Hi and welcome to WannaGoBiking. I’ve headed out for the Harz region in Germany for a few days to take advantage of the beautiful weather. This is my second day where I visited the cities of Quedlinburg and Blankenburg. And again, lots of beautiful fall colours 🙂
    Hope you like it, enjoy your rides and stay safe out there !

    * If you like the music, unless listed below, it is on epidemic sounds.
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    00:00 intro
    00:20 the plan
    01:10 nice old train
    01:55 Titan Harz
    02:25 witchcraft
    03:00 Blankenburg
    05:04 picnic spot
    05:27 Quedlinburg
    07:25 Devil’s Wall
    08:50 dead trees
    10:40 outro


    1. The sight of those people walking across the bridge reminds me of why I like cycling and watching your videos. Having to pay for the 'privilege' of being herded like cattle into a confined area with a load of other people for some perceived 'amazing' experience is everything I dislike about the usual tourist experience. Everything else on your ride, the freedom, escape into nature, natural surroundings, peace, beauty, and spontaneity is what is good and what I like.

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