🌟 Here’s What’s New in FC 24:

    Discover the stunning pitch wear detail when you slide tackle.
    Witness the magical Mexican wave in the stadium.
    Watch players warm up on the sidelines during your matches.
    Experience the unique goal kick cinematic and player interactions.
    Marvel at the lifelike player animations and ball deformations.
    Enjoy the realism of goalkeepers’ fingers moving when they make saves.
    Get a taste of the high-promotion replays and new defender blocks.
    Observe players breathing fog in cold weather.
    Explore the new hair strand system and Highlands’ detailed hair.
    See bubbles at the start of matches in the London Stadium.
    Notice the muscle deformation when players take powerful shots.
    Spot stewards and staff members moving around the pitch.
    Check out the line color change during snow matches.
    Experience the improved net physics with 3D models.
    Witness fans leaving the stadium when their team is dominated.
    Discover new crowd cinematics and crowd model improvements.
    Observe wires behind the ad boards and added backgrounds.
    Marvel at the parallaxing and vibrant environments outside the stadium.
    Notice NPCs walking around the pitch in the Walter Stadium background.

    Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHO1Up5QXB5zpmWl1jPSkuw?sub_confirmation=1

    Merchandise – https://tfvgaming-merchandise.myspreadshop.com/

    https://www.facebook.com/tfvgamingg || https://www.instagram.com/tfvgaming/ || https://twitter.com/tfvgaming_
    Third Channel- https://www.youtube.com/user/FailsDaddy


    1. This video has made me even more angry at Nintendo switch man. I want to upgrade to a new console but there just to expensive and switch dose t gives us all the content Xbox and PS4 and 5players have. It’s annoying

    2. Why is Volta still a thing? EAFC is just a bag of shite i never should have bought, i cant wait for new companies to start making football games to get some competition again.

    3. Perfect example of why they are focusing on the absolute wrong stuff. Nobody asked for moving muscles. They finally need to fix that horrible gameplay. Feels like it’s always just a rush

    4. Here my thoughts on fifa

      Every team play the same in example Germans go for air say against Mexico, but it doesn't change they all play identical

      It's scripted ih the fact I play legendary and I score they have to score immediately I have individual skill on and someone from boca Jr's shouldnt play as good as benezema

      The career is lame they should have your name in the crowd shoes all type of stuff like other sports do

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