbria Police said the dead man was 54 and he died despite the efforts of hospital medics to save his life.

    A 44-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and following the man’s death, he was re-arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in police custody.

    The dog was shot by police at the scene “to ensure the safety of the public”, the force said.

    Continue reading at express.co.uk:
    Dad dies in horror ‘XL Bully’ attack as murder probe launched

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    1. Why does it matter what large breed of dog it was??? Any dog trained/abused can be a weapon 😡the media need to fu£k off with this XL bully crap😡

    2. I hope this person with the dog is in jail for the rest of their life. If you want to own a dangerous animal, you have to take responsibility for it. I’m going to get the bangle tiger from the zoo and take it for a walk and then be shocked when it kils l someone. We know Bengal tigers are dangerous. That’s why they’re not allowed on the street and these dogs are the same they’re dangerous

    3. Hopefully this is the turning point and the owners get convicted for murder and attempted murder because those dogs are weapons. They don't blame the gun when somebody is shot and it should be treated the same with dog attacks

    4. Yet again giving the breed a bad name, it's only doing what it's taught. Any dog breed can be taught to be aggressive and a deadly weapon. For obvious reasons they use this beautiful breed as its big and powerful, I have one and he's a big softy, wouldn't harm another dog or a person.

    5. All this talk of XL Bullies. I know a person with an XXL Bully. Im unsure if many people are aware of their existence.

    6. It seems that people are being killed by this monstrous breed on a weekly basis now. With a view to preventing further unnecessary deaths, immediate legislation is required to enforce the transportation of ALL dogs to a designated canine reservation (I would suggest the island of St Kilda west of the Hebrides) where they can roam free with no risk to humans.

    7. Ban these dogs immediately. The government needs to get all these dogs put down and burn them at 1000s of degrees. No human life is as important than a dog. And if anyone is found with a dog thereafter should be given prison sentences just like carrying a firearms.

    8. Lol these bullies are not dangerous, 13 deaths past few years and bully owners like no they only play fighting, you can put your hand in its mouth it won't bite

    9. Whst a load of bollox how come there ay been no attaks till last few months more like they wanna ban em cos ppl are earning shit loads off breeding

    10. The XL Bully is NOT a pitbull.
      But Its a very close cousin of the Pitbull and an excellent killing machine.
      Every one of these dogs should be a mandatory donation to medical science by law.
      They should be dissected and studied in ALL city universities which would mean that the bulk population of these dogs should be used as practice for trainee surgeons who are practicing the dissection of mammals.
      The study of anatomy is very important in mammalian studies.
      This way less actual human corpses are wasted in the early training phases of ALL surgeons.
      Live video streams should also be made live on Government sponsored channels for ALL trainee medical students.

    11. I love dogs. However, any dog, even down to a Chihuahua, that is outside in the public or even in its owners garden, without a muzzle, should be destroyed and the owner arrested and massively fined or jailed.

    12. It's getting a bit suspicious this sudden spate of XL bully deaths.I am terrified of massive muscular fighting dogs.And I do think they should be controlled but I wonder if they are hyping this up.Sirely they can't all be going crazy at once.Maybe it is because the puppies are becoming mature dogs.If they have been brought up poorly then the chickens are coming home to roost

    13. How much more evidence do we need it's NOT JUST THE OWNERS these dogs CLEARLY are displaying severe mental health issues through breeding making killing machines then agian they are genetically bred to fight and kill other dogs in pits

    14. Glad the dog was destroyed at the scene. This breed needs irradicating from our planet. Makes me sick people can call this breed a pet when they was made and bred to fight. Sickening

    15. Why the sudden uptick in bully killings? Seems so sus that ALL of a sudden people are now getting killed left and right from these dogs. Super sus.

    16. Owner of the dog should have been destroyed at the scene for been an arse hole and not controlling his dog. Sad days we're living in right now, it's definitely become more of a wild west out there in today's society which only creates division amongst us!

    17. People who say it's the owner not the dog then ok, if your dog bites someone you will go down for GBH, if your dog kills someone you will go down for murder, watch the XL bully owners squirm and protest that suggestion. Ban these fucking dogs now and cull them all, then sell the meat to china.

    18. Thousands upon thousands of excess deaths in this country ever since the vaccine roll out and the media is distracting everyone with the 2 pitbull attacks every month 😂😂 fucking joke this country

    19. Generally, it is the owner who is responsible for the actions of their dog. However, if the dangerous dog wasn't available, then these situations would be less likely. There should be an offence for not muzzeling these types of dogs.

    20. Weird how the mass media reports of XL bully attacks have suddenly went up around the same time they are trying to push a ban and distract from how crappy they are running the country.

    21. So sad idiots own dogs, or get dogs and think they know about them the whole time, do not rough play with your dog not for one moment and never make it aggresive even playfully don't do it at all. Idiots.

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