Finally: UK just Launch NEW Tempest 6th-Gen Fighter Jet to Replace Typhoon!
    The United Kingdom is making headlines with its new fighter jet. Despite the longstanding dominance of the United States in the realm of aircraft construction, Britain is gearing up to challenge its status. Join us as we explore the future of aerial warfare with the much-anticipated Tempest 6th-Gen Fighter and the timeline when this aircraft is set to join the ranks of the Royal Air Force (RAF).


    1. With current defense budget they will only have a handful of these planes but that's fine because the western leaders are all cowards and will never have use for a military.

    2. I wish Anerica isxstill iur mother country as we are before d Aquino administration of our gov't. She continue⁴d d mission of her deceased husband Benigno Aquino II, Russian Puppet in d Phils. Sad to know even d U.S.A.was also controlled & governed by Communist Russia thru its Puppet U.S. Presidents starting from d regime of Ex-U.S. PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH & Son succeeded by Obama, & now Biden who all cheated Election Results becayse most Americans didn't vite fircthese Russian Puppets because. They are not stupid to support them

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