Ukraine claimed to have achieved a world record sniper kill. Kyiv’s intelligence agency said one of their sharpshooters managed to take out at Russian soldier standing 3,800 meters away, or 2.3miles. The previous longest kill-shot was 3,500m. Video shows the Ukrainian opening fire on three Russian troops one of whom collapses around 10 seconds after the shot. The shot was apparently taken using a 6ft-long rifle dubbed Horizon’s Lord that is produced by and within Ukraine.

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    1. I love the retards in the comments claiming 3-4 seconds like they are some ballistic experts lmfao. Backing it up with math from 3rd grade. What a bunch of losers.

    2. Moscow is doing anything to ignite other wars around the world. Africa, Israel, meddling with US elections and helping stuff like A Letter To America to become viral on TikTok. WAKE UP IDIOTS

    3. Whenever I see a video starting with " WARNING: The following video contains images that some viewers may find disturbing." I KNOW there is nothing that I would find even remotely disturbing!

    4. Is it filmed and confirmed by anyone other than Ukrainian sources? I just don't buy it. Too much BS in the past from Ukraine to believe it without multiple sources

    5. Why bother posting any video with warnings when all you do is cover it up with a logo ? And don`t tell us its because of YouTube policy. If you know you can`t show it, don`t post in the first place.

    6. What? Is this video from Daily Lie? I won't even bother reading the titl/description, it is bs anyway

      ON the serious side: nobody will ever score a kill at 3.8km in a combat situation. Didn't happen and it ain't never gonna happen, no matter how advanced technology they're using…

    7. plenty sniper ballistic experts on the net.. I sure ain't no expert.. but do recall about 50 years ago opening a new box of shiny little .22LR cartridges, reading the crude ink warning inside the lid: 'warning – dangerous up to 2 miles'.. thinking what b/s.. learned the hard way

    8. New World Record Set for Farthest Long-Range Rifle Shot: 4.4 Miles, September 20th 2022.
      A shooting team hit a 5 inch diameter dot on a steel target at 7,744 yards in the Wyoming desert, besting the previous record by several hundred yards. That's 7 km away ! If you know what you're doing it is possible.

    9. BTW this vid was slowed down so moaning about fligh time just shows your intellect.
      BTW muzzle velocity means just that, the bullet will lose half it's speed over that distance..

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