In Transit is back and on a new adventure. In just a few days we’ll be setting off on bicycles around the country of Belgium for a total of 550 miles. We’re calling this journey — The Heart of Belgium!

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    Peter Bragiel
    PO Box 50794
    Los Angeles, CA 90050


    1. At first I thought “wait…biking across Belgium…why not go biking in The Netherlands…!” But the beer story makes sense! Lots of bike shops (who also do repairs) in Belgium. Be sure to visit them if you run into bike trouble.

    2. Starting with the best beer in the world, westvleteren! I'm from Belgium and i'm very excited for your adventure. You'll find it very enjoyable to bike around the country as there is such a big cyclist culture here. It's a very popular thing to cycle around and end up somewhere in a café or pub with an abbey beer in the sun. You won't be alone in your journey!

    3. Wow that's only 550 miles? Belgium is tiny!

      Remember when setting up for a bike trip – all the weight on the bike, none on the rider! Good luck.

    4. Peter i will have to recommend you go to Cantillon in Brussels , i know is not a trappist but they make the best Gueuze. Great brewery with a lot of history and is family own.

    5. Thats awesome man!! I was backpacking around Belgium back in November. Loved it so much!! I had some of the Orval beer since that is what the bartender recommended. It was good and I think you will enjoy it. When you are in Gent stay in the Hostel Uplink. It has an amazing central location. Amazing view out the rooms windows and you can rent kayaks for cheap it you would like. I stayed in Gent for a few days. It was one of my favorite cities.

      I am also planning my own international bike trip so it is awesome to see you about to do a bike trip. I bought my plane ticket over to the country, but I am waiting a little bit and saving up money. Bought the plane ticket so I wont back out! Love the name of your trip too.

    6. I've been saying for years that I'm going to travel but I have yet to even get my passport. I will be traveling vicariously through you on this journey. Safe travels. Can't wait!

    7. Great to see you come to Belgium! Great choice, the city of Ghent is a beautiful vibrant authentic historical city. If you need some advice, you are free to ask.

    8. Hope this is actual restart. You did some GOOD quality content. I once considered you the most talented and underrated youtuber. I want your stuff to launch real hard. Excited for this adventure!!

    9. Whatever you pack don’t use a backpack your back will hurt. So pack a lot of bags on your bike. It will be a lot but more comfy. Also get off the bike and stretch throughout the day. Finally don’t pack more than you need. And wear padded shorts.

    10. Sounds Good, Pete. Will you be camping also? I did a bit of bike packing in NZ and Tahiti. Great way to travel as you will be able to burn off the beer gut 🙂

    11. would love to do something like this. been on car+beer trips in belgium 4-5 times and its lovely. stay a extra night in brussels and go to A l'Imaige Nostre-Dame if you can find it. i love those small ally bars of brussels, you can get away from the turists 10 meters from them

    12. I've done this trip by car with some friends, and it's something I will DEFINITELY do again! I highly recommend to stay at Chimay's hotel. It's very small, but right above Chimay's bar/restaurant, and the place is gorgeous. Best of luck to you and I know you'll have an amazing time!

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