1. "Strangely enough, there isn't enough space at the top for all the people wanting to enjoy the view." Yup, that sounds like Belgian infrastructure design right there. Nice intentions, but no eye for detail. (I live in Belgium, so I'm talking from own experience.)

  2. love the content, but could it be possible to get a more consistent naming system on your videos. i enjoy the commentary, but not the riding videos. its hard to tell which one is which. just a suggestion.

  3. How could they be that good at infrastructure and suck so hard at architecture. Like no one ever noticed how alienating the entrance is.

  4. Hmmm – not sure about this. It looks a tad claustrophobic with those needlessly tall sides at the start and end.

    I do like the 'cycling through the water' – though not a 'new' idea; it reminds me of the Moses Bridge at Fort de Roovere near Bergen op Zoom.

  5. Love the wood design of the structure but it is too bad they didn’t make a viewing space area on top! There are some beautiful country landscapes there in Belgium and the Netherlands.

    I wish we could build cycling structures for 1.5 million euros here, we are just finishing up a bike path structure over a major highway and it ended up being about 6.5 million dollars! We have a bit of grade to deal with here though and this structure is concrete which drives up the price.

  6. Can anyone tell me what the surface is? It appears to be approximately 800mm panels. The panels/decking do not appear to be made of wood. I assume it some sort of light weight composite material.

  7. Goed dat het zo heel breed is, zodat ook minder mobiele mensen met driewielers er kunnen komen. O nee, die kunnen mekaar amper kruisen. Goed om te zien dat de overheid ons belastinggeld zo verstandig investeerd…

  8. To be honest, it’s a bit disappointing. We rode through the lake, up the round and round thing and then this. This wasn’t worth the detour.

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