New Research: Psychological and Physical Health and Life Quality of Former Alienated Children
    in Comparison to Non-alienated Children in Separated Households and Children in Intact Families.

    Jorge Guerra González, PhD, at the Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany spoke at the International Conference of Shared Parenting in Athens, Greece, 2023.

    He introduced a new research he has been working on for the last two years where he compares three groups:
    A – Children from intact families
    B – Children from separated parents
    C – Alienated Children

    The result data has been published here:

    The interview is filmed on location of the International Conference on Shared Parenting in Athens, Greece, 2023.

    Produced by Equal Parenting Iceland, Foreldrajafnrétti.

    All rights reserved

    Music: Fresh Fallen Snow by Chris Haugen

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    1. Vielen Dank, ich verstehe alles und bin über JEDE Veröffentlichung zu diesem Thema glücklich. Betroffene Familien sind darauf angewiesen, dass Hilfe von außen kommt und dass sich überhaupt jemand diesem Horror annimmt! Wenn das Fachleute tun, die das mit Herz und Verstand, Wissen und Können, Mut und Vision tun – so, wie Dr.Jorge Guerra Gonzales – dann entsteht wieder Hoffnung für alle, die an den Folgen der Entfremdung zu zerbrechen drohen.

    2. "A struggle that is completely avoidable". How? As a father that has being alienated, what can one do – not to fight and let the children figure that out afterwards?

    3. "You can alienate a child. And nobody cares." This is so true. And so sad. Nobody will be there to help you and your children. Period.

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