In this episode, I visited Matt Nicklen to check out out his considerable video and DVD collection. I hadn’t realised that he had a load of games console BMX games too! Matt eats, breathes and sleeps BMX and it’s also his livelihood, owning and running Entity BMX Shop @entitybmxshop99 in the town of Poole, UK. So if you’re in the area and have the time spare, drop in and check out his collection, have your bike tuned up or ride the skatepark that his shop is located in. Either way, you’ll get a warm welcome from Matt.

    A big thanks to Matt for as always and remember, if you like what you see, give it the thumbs up, comment, subscribe and share on your favourite social media platforms and what-not. Don’t forget to check out @therodians for some seriously cool music that’s well in keeping with the Midschool theme. The lead singer is a BMXer too. He even had a FBM Night Train back in the day!


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