Our last attempt at trying to get documentation allowing us to leave France and RETURN.


    1. Was this permission to both of you, I hope so. This only shows that human relations goes better than the IT relation .. Im happy for you to get the chance to travel

    2. Have you ever tried for a permesso in Italy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Took my other half 18 months and I get panic attacks just thinking about it. But it was worth it.

    3. Going by your police mug shot no wonder they took their time getting back to you 🤣🤣🤣
      Good luck and I hope you have no issues getting back in 🙂 But you know how the French are 🙁

    4. So, French bureaucracy works as well as Swedish bureaucracy these days. Bureaucracy has always been a pain in the arse, but I think you'll find that bureaucracy all over the west is now riddled with an accelerating incompetence. There's a marked difference between now and, say, 10-15 years ago. Also, there are more and more fees to pay for "services" that used to be covered by taxes. And the price of those fees are steadily increasing. In all, these are clear signs of a society starting to fail.

    5. Oh mate so pleased you managed to ger clearance to travel Yeah the French civil servants are like that. Surly and short tempered especially with foreigners as the people give them as good as they get. Nice little walk thanks for that. Hope your find your mum in fine fettle.

    6. This exact thing is also happening to me. I'm been living in France for 9 years. Last year's Renewal of my Carte de Sejour has been going on since early Feb. 2023. At that time I was able to schedule a rendez vous and I physically went to the Montauban Prefecture and submitted all of my paperwork and translations, as I've done every year. This year has been a nightmare. Like you, I've been technically "illegal" all year.

    7. As UK we have the residents permit (10 years). My wife spoke to a Canadien friend who was told by the police not to worry about the 'illegal' situation as they are not interested in making problems for people who pay taxes and are not trouble makers.

    8. I feel for you! In HS, I volunteered with an immigration support program as an interpreter (French) that earned me credits for my senior year. I discovered that the USCIS (US immigration) was a monster that dehumanize decent hard-working families and makes them live in a constant state of fear. Most of my cases were from W or N. Africa and happened as our freshly elected president called their homelands "sh*tholes". I hope your experience is better. Keep strong!

    9. I had the same problem few months ago. I was trying to renew my 10y card and submitted the paperwork about 3 months in advance. I heard nothing from them so I called them, which was useless. I made and appointment and spoke to them in person and they told me to keep waiting. I waited another month and made another appointment and it turns out I had to pay for the card. The payment of the card is normal but nobody told me I had to pay in advance. The folks behind the kiosk didn't know this either and only found out during my second appointment when they were trying to find my file and finally got a manager involved. There is a payment booth at the prefecture (same building as appointment) and got my card after I paid the fee, almost 300 euros.

    10. Still waiting for my retirement after 3 years and countless letters emails and accountants letters. The frustration of the 2 hour lunch and offices closed after 4 pm makes matters worse. Love the country but the bureaucracy is a joke.

    11. Bloody hell, your blood pleasure must have been high, and in panic mood, I know mine would of been. Happy for you that you have a 3 month permit, but feel sorry for you both as it could all happen again!. I know that some French like eating snails, but the bureaucracy system they have seems to be acting like one. Stay strong both of you, and enjoy the stay back in Canada with your mother. Hope the criminal ankle tag they placed on you to monitor your movements and time curfew isn't to tight😉😆. Sending best wishes to you from. Phil in South Wales.

    12. So glad you managed to some paperwork to allow use to get back into France. We applied for our Carte de Dejour 3 months after we arrived in France as instructed on our UK visa letter that was in May we have not had anything back. Looks like we are in for a long wait.

    13. Good to know if you never had to leave the country you'd unlikely get kicked out!! However, well done for getting that sorted, serendipity was looking down on you.

    14. Hello Glenn,
      Well, as I told you in my last comment, in France, when things are blocked at the administration level, letters and calls are helpful for follow-up and to support an appointment but are ineffective for unblocking the situation. The only valid solution is to go there.
      Happy for you.

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