Founded by the Romans, Cologne is the 4th largest city in Germany and is over 2000 years old.

    On this tour, Anna and I will cross the Hohenzollern Bridge towards the largest Gothic cathedral in Northern Europe. Perched upon the bank of the Rhine, the cathedral with its monumental twin towers and 13th century stained glass windows, overshadows the rest of the old town centre.

    Walking around the streets of the old town, we will explain why Cologne has such an international feel, which is evident in the architecture, as well as the language and culture of Cologne.

    So wrap up warm and join us both as we discover there’s so much more to Cologne than Christmas markets and kölsch.

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    1. Thank you so much for braving the terrible weather to bring this to us, and provide some of the background history to the city. The first time I visited I knew nothing about it, and it was amazing to come out of the station to find myself right by the stunning cathedral. I have been back many times since (always by train) so this brought back lots of good memories. I discovered my first Christmas markets on that initial visit too – and had my first Gluhwein that in those days was served in a simple plastic cup. It still tasted good on a day that never got above freezing.. Hope you managed to warm up with some too.

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