Grab a coffee and have a wander around with me to look at some of the bikes at the Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show, Stafford, October 2023.


    1. Morning Proffessori, Another great video, plenty of variety and a massive amount bikes. I don't think I've seen that many Fizzies in one place ever.

    2. Some great bikes, but had to mute the horrendous rock music as it was ruining the experience…not sure why so many bike YouTuber's think everyone likes that rubbish. I would rather hear The carpenters…….

    3. I was there too! Muddy Saturday morning, bogged down cars trying to get in…. nice organization!

      Loads of pan-handlers… loads of jumble-sales… loads! Lottsa great gear, great exhibits. Almost standng room only.

      NO CASH MACHINES, few vendors had card machines, NONE in the exhibit hall. Rumour of a cash machine in the foyer were myth. BTW, for £9 you got a crap burger.

      I'll not go back. Yup, have a bad meal and that venue will be a sour taste forever.

      Not an entire waste of a day, but typcal of UK amateur organization in today's way. Shame really.

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