Today we will read the diary of the German Gefreiter, who served in the 9th Company of the 35th Motorized Regiment of the 25th Motorized Division. His diary entries begin not long before the invasion of the Soviet Union. There he describes heavy forest battles, constant confrontations with Red Army cavalry, and fighting with partisans.

    #history #easternfront #worldwarII #technic #wehrmacht


    1. I always look forward to your new uploads. Sadly, yet another diary that abruptly ends because the soldier was killed in action. I didn’t think I could have more hatred and contempt for Adolph Hitler but with every diary I listen to my disgust of that psychopathic monster grows. I don’t have much less contempt for Stalin, he was just as indifferent about his soldiers lives (his not one step back policy) and didn’t give a damn about the innocent civilians caught in the middle of the horror and carnage. Forcing the civilians to remain in the cities ((Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad) to motivate the Russians soldiers to fight that much harder
      How did the world come to have so many despicable megalomaniacs leading countries at the same time…Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Tojo? I can only conclude that the terrible economic conditions gave these monstrous men the opportunity to gain the megalomaniacal power they craved. My god the suffering, death and destruction they caused is still difficult for me to wrap my head around. It so important that people understand this history, never have the words “History repeating itself” ever been so important! 22:12

    2. Many soldiers at war suffer trauma, some believe in the country and its commanders, others are more critical. But in all, we had good soldiers and bad ones. The British bombed the city of Dresden on purpose to reduce Germany's fighting strength. Some americans soldiers cut, cooked and hung the heads of Japanese soldiers from their backpacks, trucks, tanks. It's all documented. If that wasn't enough, they dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. The Germans carried out the Holocaust, Stalin carried out the purge together with Mao Tse Tung, killing more people than the Second World War. In war, truth is the first victim, and innocent people suffer due to the madness of their leaders. May God have mercy on us.

    3. The indoctrination from goebbels propaganda ministry of these young men let them enter russia with contempt for the untermenschen. What they didn't realise was that by treating people like the Ukrainians badly they were losing potential allies. Even the Russian people may have turned on stalin had the Germans acted as liberators treating them as equals. Stalins commisars ready to execute those who retreat behind them and heartless Germans in front , you had to fight like a tiger if you were russian soldiers. Sad to hear the final words of a young soldier far away from home whatever the side

    4. The Nazis were stupid. Even Goebbels said they were making a mistake by not treating conquered people of the USSR better since many of them, especially in Ukraine, hated Stalin and the communists much more than they hated Hitler. If the Nazis had mined that hatred of Stalin they may have defeated the Bolsheviks. But I guess we will never know.

    5. Note how the young German soldiers initially enter their field of prey untouched and comment on the peasantry in rags. They are described as almost sub-human, until the God-like soldiers actually encounter resistance so significant that the kids become frightened and realize they are doomed. That's what brainwashing does to someone who grew up thinking they were superior human beings. It's astounding to think that this happened less than 100 years ago.

    6. I was reading the "Rape of Belgium". Belgian parents stated that they had to hide their children and women from German soldiers cause German soldiers were raping and molesting them. What is amazing is that they were offended when the Soviet soldiers imitated them- raping German women.

    7. 大英帝国の陸軍元帥で英国と米国のスパイの毛利裕仁は、不戦条約でドイツ参戦できない米国の為に真珠湾攻撃を仕掛け、ドイツ参戦の口実を与えた。

    8. It's good to see the unedited, un self-redacted thoughts of a German soldier. So many of the books by German soldiers are a type of revisionism, and try to claim they weren't part of the local atrocities and didn't know about the wider atrocities.

    9. Another short-lived infantryman. They did not live long on the Eastern Front. Also, the Soviets needed no encouragement when it came to brutality. They showed no civilized behavior whatsoever towards on the Poles in '1939.

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