Round 4 of the British National Cyclocross series saw us head south to the coast, and take on the muddy course of Torbay Velopark. As always the racing at UCI cyclocross level was fast and furious!

    The course was a brute with plenty of running sections, due to the thick mud. Having practiced the course with Nick Craig I had my lines dialled and was ready to fully commit to this race and that I did!

    This was definitely my best ever performance on a bike. Although I didn’t make the 80% rule, I have a lot to take away from this race and I’m extremely motivated for the rest of the season.

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    1. Look at how fast the leaders are running! I suppose if you're going to be racing right through the winter you need the running speed so must train for it.
      30 second intervals across the footy field with a weighted bike on your shoulder wearing a big pair of German army boots several times a week through August would do it 😂

    2. nice one GC, good performance in that sticky mud, those front guys can really run with the bikes on their shoulders! good to see the mud back, shame about the 80% but again, good performance mate

    3. Great ride George. You were really unlucky with the 80% rule. By my calculations the Comms would have been applying 6:07 as the cut off and at the end of lap 6 you were 6:08 behind Thomas. Frustratingly for you, it would have taken you about 20 seconds to get to the finish line from where you were pulled and when you were pulled Thomas was over a minute behind you. IMO, the issue is that ideally the cut off time should be based on the leader's average lap time, not just their 1st lap, as this doesn't take into account lap times getting progresively slower on very heavy courses.

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