Descriere in romana:

    I-am pus titlul in engleza pentru ca-i un drum cu care merita sa ne mandrim, iar experienta ciclista pe Transfagarasan poate aduce o multime de turisti straini in Romania.

    Traseul nostru a inceput la Curtea de Arges si s-a terminat la Cartisoara. A fost, de departe, cea mai frumoasa tura cu bicicleta pe care am trait-o vreodata.

    English description:

    Some people call it the most beautiful road in the world. It’s breathtaking if you do it by car, but you will truly understand its greatness if you take it by bike.

    A thing you should put on your bucket list if you love cycling in beautiful places. Come to Romania and spend a day cycling on Transfagarasan!


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