#SeanCombs Aka #Diddy Aka #PuffDaddy Gets Upset When Paparazzi Jumps Out On Him With No Shirt On While Leaving Hot Pilates In West Hollywood, CA – TheHollywoodFix.net
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    1. He stunned Diddy for a split second with the Cassie pregnancy question. He was turning away when he heard Cassie name then he heard pregnancy and it paused him for a split second. he missed the shirt he was grabbing for lol. Long enough for them child support figures to roll through his brain.?Diddy was like” got damn pregnant? I just came off 30 mil for that oe. Child support now? lol.

    2. When he threw up his arms, On the floor SCREAMING! He said yall just jumping out on a MOFO like that. That's what CHEATERS use to do, they jump out the bushes on folks.

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