1. I hate biking culture in Germany, because lots of bikers don't ever watch what they're doing and constantly break the rules of traffic, endangering people.

    2. Definetly münster there are some old train tracks that got cemented the whole way through so you can ride your bike from town to town on a flat long street

    3. It definitely is münster! Bikers there don’t give a shit if you‘re there or not, they‘d run you over cause it’s their bike lane 😂

    4. I bike everywhere. I don't have a car. (I know that for USA it is weird). But I work in an office and so I try to move my body at every possibility.

    5. There’s nothing more annoying than a group of scheiß Fahrradfahrer, an denen man nicht vorbeikommt WEIL DIE ZU SECHST NEBENEINANDER FAHREN MÜSSEN AUF DER HAUPTSTRASSE!!?!!! /s

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