Pour sa première prise de parole publique depuis son arrivée au Gym, Fabrice Bocquet s’est longuement exprimé au micro d’OGCNICE.TV. Stratégie du Club, organisation, stade, INEOS, territoire, identité, objectifs… Le Directeur Général de l’OGC Nice a partagé sa vision dans un échange passionnant avec Constantin Djivas.

    #podcast #ogcnice


    1. Palestine is a Arab land and will be Arab land forever we don't want anything just fair don't stand with Israel and Palestine but you stand with Israel and you punish our Arabian player because he says the truth he just wants the peace and justice for the world but if this happens to you and your country will you be silent and don't speak .You see your country

      Its homes, all hospitals and schools collapse, and children and women are killed in the most horrific ways

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