This was the last day of my one week bike tour in Greece. This video covers the cycling route between Thebes and Athens, with a stop off to have a brief look over the bike. The Stanforth Skyelander has performed superbly during this cycle tour, and a longer review of it is being planned. As is another bike tour of course!
    If you are interested in checking out all the other bicycle touring videos from this series of cycling in Greece, please take a look at the playlist. You might also like to visit my blog, where I’ve gathered them into one place with additional information on the one week bike tour in Greece –


    1. Don't expect a substitute leather saddle to act like an actual leather saddle. There is no substitute. That's why there'll always be a leather industry, despite the bleating of the vegan classes.
      Long live leather.

    2. Just finished your tour video's and I have a question, why don't you wear a Helmet? I am a bike rider, for the biggest reason my vision is not good enough to get a drivers licences, and I would not even consider getting on a bike with out a helmet. And you are a tad slow on the bike, 10 hours to do 103km, that is just a bit over 64 miles. True you had hills to go up and down, but still in all, with as little gear as you where carrying. Any ways keep on biking and stay safe.

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