I’m back from my 6 day rest week! Before today’s episode I gave a breakdown/outline of my training program, and gave a bit of insight into how I write it! When we got to the gym I had a couple short boulder sessions to shake off the rust, and now we’re ready to tackle this intense cycle of training coming up!

    Link to our current program (last updated September 30th): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pBrquMylpsSkSjDvRlnLqJTi1-hNytOC/view?usp=drivesdk

    0:00 – Introduction/program breakdown
    10:24 – Session 1: Boulder (Boulderhaus)
    18:32 – Session 2: Boulder (Studio Bloc – Darmstadt)

    Title sponsors:
    Climber’s Rock – https://www.climbersrock.com/

    IG – https://instagram.com/richardsonsclimbing?igshid=MjEwN2IyYWYwYw==
    Website – https://www.richardsonsclimbing.com/


    1. This is awesome! Question : Do you set a limit on number of attempts/time spent on a boulder during the general boulder sessions on your schedule? I tend to waste entire sessions trying to solve a slab sometimes and ending up not finding a solution and that feels like a waste.

    2. for min 16 the jump, what helped me a lot is to train just landing on one foot on a curb and not moving it when stuck (just the front part of the foot should land the heel should be in the air). Helped me a lot with this exact boulder.

    3. This is so dope, the program reinforces what I currently am developing my personal program towards, a focus on simplicity and quality work. When I hear of pro climbers pushing insane volumes it always leaves me a bit doubtful in that path, so it's refreshing to see it black on white in pros routine once in a while

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