1. Nice one for exposing them but this is what we employ the police for, to police our streets and get these scum bags removed with heavy fines. There not peddlers they are organised gangs. Treat them accordingly.

    2. This is the outcome of mass eu emigration to the UK. I did not realise that scamming was a valid employment vacancy and a skill the UK desperately needed…..🤔🤔

    3. Just like the 'pea-men' (find the lady) in Benidorm. They all have that certain 'look' so you can see the ones operating as part of the 'team'. Live in the local camp beneath the big hill on the Levante side. I've watched them with their cardboard card table and all their associates pick-pocketing the unaware tourists watching the game. Utter scumbags.

    4. they should fk off back to their countries Bulgarian fks, claiming benefit, 40 of them living in a studio wearing fake high end clothes and having the audacity to tell you what to do.

    5. I worked in London for years and there’s scammers everywhere. The organised begging gangs are amongst the worst. I used to watch them getting ready in the mornings, laughing and joking, smoking cigarettes whilst writing there signs and laughing at each others scrawled sign quality. There was often the same guy who looked like he was there boss who looked after their belongings whilst they begged. They all wore some sort of headgear which covered at least one ear so they could hide there ear pod. They’d all give each other a high five, fist bump or hug before splitting up and going to their chosen areas. We’d see them at various points in the day meeting up for smoke breaks and meals and to count their money. These guys and women would have hundreds of pounds by lunchtime. At first I couldn’t believe it but very quickly it just became the norm. Most were also not very pleasant people and they would often give kind people grief if they offered them food and warm drinks as they very clearly only wanted cash. They were also all foreign and looked mostly like Eastern Europeans. The country is an absolute disgrace and the law just turn a blind eye to the whole thing.

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