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    Today I’m going on a bike ride with my good friend Gogo we went to a different location where I grew up. One place is a famous castle. Burg Linn , then I went back memory lane where my grandparents used to live and where I started my apprenticeship as an electronic electrician. 40 years later unbelievable it’s still there at the end of the video we watch a handball game. All three of Gogo’s sons are playing in the same team. I tried to re-create some moves, and I almost broke my leg.


    1. Think of us as your children that you’re sharing your stories with and your hometown. You would show your children if you had some. My father shared stories in the past to us. So we are interested because we enjoy you and your life.

    2. Mike thank you for taking us along down your memory lane, I went to Europe in 1982 I was 14 and Germany had the best beer all the things I got to see kinda like I'm right there with you, I'm 56 now and I never wanna forget my memories I'm so glad you got to visit memory lane ❤

    3. Super Video …voller emotionaler Erinnerungen ….geht mir genauso wenn ich nachhause komme ….gut gemacht ! Gruesse an Gogo..ein echter Kumpel

    4. Nice video. Ammoniak is Ammonia, very strong smelling. Wonder if the area smelled like it during hot days. To explain the apprenticeship program in Germany would take too long, but most business hire their own trainees as apprentices, if they do they get a tax break, not like in the US where business gets a tax break for coming to your area. These apprentices usually start at age 15 or 16 and do 4 days work and one day School, the city has a school to accommodate these trainees with the theoretical part about their work, Electricians have to do a lot of math, these jobs are not easy. Anyway, there is no other country in the world that has such a solid program, I believe that is why Germany has less of a truancy problem with young people who are not college bound, they find working with their hands more rewarding. These jobs pay well after graduation. German Chain Saw maker Stihl has an apprenticeship program in Virginia Beach their US factory.

    5. Mike, I LOVE it when you go down memory lane SO MUCH. It reminds me of when my husband used to take me around his old "stomping grounds" when we were young. I used to live for those days. They are long gone now, as well as he is. Hopefully I'll always keep those memories alive in my mind. Thank you for bringing them back once again. 💔💔💔

    6. Love to see your memory lane and wonderful friend & sons. Yes We are interested of your German live. Your personality is so different with the cold german.

    7. I always watch your German videos as I'm not so interested in California pop culture. Your German friends seem really nice and your lovely mother is adorable. You're lucky to still have her! You're always posting about celebrities and you're in Düsseldorf regularly so why don't you do a couple of episodes about Kraftwerk and Heino? My personal favorite German stars!

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