If you’re going to cycle across one country in a day then it has to be Norway! It’s the perfect length with the perfect scenery. Perhaps not the perfect climate but that just adds to the challenge!

    Note: All ad revenue goes to charity.

    00:00 – Pre Intro
    01:37 – Intro – Why Cycle Across Norway?
    04:14 – Chapter 1: Forests & Lakes
    10:21 – Chapter 2: Mountains
    12:28 – Chapter 3: Valleys
    15:10 – Chapter 4: Fjords
    20:33 – Final Chapter: One more go

    This video and project were made possible thanks to the guys at FARA CYCLING – NORWAY’S Finest Premium Bikes.
    The Bikes we used for this video: https://faracycling.com/models/All-Road

    Visit http://www.cyclenorway.com for more information about cycling in Norway. The website will be updated in the coming months.

    Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/cyclenorwaycom

    FOLLOW ME on Instagram for the latest updates: https://www.instagram.com/cyclenorway/



    1. A fine example of "live to fight another day". I'm glad you are both safe and hats off for just starting it over again with more experience.
      On the other hand, I can't wait to ride my bike in Norway, it looks incredible! Just can't get enough these sights.
      Very well done, you are both legends!

    2. Epic! Mesmerizing! Absolutely beautiful! You just never stop to amaze us with the quality of your films and what I have come to expect from you, your narration, the story with an ending. Congratulations to both of you. Your determination is inspiring.

    3. Matthew "has a moment" and then they reach Dombas (sounds way too close to a word I'm thinking about 🙂 ). This is an amazing film, Matthew, but aside from the film – what an incredible journey to have taken on – twice! Also, the 17km/h speeds you two found demoralizing? That's my average speed. :):):) Wonderful film and a stunning adventure, thank you for sharing it with us.

    4. Absolutely amazing and astounding ride with such perseverance and passion under such challenging environment. Awesome landscapes and stunning beauty of Norway as always by your ride videos. Thanks a million for such a brilliant video that was made by both of you guys as well as all those involved.

    5. Very good film. Typical when you make a lot arrangements and have crew – the weather decides to not cooperate…but the most interesting parts is when things go to the edge and you "need a moment" – you dont want it to be filmed – but thats the moment one can learn something from. When you go self-supported the nature plays along…karma. Also it so much easier to do a route you know – compared to when you dont know what kind of hell (hill) its around the next bend.

    6. Congratulations on completing this epic ride. Failure isn't a nice feeling. At first you think ,never again. Then after a bit of pondering you think . F×#k this…let's do it. You start to forget all the negative aspects of the last attempt and focus on the positive parts,. If you hadn't had another go, it would grind away in your mind and send you bonkers. On a long ride so much of it is mentally challenging. Mother nature can be a beast and she sure was first time round. Top marks for both efforts. I feel your pain and joy.. Great film as usual.. truly inspired to have a coffee and a donut in your honour..😆 Top stuff people…

    7. Wow, what a trip. There is no such think as 'failure' – its character building which makes us stronger and more determined to chase & achieve the goals.
      Great film with awesome scenery. Well done on your achievement – truly inspiring.

    8. I remember the weather reports that day. Had just started following you (mostly to get a glimpse of the F/AR I just ordered, but now I follow you because of your high quality videos from Norway), and I knew the two of you where cycling towards the extreme weather at a time when every newspaper in Norway told people in that part of Norway to stay indoors. It’s impressive that you made it as far as you did on your first attempt, but thanks to Norwegian weather at its worst, you got the opportunity to make a hell of a movie!

      I think I’m gonna try that route next summer, but i guess I’m gonna need at least two days. 🙂

      Thanks for a wonderful video!

    9. Amazing video Matthew. I am following a lot of different content creators. But you are for sure the one that deserves more attention. How can we help you with that?

    10. Is it normal to have tears in your eyes after this kind of video, due to the story or the landscape or both? Well, I don’t care, that was one of the best videos I’ve seen – thank you both!

    11. I wish this video had more views so that the viewers could see how beautifully you have captured Norway. I say this every time, but you have inspired me to cycle Norway in the future. I am planning an epic adventure with my brother and hoping to see the same places you were fortunate enough to see. Thanks for this great production, at 3am in bed watching this, it was a real pleasure and so inspiring!

    12. The storytelling in this video is just so damn good. I could not care less about bicycle but damn you made me watch this thing all the way to the end. Really great stuff and congratulations on making the final chapter. I really enjoyed this mate 🔥🇳🇴

    13. Fantastic video and my total respect for your decision to stop the first try so close to the finish line! That you combine extreme endurance fighting spirit with a capacity for cold analysis to decide when it is time to stop is incredible. Respect!

    14. Doubling Down is I guess what we have to call this malarkey, heh heh. So pleased that the Weather Gods were as kind to you second time around as they were unkind the first time. Oh yeah, and dig that Suicide Moose! Don't see many of them in Blighty, let alone catch 'em on camera. My longest and most difficult days in the saddle are always the ones I have fondest memories of, isn't that strange? Those times when having come around the bend you know that you have still another 8km ascent into the headwind, some 40 minutes full gas, before the release of freewheeling downhill. I am never live more 'in the moment' than when on a difficult climb, when I know it is not a test of my physical strength, but of how high I can lift my spirit. Love your films, Matthew.

    15. Jeg sykler fra oslo til hytta mi på vaset om sommeren(og retur) men det er et blodslit uten like og bare rundt 23 mil og asfalt hele veien

    16. Amazing video!!! I cannot believe I have not found your channel earlier! Epic!
      Awesome job, awesome film and an awesome ending! 🤩

    17. If you'd asked me up front, I would have said that this is the kind of trip you only do if you have a several weeks long window where you can wait for perfect weather: High pressure over Finland/Sweden, moderate following winds out of the east and bright & sunny on the western coast of Norway. 🙂
      Extremely well done, both the trip and your video!

    18. I'd definitely ride that road 😁 True, I would attempt it only having a comfortable margin of time for all the getting lost and too-bumpy-to-ride moments 😁🤷

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