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    In this video I react to British drivers swearing in a hilarious compilation of Brits getting angry at bad drivers in the UK. This goes to show just how funny and creative British drivers swearing can be!

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    1. 8:02 – The UK has more 'live' cameras per capita than any other country on earth. This includes CCTV, speed cameras, dashboard cams and mobile phones. However, there are some people who, for some reason, don't consider cameras.. For example, a speeding driver or rider of a very expensive vehicle, drives fast and thinks only of the fine they may incur (and easily pay) but not the potential deaths their speeding could cause.

    2. 8:25 – You'll notice the road is wet from the rain, causing driving conditions to be more perilous than when roads are bone dry. And yet, reckless drivers don't take this into consideration when in a hurry. It would be interesting to see RTA (road traffic accident) statistics to discover whether there are more fatalities due to the combination of excessive speed and damp weather conditions. i.e. rain, snow, etc, as opposed to RTAs in dry conditions.

    3. 9:33 – WANKER – In the UK, 'wank' is a term that means 'masturbation', ergo 'wanker' means 'masturbator'. However, the term 'wanker' is generally used as a 'curse', in the same way the word 'F–KER' is used. For instance, by calling someone a f**ker, you're not actually calling them a procreator, even though that's what that word actually means.
      Also… both terms, which are interchangeable, can also be used playfully. e.g. You may call a lottery winner, or someone who experiences a near-miss accident, 'a lucky f**ker', someone who persistently teases someone else, an irritating wanker, or someone who loses their house-keys, a silly wanker.
      As with a great deal of curses, it depends on the circumstances, the deliverer and the receiver of the 'curse'. 'Bastard' also fits this category. e.g.. if someone is called a 'dumb bastard', it doesn't actually mean they're an 'illegitimate mute'.

    4. 11:19 – Here's something you may find hilarious, I know I did. I watched another American YouTuber reacting to the 'British Drivers Swearing' video and here's the comment that tickled me. She had commented, "The reason why we English' have so many swear words is because we don't carry guns."

    5. 11:30 – KNOB – You'll find many British swear words are associated with bodyparts, primarily the 'penis'. The following swear words illustrate this… 'knob', knobhead, dick, dickhead, bell-end, prick, cock, tool, plonker, peckerhead.

    6. 12:51 – If this video was called 'the worst drivers in the UK', viewers would primarily notice the 'bad driving', the swearing would be secondary, if noticed at all. However, with this video titled the way it is, viewers notice both the swearing and the bad driving equally.

    7. Question at 5:40, he can turn from the left lane but has to indicate and bike must wait otherwise car was at fault, but common sense dictates you don't speed past a vehicle stationary in the middle of the road…

    8. Your question at 5:36. As you know, we stick to the left lane, always, except on a one way route, with duel lanes, like a duel carriage way or a motor way, with 3 lanes of one way, each side of a barrier. That road is clearly for 2 way traffic, so he can't be in the right lane, to turn right, but the bike rider decided to over take, on the cars right, as he was turning right and most likely, indicating right (right blinker), thus the biker but himself in extreme danger of an accident or death.

    9. Wanker is a derogatory term (to wank is to masturbate) but we generally mean it as someone is being a bitch or a twat, a cunt etc. A knob is another word for being a dick too. Um there's a certainly a theme here isn't there.

      Us Brits certainly use a whole boat load of the crudest words for body parts turned insults that's for sure. LMAO

    10. My sister has really bad road rage, I can confirm I see why.
      Some of the people on these roads really shouldn't even be allowed to go shopping on their own.

    11. The video had me laughing, you had me in stitches copying some of the insults lmao…. Wanker comes from "wank" which is typically used as a term for male masturbation. So wanker is just a vulgar insult for a stupid person. Knob is another terms for a penis but used as another vulgar insult. Both are common insults in the UK.

    12. When I was a driving instructor a car overtook on the right while my Japanese lady pupil and I where waiting to make a right turn, I called him a silly pillock and had to explain that it means stupid person. I was told by the examiner the same thing happened on her test and she called the other driver a sirry pirrock, he said it had made his day. 😂😂

    13. I hate the swearing it sounds awful as it is said with so much hate not like hey dude what are you doing…..why are we brits so angry on the roads…. I was cringing watching this

    14. Whanker: I think you would call it a mastubator but probably also has a lot of slag for it.
      I suggest you just Google “ nob head”.

    15. We have a rule in London for traffic lights. Green is go, orange is go, and red is go for three cars after the red(stop ) sign! We also hate white van drivers. They are nob heads. I used to travel from Peterborough which is in Cambridgeshire to Wisbech (Norfolk) where most of the drivers are travelling from Norwich, so to stop being wiped out, (dying), I would drive behind HGVs (heavy goods vehicles). It was bloody scary,as people would risk driving off the road and ending up in a ditch ( a man made river) to get to wherever they were going a few seconds earlier! Why? Because the NHS will save us!
      A few years ago my friend who worked for the AA.(automotive Association) was on the M25 when he was hit by a car going the wrong way on a duel carriage way. He spent 5 months in a coma with a traumatic brain injury. It took him 5 years to recover. He eventually went to court and the man who hit him said “why do you care, the NHS saved you!’
      He moved back to Peterborough and spent his time working in a garage doing M.O.T.s

    16. To answer your question "where did these people learn to drive?" : eastern Europe or south east Asia.
      Yes, that's kinda racist – it's also kinda true.

    17. Crying at multiple moments hahah – absolute wankstain is for some reason, my go to. Also, the paused 5:43 section – We drive on the left, that is a normal road, aka, oncoming traffic in the right lane. Recorder would have slowed down (brake lights) while indicating right. He doesn't need to pay attention to behind as they have already had your warnings. The motorbike probably had too much speed/was too close behind the recorder when he indicated, thought "fuck that, ima make that gap" then sent it. We also refer to bikes as "deathtraps".

    18. 6:26 – No. But…..driving in the US is 94% easier than the UK. Italy by far the hardest. I went down some roads that were too narrow for a VW Golf.

    19. if you want to turn right on a two-way road you should signal right ahead of the turn and then pull up at the junction, if the signal was given in good time no one should overtake you

    20. i don’t like how you blamed the cyclist at 11:37, he was on the main road, the van should have given way, he almost killed the cyclist, what was the cyclist supposed to do?? give way to the car going from the secondary road?? why??

    21. When my Dad was teaching me to drive he literally said that every other person who is driving on the same road has the equivalent of a loaded weapon (their vehicle), he taught me that reaction times are crucial

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