The summer of 2020 was somewhat delayed by the outbreak of COVID-19 and the lockdown restrictions that were implemented in March of that year. But by the start of July, limitations on travel had begun to be lifted and it seemed an appropriate time to head off on the bike. My original intention had been to cycle the length of Japan in 2020 but that clearly was off the agenda for the foreseeable future but staying closer to home certainly wasn’t and I set off cycling north from my home in Pennine Yorkshire to the four capitals of the United Kingdom; Edinburgh, Belfast, Cardiff and London…


    1. Thank you for the great video! I've been sitting in front of the computer dreaming of the routes I'd cycle once this pandemic is over & have just added another one to the long list, courtesy of your video. Just wanna ask, whatever happened between Cardiff & London? Did you just get tired of filming?

    2. Fantastic! I just loved it…minute by minute, landscape after landscape. The music really was like an extra "colour"…Thanks so much for sharing this tour, one of the best so far. The UK is a nice bike country. I went from Hull to Edinburgh over Darlington to Glasgow and Arran. So this brought back some good memories as well..also about midges and rain….lol. Again thank you so much!

    3. This really should be called the UK Cycle Tour, Northern Ireland is not within GB, the countries with GB are England, Scotland and Wales

    4. Great video. Gutted about the weather. You passed at least 6 British Cycle Quest questions on this video. (One was on the view point soith Macynllleth…) It's an excuse to go back. So well filmed you wouldn't even notice the Fraudemic… But that was pre mask I think.

      Fond memories. You can't beat Wales and Scotland in the sun…. I did a month long tour of Ireland in 2008…. It rained everyday.

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