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    CIAO!!!! Here is the 13th Episode of my bicycle journey around the world. This time I’m on a little different kind of journey. I packed all my instruments in a Topeak 1 wheel trailer and cycled from Füssen to Lake Garda to play music in the streets.
    All the music I’ve used in the video is made by me or my band “Crepes Sucette”.


    1. Great video! I really like your style. I just started my first major cycling trip. I’m riding the pacific coast route from Canada to Mexico. I’m also making YouTube videos on it. If this one works out well I definitely want to head over to Europe. It looks great. Thanks for sharing. I’m looking forward to the next one!

    2. Hey, really like your vlogs. Chill style and informative too. And you're music is great! Will definitely check out your band. On tour now myself as well but will definitely want to binge watch ur blogs when I'm back home dreaming of the road! Can't believe that trailer full of instruments…so awesome. Are you going to the states at all?

    3. Good video. Nicely edited. Being in Europe gives the video quite a different feel from the "round the world videos". Not better or worse, just different.

    4. Man…Europe is shit….get yourself back in sunnier more exotic climes asap….get yourself sponsored by fat-bike or similar & go to to Peru or Chilie or Argentina where your style of adventure biking is most fitting….you will make bomb just from your natural cool style….ditch Europe man…cos its shit. Love your content either way!???

    5. Like Don Quixote, fighting windmills every day…:-)……I don't understand why you have a trailer and so much luggage but no spare tires and BIG repair kit….:-)…..if it wasn't a hernia, what was it? Could it have been long touring related, body stress?…….gr9 vid by the way……take care….:-)

    6. How do you like that Topeak pump? I have the Road Morph G which is alright but having an easier-to-read gauge would be nice and it looks like the model you have fits the bill there.

    7. Hello I'm some guy who is going to be traveling US via bike. I have some questions that I'd like to ask experienced riders like yourself. Please email me at macalloes@gmail.com cheers

    8. Ur look has changed
      I have a dream to travel all around the world in bicycle bt i have a money problm
      I always like and watch ur videos bt this time i was having net issue that my data pack was finished so i am watching ur video today on 27May2019 can u help me to travel all around the world i also like cycling love u a lot love ur videos

    9. Cliff hanger…will Eric survive?, will he find food, shelter and a place to busk?, will spring rain continue to stalk him through Italy? Tune in to the next exciting episode!

    10. Hahaha I sleep on top of picnic tables all the time when I get somewhere late. The 1st place I hang any weight on my bike is on the front and almost never use rear panniers without the fronts mounted. It feels way more unstable with weight just on the back of the bike.

    11. This is the best bicycle touring video I've ever seen. The style is unique and that music is gorgeous. Thank and safe journey. Greetings from Senegal

    12. ich lieb echt extrem was du da machst, solltest du wieder mal in der südtirolergegend sein meld dich du kannst bei mir schlafen!!!

    13. Veery nice video congrats bro, I am a musician too and also planing to bickepack with instruments(accordion or violin havent decided yet) would you suggest using trailor? Or somehow fitting everything on back is better?

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