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    Amsterdam is famous for being one of the best places to cycle in the world, but there are still many places where the infrastructure is out of date. This video explores some of the most uncomfortable and dangerous places for cycling in the city, as well as a brief look of the history of why.

    My video on hoofdnetten / plusnetted (“Invisible Infrastructure”) is herer:

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    Fietsersbond Knelpunten in Amsterdam:

    Straatbeeld, detailhandel en mensen in verkeer (1977)

    Northfield Drive West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
    Brian Doucet, @bmdoucet (Twitter)

    More details about this (shitty) bicycle lane in Waterloo:
    Waterloo bike lane causes cyclists concern

    Hobbemakade 93-92-91 enz
    Op de voorgrond links de Gerard Terborgstraat. Achteraan is de Roelof Hartstraat.
    Roël, Ino (maart 1991)

    Het nieuwe fietspad op de Berlagebrug. Op de achtergrond de Vrijheidslaan en de Wolkenkrabber op het Victorieplein
    Busselman, Frans (25 april 1982)

    Actie “Echte Nederlandse Fietsers Bond” (ENFB) op Berlagebrug in Amsterdam voor behoud fietsstrook op de rijweg
    Rob Croes / Anefo (12 januari 1984)

    0:00 Intro
    0:05 The Set-up
    1:08 The Suburbs
    1:47 Uncomfortable Cycling
    4:13 Dangerous Cycling
    4:24 Javastraat
    5:32 Stadhouderskade/s100
    6:12 Nassaukade
    7:01 Rozengracht
    7:25 Raadhuisstraat
    8:10 Churchill-laan
    8:30 Van Woustraat
    9:33 Zeilstraat
    10:17 Summary
    10:49 History
    12:05 Conclusion
    12:30 Patreon Shout-Out
    12:40 Outro


    1. Having said all of this, in rural areas you often share the road with everybody, the speed limit is 60 kmh, everyone goes faster 😂 but traffic volume is much lower and people are almost always more courteous than in the west. Some of the rudest road users are actually people from the west who come to cycle here and stare at you like you're a zoo exhibit and then hastily look away when you greet them, or wielrenners, those often stuck as well

    2. My German home town is centuries old and built before the introduction of "cars for everybody". Today cars are parked on both sides of my street, often partially on the sidewalk, but there is no place at all to park a bike. You are actually allowed to ride a bike against the cars' one-way direction, but with the road being barely wide enough for cars in one direction I wouldn't dream of doing that. A bit further away there is a busy roundabout with the bike lane disappearing at the most critical spot.

      I just took on a new job in town and consider buying a bike – but it is crazy that I have to first look at google maps to find out if there is a safe way to get there! I never owned a car, but seeing what the bike lanes are like I'm not sure I will ever own a bike either. It makes me quite angry that I have to pay for that madness, streets I dare not use and other peoples' parking lots.

    3. Simply having that strip to ride on next to the road with no barrier is already way nicer and safer than getting around my town. We have street parking and bikes and cars are expected to share the road.

      I'll give it to them with the low speed limit in town; 25mph(40km/h). This doesn't help much considering that cars are huge comparatively and can hurt you.

      I don't ride a bike though, I ride an electric skateboard and I can almost hit the speed limit, this isn't always possible though. It's also not exactly safe, especially considering the poor maintenance of our roads.

      Hitting asphalt at 20mph does some damage, even if you're already low down and manage to turn it into a slide.

    4. What is ironic is that the worst lanes here are like the best bike lanes in London. London is getting there, there are some good lanes and it is safer than it was 10 years ago. Most London cycling is hybrid lanes were traffic combines.

    5. As a tourist there about 6 years back ending up turning my bike onto Van Woustraat was a bit of a shock. (And I was just waiting for it to show up as I watched your video)
      Though I did get a nice Döner Kebab once I made it between the parked cars and traffic to my destination.

    6. For the people who want to compare Amsterdam search videos about bike messengers in New York, and you will learn what is reckless and dangerous bike riding, also extremely fun if you know what you are doing. There is a great channel, Terry Barensten, he rides in NY most of the time but also in other cities of the world following local cyclists but this cyclists are usually bike messengers or fixie riders, they ride fast very fast and ride among the cars.

    7. 3:06 "Only the dutch would complain about this psychopath not being good enough" lol These youtube captions are like the bugs on Skyrim, I can't bring myself to hate them.

    8. At 0:12 – Hi buurman! You are about 3 blocks from my home here 🙂

      Also, at 3:55, you are cycling towards the Rijksmuseum on Spiegelgracht. Just a bit further you have to cross Weteringschans. That crossing is a nightmare! I've seen 2 collisions between bikes and delivery vans there. I'd nominate it if you ever do a follow up.

    9. Ah, the total unmitigated mess of a street-disaster, or as I as a Berlin resident call it: a street.

      Living in Berlin, I always thought "well, better a painted bicycle gutter than nothing". This is actually the standard German bike lane, so until very recently it was the best you could get. But then I started thinking and realized that the two standard Bike-deaths around here – car turning right without looking and cyclist having to change into the car lane because a car or delivery van is using the bike lane as a parking strip – actually depend on the bike land being unprotected, along the street and at intersections. So yeah, get rid of them!

    10. I used Kinkerstraat regularly when I was studying in Amsterdam and lived in Niew West. I don't remember which intersection exactly but there was one close to the grachten zone that was completely unregulated and the taxi drivers used to be ruthless. I got used to it after a while but still had 2-3 close encounters with taxis. In my experience those were usually the most entitled car drivers in the city anyway

    11. I do like your videos and the comparisons between Canada and Netherlands. My father and his younger siblings were born in Netherlands while his 9 older siblings were born in Canada. i find it interesting that the worst bike paths shown are equivalent to the best we have in Melbourne Australia.

    12. I actually used the bike lane on Northfield to bike to work for several years. Frankly, I was glad at the time that even that existed since I wouldn't have been able to bike to work at all otherwise. However, now I obviously know that we could do much better.

    13. Your example of the worst streets for bikes in the Netherlands are like examples of the absolute best streets in America. The extent of our bike infrastructure here pretty much ends at the "Share the Road" signs randomly scattered around our poorly designed stroads.

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